
Ballons of black

Atlas Daybreak was just a boy when he was captured by a sinister organization, his parents slain before his eyes. For eight long years, he endured confinement and torment, his only solace the thought of one day tasting freedom. But when an opportunity presents itself, Atlas seizes it with both hands, breaking free from his chains and fleeing into the unknown. Lost and alone in the wilderness, Atlas encounters a caravan of adventurers bound for the capital city. Drawn to their camaraderie and the promise of safety, he joins their ranks, embarking on a journey that will change his life forever. Along the way, he forms bonds with his fellow travelers, each one offering a glimpse of the warmth and companionship he has long been denied. As they near their destination, Atlas finds himself on the threshold of a new chapter in his life: enrollment at a prestigious magic school.he sets out to prove himself in a world of swords and sorcery, where danger lurks around every corner and the path to greatness is fraught with peril. But Atlas is determined to carve his own destiny, wielding his powers with skill and courage as he navigates the challenges that lie ahead."

Austin_Buckham · Fantasy
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5 Chs


In the dim confines of my cell, darkness reigns supreme, wrapping its tendrils around me like a suffocating embrace. The air hangs heavy with the scent of decay and despair, a tangible reminder of the years I've spent imprisoned within these suffocating walls. Cold stone presses against my back, its rough surface a cruel reminder of my confinement, while iron chains bind me to the floor like a caged animal. Shadows dance eerily across the walls, casting twisted shapes that seem to mock my misery. Alone in this abyss of despair, I cling to the faint flicker of hope that still burns within me, a solitary beacon in the suffocating darkness

It's been 8 years, they remind me,mock me, belittle me. I know hell now, ever day feels as such, the cracks of the whips there psychic laugh as they dig under my skin, scares, bruises, and scabs mark the torment I face here, As I lie in the darkness of my cell, the memories of how I came to be here haunt my every waking moment. They sought me out for my powers, powers that I never asked for, powers that I never wanted. My parents, revered adventurers and wielders of sword and magic in their own right, passed down their formidable abilities to me. But little did they know that their legacy would become my curse.

The agents of the evil facility descended upon our home like vultures, drawn by the whispers of my potential. They slaughtered my parents before my very eyes, their lifeblood staining the floors of our once-grand estate. I tried to fight back, to unleash the full extent of my powers against them, but I was no match for their dark magic and twisted technology. They captured me, dragging me away from the ruins of my home and subjecting me to unspeakable horrors in their underground prison.

For eight long years, I have languished in this hellish place, my body broken and my spirit battered. The agents of the facility have used me as their own personal plaything, subjecting me to torture and experimentation in their relentless quest for power. Each day is a new nightmare, a never-ending cycle of pain and suffering that threatens to consume me whole. But through it all, I refuse to surrender to despair. I cling to the hope that one day, I will break free from these chains of torment and reclaim my rightful place in the world. Everyday I ponder and practice. They "train" me every day there training consist of what most people consider torture. I can recall searing pain of branding iorn it's white hot iorn scorching my flesh. The relentless barrage of spells, each one more twisted and malevolent than the last, searing through my mind and body, tearing at my sanity with relentless ferocity.

Included in the training chamber of this evil facility, I'm is subjected to grueling sessions of close-quarters combat that blur the line between instruction and torture. Each session begins with the ominous clang of metal as my instructors, clad in dark robes, select their weapons with fearful precision, as a sadistic gleam in their eyes, they unleash a relentless barrage of attacks upon Me. Their movements swift and merciless. My body aches with each parry and strike, the weight of the weapons in my hands feeling more like chains than tools of defense, My dull blades weighing so heavy it's impractical. Sweat beads upon My brow as i struggles to keep pace with the assailants, the blows raining down upon Me like a storm of steel. Every mistake is met with a punishing blow, every moment of hesitation with a sneer of disdain. And yet, despite the agony that courses through my veins, I refuses to yield, drawing upon reserves of strength and determination I never knew I possessed. For in the crucible of combat, i know that only through pain and struggle can I hope to emerge stronger, ready to face whatever trials lie ahead.

Steeling myself against the tide of emotions and memories Im meet whith a voice.

"It's time for practice Daybreak" A familiar voice says seering his words, driping with malice.

Geting up with a grunt I stand there facing the wall as a rough bag is thrown over my head. Engulfing me in darkness, strong hands seize my arms and lead me away from the relitive safety of my cell the journey is short but filled with trepidation. Every step is full of uncertainty until we stop, the strong hands holding my arms in pace let go but at the same time.

"Hold daybreak" the agent says into my ear laying shivers down my spine

I hold still, hearing him taking a few steps away, every click of boots I hear makes my heart grow more uneasy.


I lash my hands at the bag over my head, pulling it down with so much force it almost feels like my head would go with it. At the same time I take a long stride back, the last hundreds of times he would do this as soon as he said "release" he would start barageing me with attacks. But as a took a step back my heel meet a wall.

I managed to take the bag off my head but this scene was difrent then the last countless times, bright lights in the shape of a dome above me I couldn't see at first it was all a blur until I could see a black blob standing in the distance.

"Daybreak, today is different" the captor starts to laugh manicly

Remaining silent I wonder what he ment my mind migrates in every direction, 3 years ago I managed to gain control over my magic again, I've been hiding it from them because I have no idea what there agenda is. If they found out this could be a lot more then a training.

"You've grown useless to us Daybreak" after taking a breef Pause he continues "well yes your physical prowess is extrodanary, we're not here for that…. YOUR MAGIC BOY, WHERE IS IT"

Good they don't know I have controll of it, but at the same time it sounds like there planning to get do something to me.

"Im sorry for losing my temper Daybreak, but as much as I like you the fucking doctors and scientists here are sick of your skills, and if you can't use magic your good as dead. 8 years of resources to waste with you, it's time to cut losses Daybreak"

SHITQ, there planing to get rid of me, theres nowhere else to go, I know I can't fight my way out I've never even left a scratch on this man, I poured silently.

"But I like you Atlas, I like your strengths I like your weeknesses. I just fucking hate your spirit. You just can't break can you, I try to break you down so I can build you into someone who can follow me but here you are and now you have to die…" after a pause he continues "unless you can prove yourself here and now atlas, and if you do I'll even set you free"

" SIR, we can't do that"

" SIR, what if he reviles us"


Many voices voiced there concerns with the plan all in protest to letting me free

"QUIET IF ANY OF YOU OBJECT THEN TAKE THIS BOYS PLACE" the factory worker yelled at the crowd that was hovering behind a now visible window. "Yeah thought so"

So many things to think about, there's more then Just facility members here? Or have multiple people been watching Me this whole time I was here, no no no focus Atlas I can escape here I can be set free but no way I can prove myself here without my magic, I Mutter inwordly.

Just two questions I gotta ask " May I ask for just 2 questions?"

"OH ATLAS I HAVENT HEARD YOUR VOICE IN YEARS, of course I'll answer you boy" he talks like a rabid animal,no reason In his tone.

"What do you mean by prove Myself?" I ask

"Hmmmm, lets just say any scratch on me or my attire, sound fair to you boy?" He asked regaining his calm from his last sentence

"Yes it does, now my 2nd question, will you let me free no matter what if I fufill your condition?"

"Atlas if you manage to fufill my condition I'll personally escort you out of here, I'd take this place down with me if they tryed to interfere"

The crowds silence spoke volumes

Ok I'll catch him off gaurd with my magic an- SHIT. Leaping out the way from a swirling peace of metal.

"I'm done talking pick it up" they charismatic figure was gone, what stood there was a man in a black cloak only his silver hooded eyes could be seen.

I look left and saw it a beautiful black sword it's blade was as large as my leg. It was moving drawing me in I can't control myself

"ATLAS" the man yelled

I snap out of my daze and look at the man.

"this was once my sons, he stood where you stood" he starts taking steps forward

"He lost atlas, HES DEAD ATLAS" the man starts to dash at me


I grab the hilt of the sword and ready myself.