
To kill- Part 1

"Wait, boy," Nicholas halted the boy before he could run to the others to give away the information, "Do you know who it is?" 

"It is the man who has been working with councilman Creed. Lancelot Knight," he gave away the answer before excusing himself from the room. 

At first, anger coursed through Leo's veins. The thought that the switcher had gone to kill his friend but then it couldn't be. The man had sworn to be on the deceased witch's side and that that was the only reason why he was still in the council. 

"The council has turned to be more twisted than before," commented Nicholas once the door was shut close. 

"We need to get to him before the court proceedings start," said Leo readying himself.

"I will come with you," said Nicholas. Picking up the glass, he downed the drink and followed Leo out of the room. 

Next chapter