
Evil follows evil- Part 1

Vivian looked at the man who had the face of Dutan, his body that laid flat on the ground as blood started to cover the floor. The hint of blood was strong in the air and there was no doubt that if an elder councilman stepped in here, he would definitely find what had happened. His heart lay in her hand which she dropped on the ground before taking a couple of steps back and away from the man before realization came to hit her. 

She had killed a man with her bare hands. 

As the thought repeated in her mind over and over again. She sunk down on the floor in horror as to what she had done. She had really killed him. But if she hadn't killed him he would have killed her. It was to be killed or kill and she had picked the first one to save herself. Her eyes slowly moved to look at the body as it roamed before it came to settle on the watch which was lying idly after the fight they had. 

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