

Bambi arrives at the painting studio, shocked to see Catherine casually observing Marshall's art in his presence. Using facial and eye communication, Bambi asked Catherine 'what's going on here?'. Marshall, delighted to meet her, stands up, welcoming her with a charming smile.

Marshall, in a calm demeanor: "Hi, do you remember me?"

Bambi, still puzzled: "Off course I do..."

Marshall: "That's great... Bambi right?"

Bambi: "Yes! You remembered."

Marshall: "How could I forget? Plus, I am good with remembering names."

Bambi: "Oh, that's wonderful."

(An awkward silence hung between them.)

Marshall, breaks silence, sweetly: "You are beautiful."

Bambi, blushing a little: "Thank you, and you are.....are a great artist."

Marshall, turning towards his painting: "Thanks... you like it?"

Bambi: "Ofcourse I do. I love paintings, especially those that depict supernatural and superhuman figures."

Marshall, gasps in amazement: "Wow, I guess we are on the same page then. You could sit if you want."

Bambi: "Ah... I would love to, but I have some where I need to be. I'm sorry."

Marshall, kindly: "Its ok hun, I'm glad that you came. If you don't mind, could we exchange our deets before you leave?"

Bambi, nodding in approval: "Yeah, sure"

(They both exchanged their phone numbers.)

Marshall, in an alluring tone: "Ok then, I will give you a call. Have a nice day beautiful."

Bambi: "You too, handsome."

(Bambi turns to Catherine, asking if she was coming with her. Catherine almost declines, but figures that it was pointless to stay).

Marshall was not into her and she could not sit there pretending that he does. She felt bad that yet again, he chose Bambi over her even though she always makes the first move. However, with a sweet gesture, she informed Marshall that she would be leaving with Bambi and also, thanked him for receiving her. He reciprocated gracefully.

They walked away from the Fine and Applied Art block, in silence. Meanwhile, Bambi was curious.

Bambi, breaks silence: "What happened? How did you get in there with him? Did you tell him anything about me?"

Catherine, feeling exhausted: "Actually.... it was the other way around. He was the one who suggested you come meet me at the studio."

Bambi, surprised: "What?"

Catherine: "Yeah yeah.... are you still surprised? Don't you know he likes you? I saw it in his eyes the first day he met you, after the fall at the restaurant."

Bambi, feeling a little more special: "Oh... ok then....uh how did you guys meet again though? Did you go to him or...."

Catherine, interjects, feeling miserable: "Ah... I stood by the window admiring what a hottie he was, he noticed and came out to meet me. He remembered who I was .... I was so stupid, I thought he kinda liked me, up until he knew you were waiting for me, then he suggested you come to the studio."

Bambi: "Ouch! Don't take it personal."

Catherine, in a sad tone: "I am not. I am only saying I can't pretend it doesn't hurt. I was with him the whole time and he didn't even ask me anything. You came in and boom! He started talking!"

(Catherine gives off a long sigh)

Bambi, kindly patting her on the back: "No girl, take that crap tone outta your voice. His actions shouldn't change your mood, and that doesn't make you less attractive either."

Catherine: "I want you to know that this is not about you. I just wanted that guy."

Bambi: "I understand you perfectly. I know you are not jealous of me, and even if you were, I won't be mad at you. Its natural, and it only shows that you are human....But then, I want you to look at this scenario from a healthy perspective. What if he never cared about any of us, would you still feel bad?"

Catherine, smiles a little: "To be honest, not this bad. It's so funny that I keep doing things that bring you two together. I mean, you are not even trying to get this guy's attention but he wants you anyway."

Bambi: "Ha ha, I guess that's life."

Catherine: "Do you like him though?"

Bambi, smiling: "What's there not to like?... He is so soft spoken! He is an artist! He's cool spirited, and let's not forget the best part....He is rich and ofcourse, hot looking!."

Catherine, making a crying face: "Oh my god, you like him! I thought you didn't care. Girl, you are lucky."

Bambi, laughing: "Let's hold on a little bit though. He has not made his intentions known. I don't want to assume anything."

Bambi returned home after leaving the school, wearing a perky look on her face. She parked her car in the compound. On entering the house, she took a glance the other way, seeing Nadella sitting by the house garden. Bambi quickly walked up to her.

Bambi, greeting with a smile: "Godmother, good afternoon."

Nadella, heartwarmingly responded: "My lovely daughter, come here. How was school today?"

Bambi, still smiling: "Great!....how are you?"

Nadella, chuckles, with a deeper tone: "I would say, I am coping. You young folks are the ones who always feel great. I bet almost all the elderly I know, just learn to cope with their lives...."

(Nadella pauses, observing Bambi for a few seconds.)

Nadella, continues: "You seem so happy. What is with all the grinning?"

Bambi, starts laughing: "Nothing, I guess some days are like that."

Nadella, laughing along: "You just gave yourself away. Some days have to be like that for a reason, don't you think? So tell me, what is this reason?"

Bambi, covering her mouth while laughing uncontrollably: "I don't know.... I don't..."

Nadella, drops a hint of a guess: "Is it the boy?.... Marshall?"

(Bambi, suddenly falls silent, surprised.)

Bambi, regaining words: "What?...I can't say if he made me feel this way, but then , I met him today. You still remember his name...How did you know?"

Nadella: "Well, I just guessed. Most times, a girl laughs this hard when she finds someone who adores her and utters soothing words in her ears. So, you both spoke today huh?"

Bambi: "Yes, we exchanged phone numbers this time."

Nadella: "Oh, that's wonderful.... Young love always seem magical, but don't let him misuse the opportunity you've given him."

Bambi: "I won't."

Nadella: "Anyways, enjoy everything you can now, they will be the stories you tell when you grow older. I'm happy to see that you want to be in a romantic relationship."

Bambi, shoulder shrugged: "Oh my god, this will be my first time."

Nadella: "Don't be scared. It's a relationship, not a battle field. And please, feel free to bring him home when you want, okay"

Bambi: "I will, godmother. Thank you."