

FanmanofRed33 · Anime & Comics
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Second Life?????

I awoke with a start, freaking out with good reason mind you. Last thing I remember is being stabbed repeating while my girlfriend 'attacker' was riding on top me. 'Sigh' Just 16 and died a virgin. I don't count being r***ed whilest being stabbed, just saying couldn't really enjoy it bleeding out and all. Makes me wonder if I was hard or not, but judging by my attackers face I'd say I was. Any way now looking around the area with tears in my eye's from the memory of the pain I notice that I'm in a bed, cant really move my head or limbs. After a minute or two I see a giant woman. She had long silver hair and pail white skin with emerald green eyes, she was looking at me with a loving smile that I've never seen pointed in my direction before.

'No need to cry my baby boy Mommy's here' she said while picking me up in her arms

So as she was holding me and rubbing my tiny back while trying to comfort my with soft words I began to think. ' Well shit I'm a baby' wasn't that had to figured out me being so small and her words about me being her 'baby boy' and all, it also helps that I've read or watched a lot of story's like this. I guess she thought I was hungry because she shoved her boob into my mouth. Can't wait until I'm off the tit milk cause its awkward for me to do this. Hopefully my parents are better in this life the my last.

1 Month Later

Its been a month and I've learned a few things. Frist is my parents names, my moms name is Helen Cross and my dads name is David Cross. I have no idea how my dad got my moms hand in marriage, my moms 10 out of 10 gorgeous on the other hand my dad is a little above average at best with black hair and brown eyes. I guess he's fairly tall at 188cm or around 6ft 2in. Second thing I've notice is that apparently my family is a noble family of so kind judging by the size of my family house or mansion as its more correctly called and all the servants call my parents by master or mistress. Last by certainly not least is FUCKING Magic is in this world, I've seen mt mother use magic outside she seems to not want me to leave her sight witch makes my feel warm inside witch intern makes my baby body giggle that makes my mother smile at me warmly. When she trains outside she talks to me or herself can't really tell witch one, she talks about her magic and how to improve it. The amount of magic you start out with is determined at birth it will still grow until your body matures but you can tell at birth if you'll have a lot or not, you'll have an attribute or element depending your magic most of the time I'll be the same as one of your parents but not always.

Mom's Magic is lighting based she can shoot lighting move at speeds I can't see and even make objects out of lighting like swords and other stuff like that although she seems to like making a feline like armor and claws to attack. My dads an inventor of magic items, his magic is called bonding magic or taming magic I've heard it called both. It lets the user tame and bond with a magic beast, it can also enhance the magic beast in some was 'not sure how tho' dads magic beast is a pure white panther with a slight blue glint to it and has two tails that look more fluffy than normal panther. I saw it follow my dad around it seems to like my smell cause it stays buy my side and lick my cheeks until dad leaves.

5 years later

I've come to realize that I'm the Black Clover world, and I know your thinking 'Why Victor, why did it take you so long to notice that are you stupid' and that I'd say ' FUCK YOU' I didn't know a lot about the show I was only about 20 episodes in, so most my knowledge it second hand or the little I pick up with those few episodes. The funny thing is my moms a captain, yaya should have been obvious right well she's not from a squad in the show. She the captain of the White Panthers. On another note to day's my first day lesson in magic had to my mom for almost a week for her to agree. So I'm waiting here behind the house for her to get here, it was a wide plain about the size of a foot ball field on one side was the house and on the other was a forest. I am standing in the middle of the field when I heard something from behind an d started to turn around. Right when I turned a large animal jumped on me and started licking my face.

'Stop Scar, stooopppp.' I shouted to no avail. I heard laughing from the same direction Scar came from.

'Hahahahaha looks like you've missed my boy Scar.' said the voice that I recognized as my moms. Scar stopped licking my face to look back and nod its head. I used that moment to escape from my downed position and got to start petting Scar as I chastise him.

'Scar need to stop nocking me to the ground every time you see me, and mom stop laughing.'

They both look at me and said at the same time 'Make me' I could feel a vain bulge on my head, and replied with a pout on my face 'This is why I like dad more he and Finn are nice to me.' [Finn's David's panthers name] After I said that it was as if an arrow had hit both my mom's and Scar's heart as the fell to there knees blood following from there mouths. I tried to keep my poker face but in the end I bursting out in giggles. After a bit my mom got a serious look and started to explain about magic

' So Victor we're going to start your train with magic control, you need to work on this especially because of your big magic pool. The more magic one has the more difficult the control, so since we don't know your attribute yet we'll have to use reinforcement magic to hone your control.' I nodded my head in understanding.

'Now try to coat your fist in a thin layer of magic and hold it as long as possible.'

POV: Helen

As I which my baby boy try his hand at reinforcement magic I ponder how long its going to take him to get the basic levels of it, maybe a week or two. As I was doing that Scar started waking with her tail. I looked at her with a questioning gaze, she just shook her head in little Viktor direction. I look at my son and my mouth fell open to notice that he had a very thin layer of magic on the back of his hand. It didn't cover much area and looked as flimsy as a wet paper bag also look be taking his complete concentration, as could be seen in how he was sweating he's been running for hours. Here I thought it take him a week in the least, but after just what 30min he's already getting there. After about 60 seconds he couldn't keep it up and drop the flimsy reinforcement as he fell on his butt. I started to clap I knew my boy was gifted my the amount of magic he had and his above average mind but now he's showing to be talented in magic control too, now if only he can get a good attribute he'll be set.

'Very good job Victor usually it take a few day to a week to do that much with you're amount of magic.'

He look a little sad until I said this then he had a big grin on his face. Oh he's just the cutest with his dads dark black hair with silver white root his emerald green eye's that shine whenever his excited, and his pale white skin that matches my own he'll definitely be a lady kill when he's older. I walked up to him and pick him up as I plopped on the ground then put him in my lap as he caught his breath.

'When you have caught your breath continue over and over until you can cover your whole fist and hold it for 5 min.' He excitedly nodded his head and replied 'Yes mommy' I could feel as if I was on cloud 9. He only calls me mommy when his over the moon in joy. "Mommy Loves you the most." I thought as smothered him in hugs and kisses.

POV: Victor

After about 10min of struggling I got released from my moms clutches and sighed in relief to be freed. <*sigh* I love my mom but sometimes I'd like her to not smother me to death with her affection.> After my mom calmed down she shouted ' STARR GET OVER HERE' with a smile on her face. After a few sec a young woman of around 16 years of age appeared next my mom with a stoic look and gave mom a small nod. This girl is Starr, I met her around a year or 2 ago. She is the person that looks after me when my moms at work or has something important to do. Dad's stuck in his lab all day make weird thing that don't always work or every. Starr's wearing Black long sleaved short dress with silver shorts that go to her knees and has black tights covering the rest of her legs with black shoe's as well. She about 168cm tall has jet black hair with a purple tent that goes to her lower back, its styled so to cover one of her missed matched eyes witch are purple and grey respectively have the left purple one covered.

As soon as I saw her I dashed at her and jumped to hug her. ' Big sis Starr I missed you. how was your mission? No one bullied you right? If so I'll go punch them in the face for it if they did.'

'The mission was simple and no one bullied me, after all I'm a magic knight of the White Panthers they're all scared of the captain to do that.' She said with a slight smile as she hugged me back and rubbed my head.

'good just let me know in case it happen. No can be mean to my big sis.' As I said this I felt her squeezed me a little tighter making me laugh. Think back to my previous life I never had a very good childhood, but know I have mom, dad, Starr, and the panthers. While I was reminiscing about the past and bid sis Starr was enjoying the moment I crunching noises to my side and looked over to see my mom gritting her teeth in jealously while looking at us.

'Why do you always hug and cuttle with Starr but run from me.'

'Big sis Starr hasn't made me pass out of suffocating and she shows me cool magic, also I like how she hugs me. Nice and gentle.' I said making Starr blush slightly and my mom to drop to her knees coughing blood while staring to the sky mumbling about how unfair it is or something. I don't know stopped listening cause I was to busy staring at Starr cute reactions. She usually so stoic but for some reason she all ways reacts to me in different was like just now. There was this time a maids daughter was getting close to me as we play a game together, but the little girl ran away after 20mins of Starr stare at her with cold look that got colder every time the girl came into physical contact with me. I thought it was a little my but also found it attractive if only I wasn't 5 *sigh*. Kind of wounder why she's so protective, must be my godly good looks. Nodding my head at the thought.