

Flames and Erica lay on a long couch after having wild sex. Flames places his palms behind his head as Erica rests her head on his chest. The room atmosphere becomes synced with their heavy breathing and endearing silence. While they rested, someone gently knocked on the door; a male steward named Robin Hugh.

Robin Hugh: "Sorry to disturb, but a friend of yours asked that he speak with you!"

Flames, breathing heavily: "Who?"

Robin: "Lancel!"

Flames, whispers: "Lancel fuckin Payne"

(Flames quickly taps Erica on the back, she slowly withdraws herself, making a way for him to stand up.)

Lancel silently roams Flames' living room in a slow pace, taking note of the artifacts stationed at strategic corners. After a moment, he sits down with his legs crossed, exuding confidence.

Flames, walking into the living room with poise: "Lancel! To what do I owe this visit? It's no ordinary thing receiving a Payne in your own house, so I will treasure this moment."

Lancel, gives off a short smile: "Stop the flattery. I came to speak with a friend."

Flames, pouring red wine into two glass cups: "They say, when ever the ocean visits you, be ready for a storm!"

Lancel, making a sniffing sound: "What's that smell?"

Flames, pauses: "What smell?"

Lancel: "The smell of sex. Pity, people like us don't ever get laid. We are always on the run."

Flames, smiling while handing a glass cup over: "You sniff out anything."

Lancel, collecting the cup: "I am a wolf. That's how I hunt. I sniff."

Flames, takes a sip: "And so am I."

Lancel: "No, you are a hybrid.... and hybrids...Ahh.... I don't trust hybrids."

Flames: "Why? Because they are best of both worlds?"

Lancel: "No, because they are the most disloyal breeds."

Flames: "In my book, every breed can be disloyal."

Lancel, dives into a profound question: "Tell me, why are you helping Drex? What do you hope to gain?"

Flames, cryptically smiling: "Aha! And that's the main reason you are here."

(Flames takes a deep breath.)

Flames: "Why shouldn't I? He is my brother."

Lancel, smirks: "Haven't you learnt anything about werewolves? As long as you are a hybrid of vampire and wolf blood, a werewolf will never consider you one of his own. Lake Ambrose never considered you as one. He only fought his brother's fight. It wasn't about you."

Flames: "And fortunately for me, Drex does not think like his father, or any other wolf. Well, Since you are concerned about my intentions, If you don't mind me asking,....why do you even care? Why are you here? "

(Lancel scoffs at Flames statement, he stays silent for a few seconds)

Lancel, breaks silence: "Drex wants undaunted loyalty from all powerful werewolf packs, and I am a wolf. Its necessary to form a formidable team so we can stand against our foes _ vampires and werewolf hunters alike."

Flames, sits down crossing his legs: "I already know that. Tell me something different. You want the Alpha Crest, don't you? You are here because you need a powerful ally who is gonna help you destroy the only person standing between you and the Crest of house Payne."

Lancel: "What about that? Huh? Cedric needs to die else, there will be no alignment with Payne pack, this will only cause more discord between the wolves packs"

Flames, standing up dramatically: "Good! at least you agree that we give one to take one. York Curry, my uncle....you and I know how much power he possesses within the vampire clans. He has attempted to kill me more than I can count, and have constantly been at war with the wolves. He is your enemy as much as he is mine. All I want is to see house Curry burn to ash for what they tried to do to me, and what they did to my mother."

(He draws closer to Lancel)

Flames: "If we wish to see better days, the best time to act, is now. We both will do all we can to get the red haired. You get your Alpha Crest, and I get my revenge. That way, everyone stays happy."

Lancel, in a stoic manner: "Okay then."

In a Futuristic decorated room casting translucent blue light on the floor, a sixty two grey haired billionaire dripped in a sophisticated red outfit, sat on a long black leather couch, addressing his wife and daughters. Hector Isidro Diaz he was called; father to Ova Diaz. Lucia Diaz, the youngest, sat by her mother; Vivian Diaz, while Gabriella Diaz the oldest, sat by her father. Gabriella's hair is knoted backwards as she sits modestly in a plain brown suit. Lucia let her long black hair flow flawlessly, siting with her legs crossed. Her tight dark brown gown seems to soak up the blue light. Vivian on the other hand, is dripped in an all white robe, her knoted grey hair and transparent glasses gives her a distinct look.

Hector Isidro Diaz: "Three days before the new moon, we will meet with Drex Ambrose and his cohorts."

Gabriella Diaz: "Why?"

Vivian Diaz, in a soft tone: "The lunar sovereign has been found."

Gabriella: "Oh! Cool, I hope its the right one. Anyways, what does Drex want from us?"

Lucia Diaz: "A collaboration, perhaps."

Gabriella, scoffs: "He is out of his damn mind if he thinks that this family would stand by a wolf who breaks bread with outlaws."

Vivian, turns to her daughter: "My dear, we will be wise to act accordingly. In due time, we will let that scum know how we truely feel."

Lucia: "Dad, what exactly does he want?"

Hector: "He needs all the wolves to stand as one. The wolves are not the only ones searching for the sovereign, and we know what may happen if this person gets into the wrong hands. There will be a scramble for this creature, therefore we should all be expecting a war."

Gabriella, giggles: "Ok, so what exactly does he plan to do with this imaginary figure?"

Hector: "To establish an underlying authority that will keep the wolves untouchable _ enforcing an endearing loyalty from the vampire clans and other dark creatures to the wolves."

Gabriella, chuckles: "And you believe that?"

Vivian: "No darling, we don't, I bet he has other plans. However, we are going to be as loyal as a dog, but watchful as a lion.

Gabriella, in a short rage: "I say, we don't need to give a shit! We are park Diaz, we can get that sovereign or whatever it's called! Lake Ambrose and his son are not to be trusted. This family helped fight their battles without knowing we helped them protect, and harbour a hybrid born of a clan that love to hate the wolves.... As if that was not enough, this cursed creature made his way into our family and laid with my sister! Our blood! She's out there, and she doesn't care. Drex and his family never cared what we think about everything that happened. They take us for fools, and if we keep doing their bidding, they will keep believing we are."

Hector, in an authoritative manner: "Quiet! We will do as Drex commands! We will stand with the rest of the wolves and fight what ever is coming."

(Gabriella slowly folds her arms, a modest posture)

Hector, continuous: "In the end, I will slit the throat of that nitwit he Carries with him, that is if I don't kill the both of them."