
Bang Dream! My New Life Story

When He died he was given a chance to reincarnate to different world by a suspicious goddess. In his past life, he can't enjoy his life and died young. In this new world he find that many character from Manga, Anime, and novel exist. Follow Elliot adventure in his new life as an aspiring harem protagonist. ----------------------------------------- New writer here please be gentle with me This will be harem so harem haters don't need to read it ----------------------------------------- Cover not mine, it's from Bang Dream! Girl Band Party

grend · Anime & Comics
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78 Chs

I am not...

Abby : "Pancake~♪ Pancake~♪"

Abby was humming on the dining table while flinging her leg.

She was looking at me cooking breakfast while smiling happily.

After the summoning a few days ago, we went back to my house.

She was sulking on the way home and to pacify her I asked her what was her favorite food.

At that time she was thinking deeply before answering energetically.

Abby : "Something I like, something I like… Mhm, please listen to this well! As expected, first of all, it's pancakes! Soft and fluffy with thick butter! Having crisply roasted bacon with it is out of this world! Ah, and mashed potatoes covered in piping hot gravy sauce! You absolutely can't leave this out, yes!"

After that when I told her that I will make her a pancake when we arrived. she was hopping happily forgetting why she was mad.

It was lucky that we have the ingredient at that time.

She really like the pancake that I made that she said that she wanted to eat it everyday.

It had been some days since that time. Abby was always following me.

When I was at school she followed in spirit form observing the school.

She didn't really like to be in spirit form. So she always materialize herself whenever possible.

Maybe because I didn't summon a servant through proper procedure. But It can be quite taxing to maintain the materialization.

It was okay in spirit form but the cost increase for materialization and the farther she got, more magic power needed to maintain it.

However I already promised her that I will provide her a new life and I didn't want to make her felt uncomfortable.

Well, Its not like, it was a really big trouble for me. Maybe If I were a normal magician, I will feel tired after few days. But with my mana capacity and with the help of that wings, It was more like, I was doing my morning exercise every morning.

I put all of the food on the table. All of today food were Abby's favorite. Even thought its late, it was to commemorate our contract.

That was why she was so happy today.

Abby : "Uwaahh... Your food is always so good master~♪"

She talked while stuffing her mouth with food.

Elliot : "Slow down will you? The food won't go away"

Abby : *nom* *nom* okay"

I took some food and enjoy the breakfast while sipping a coffee.

I didn't know why but recently I started to crave for coffee.

I even started to order some equipment online to make my own blend.

Well I think it was not that important, It was not weird to start a new hobby now.

Abby : "Master what's your plan for today?"

We finished our breakfast

Elliot : "I just called by mother yesterday, she told me to check on her friend daughter when I have the time. Lets go to downtown today"

It was weekend, so it was a good time. When I called by mother yesterday, she told me that her friend daughters was starting to work near my place.

Her parents was worried so when they heard me living nearby. they asked for a favor.

She was older than me, So I am not sure its okay to be that worried. It was just parents being parents I guess.

Elliot : "lets go Abby"

Abby : "yes~♪"




-Downtown area-

We walked searching for the place told by mother. She said it was a live house called Circle.

Wherever we walked, other would occasionally stole a glance in our direction.

We attracted quite a lot of attention.

Abby was very nervous and grabbed my hand tightly.

Abby : Master, why does everyone kept looking at us?"

Even though, when I was alone I also got some glance from the girl, with Abby by my side it was increasing a lot especially for the male.

From outsider perspective, we looked like siblings strolling together.

I can't blame them though. Abby doll like appearance was very cute.

Elliot : "Don't mind them... They are just curious because you are too cute Abby"

Abby : "hehehe... is that so... thank you master"

She stopped minding the glance thrown at us. she looked curiously at all of the things in the street enjoying the moment.

Now that I think about it. It can be a problem if Abby continue to call me master.

Its not a problem when its private, but in public, It is possible that someone will look at me strangely.

Lets just imagine that you met someone who walked with a little girl and she called the man master.

It will be a miracle if they didn't call the police.

I decided to consult this with her.

Elliot : "Abby, I think it will be better if you call me something beside master when we are in public"

Abby : "huh... why?"

She tilted her head not understanding my request.

Elliot : "you can call me master in private but in public please use something else... it is to avoid some unwanted problem"

She close her eyes pondering for a time. I think she got what I meant then looked at me while smiling mischievously.

Abby :" Then master, you need tell me what should I call you"

Even though Abby act like a good girl, I know that sometime she shown another side of her to me.

I didn't know whether it was the influence of her power or it was her original personality.

Elliot : " you should call me-.."

But before I finished my sentence that sound rang in my head. Then a long list of choice was shown to me.

It was the first time this happened.



| 1. Elliot |




| 2. Onii-sama |




| 3. Nii |




| 4. Brother |




| 5. Darling |




| 6. Dear |




| 7. Trash |




| 8. Pedophile |



| 9. Lolicon |



| 10.My slave |



| 11. Die |



| 12. Pervert |



A long list of name was shown into my face.

Is it just me or the more I scroll down, the more weird the name shown.

I sighed in relief because at least, there were some normal name that was shown.

Elliot : "'just call me Elliot, Abby"

I used the safe choice. I didn't see the merit of choosing the other one.

Abby : "then Elliot~♪"

She smile when she said my name.

Abby : "hehehe... Elliot~♪ Elliot~♪"

She called my name several times like to get used by it.

I felt a little embarrassed when looking at her saying my name happily like that.

The onlooker just look at us warmly.

Now that looking at her. I reminded at the other choice from before.

I had quite a wide preferences for woman not gonna lie.

Then I looked once again at Abby.

Did I see her as the member of opposite sex?

Her little doll like figure. She was a girl that will be popular in a certain genre.

Abby : "Whats wrong Elliot?"

She noticed that I was looking at her. Now that I think about it, Why was she the one being summoned?

Is it something my subconscious summoned?

Could it be that secretly I am a-

Policeman : "Okay sir... You are under arrest"

A voice was heard near us suddenly.

Man : "No please I am innocent.. She said she was eighteen!?... believe me!?"

Policeman : "sure, sure... Please explain when you are in court"

Elliot : "..."

I saw a police officer caught a man.

He was shouting his innocent and no one believe him.

One of the police came near us.

Police : " Sorry for the disturbance kids... We just caught this pervert in the act"

Elliot : "its okay... thanks for the job officer"

Police : "hahaha... No problem... You also need to be careful, there are a lot of pervert around here... take care of your sister"

Elliot : "h-hahaha... I sure will"

The police then walked away and taking the criminal to his car.

Abby : "I am glad they caught him... isn't that right Elliot"

Elliot : "yeah... lets go... I think the place is nearby"

After that we arrive at the destination. I decide to forget what I thought just now.


I also upload my story to scribble hub... If you are also use that website feel free to add my story there too...

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