
The World is Ugly.


Midoriya and Bakugou have been working together for a while. They've been officially named the Wonder Duo even though Midoriya is number one and Bakugou is number two.

Anyways they're in the middle of a huge battle and they're winning of course. However towards the end of the battle the villain gets the drop on Midoriya which let to Bakugou protecting him because he's his partner after all.

Now the actual story:

"Deku watch out!" Bakugou launched himself towards the hero and sending an AP shot at the villain taking them down, but at the same time the villain sent an attack back

The villain can transform energy into a deadly spear. Once it hits the target it disappears because it's made of energy.

Bakugou gets hit with the spear piercing through vital organs and disappeared to leave a giant wound.

"Kacchan!" Midoriya yelled as he raced to Bakugou's side who was only a few feet away

Kirishima who was also there was busy arresting care the villain and calling an ambulance for Bakugou.

Midoriya fell to his knees at Bakugou's side "Kacchan stay still, e- everything will be fine." He said his hand shaky hand hovered over the wound

He immediately snatched his hand back and grabbed a large piece of his ripped suit to used it to clot the wound.

"Get off me Nerd I'm fine." Bakugou tried to push Midoriya away wincing

Midoriya pressed the wound harder tying his best to slow the bleeding.

"But you're bleeding, you're not fine." Midoriya told him but still concentrating on the wound

Bakugou could see the panic and worry all over Midoriya's face as he looked up at him. Midoriya always worried, over him, over everyone, but never wanted anyone to worry over him. Which Bakugou always thought was selfish. Asking people that care about you the most to not worry is just ludicrous.

Bakugou could feel his life slipping away but the man in front of him was so sad.

"Do- Don't worry Kacchan, I- I'm not gonna let anything happen to you. You're gonna be fine." Midoriya told him with a wobbly closed mouth smile

Bakugou could still hear how scared he was. He assumed the reality of the situation was hitting Midoriya and hitting him hard. Bakugou noticed the tears breaching Midoriya's bottom lids.

"Deku stop, it's not gonna work." Bakugou grabbed his wrist

"I can't!" Midoriya shouted then gulped obviously trying not to cry

Bakugou let go of his wrist.

"You'll be fine once the ambulance gets here." Midoriya focus on the wound again a small thin tear rolled down his face

Once again Bakugou made Midoriya cry. He was the source of why Midoriya was upset. He hasn't been that in a long time.

Bakugou couldn't let the Nerd be sad, especially over him. Then his win would be a tragedy. He definitely can't have that, he won't!

Blood soaked the clothe Midoriya was using to keep Bakugou's bleeding at bay. At this moment Bakugou could only thing of one thing, comfort Deku. He knew singing would sometimes calm Midoriya down. On missions Bakugou would catch Midoriya humming or whistling quietly to calm his nerves.

Bakugou always thought it was annoying at times, but more often than not he liked hearing it.

Considering his state, he couldn't really do anything else so why not?

Laying on the cold asphalt while Midoriya kept pressure on his ever bleeding wound Bakugou looked at the clear blue sky and opened his mouth.

"These are the eyes and the lies of the taken" His raspy voice found a tune

"Kacchan, what are you-" Midoriya looked at his face almost frowning

Bakugou didn't look back he kept his eyes trained on the sky where he would be going soon, probably hopefully. He had his doubts.

He knew Midoriya was confused, but if he really was gonna take his last breath today he might as well let his feelings out. Thinking about it now, he really wished he had said something sooner, but he just to emotionally constipated for that. So now he'll say it when he won't have to deal with whatever comes after. Whether it's rejection or acceptance he won't get to know.

"These are their hearts, but their hearts don't beat like ours

They burn 'cause they are all afraid

For every one of us, there's an army of them"

"Wh- Why are you s- singing?" Midoriya's voice cracked, he was clearly on the verge of breaking down

Bakugou took in a shaky breath and ignored Midoriya's question as he continued.

He glanced over at Midoriya's big green eyes. Now filled with dread and tears.

"But you'll never fight alone

'Cause I wanted you to know"

Midoriya stitched his eyebrows together which made his sadness more prominent. He was trying to figure out why Bakugou was singing at a time like this or at all. Kacchan wasn't the "singing out loud" type person. You might hear him hum every now and again, But even that was rare.

Bakugou gulped struggling to lift his hand and cup Midoriya's face.

Midoriya gasped looking into those red eyes searching for some sort of answer. To what? Midoriya wasn't even sure.

Bakugou gave a weak smirk.

"That the world is ugly

But you're beautiful to me

Well are you thinking of me now?" He rubbed his thumb over Midoriya's cheek

"K- Kacchan..?" Midoriya's bottom lip wobbled

What a dumb question, of course Midoriya was thinking of him. Bakugou knew that too. They lived in each other's heads rent free.

Midoriya still filled with concern and worry wanted to put his hand over the hand that was cupping, but Bakugou's wound was more important.

"These are the nights and the lights that we fade in

These are the words, but the words aren't coming out" Bakugou started to feel frustrated as he laid his arm back in the ground, hand missing the warmth of Midoriya's face

He was becoming fatigued, how convenient.

"They burn 'cause they are hard to say" Bakugou swallowed hard

Death creeping in fast. Too fast for Bakugou's liking

Midoriya was slowly starting to understand What Bakugou was trying to say.

"For every failing sun, there's a morning after

Though I'm empty when you go

I just wanted you to know" He stopped to cough up some blood

"Kacchan st- stop, you're stressing yourself." Midoriya pleaded voice breaking

Bakugou ignored him as usual and continued singing to the man beside him.

"That the world is ugly

But you're beautiful to me

Are you thinking of me

Like I'm thinking of you" Bakugou looked directly at Midoriya blinking slowly

Midoriya lost it and those well known tears started rolling down his still chubby cheeks one after the other like two mini waterfalls.

"I would say I'm sorry, though

Though I really need to go

I just wanted you to know" Bakugou's blood soaked the piece of shredded suit, pooling to the ground

It was close to time and Bakugou was saying goodbye.

Midoriya didn't want him to leave.

Where the hell was the ambulance? Why wasn't it here yet? Why can't he do anything to save Kacchan?

"I wanted you to know

I wanted you to know

I'm thinking of you every night, every day" Before Bakugou could continue Midoriya interrupted

"These are the eyes and the lies of the taken

These are their hearts, but their hearts don't beat like ours

They burn 'cause they are all afraid

When mine beats twice as hard." Midoriya sang even though his voice was shaky and his cheeks were striped with tear trails

Midoriya continued as tried to muffle his sobs.

"Cause the world is ugly

But you're beautiful to me

Are you thinking of me

Like I'm thinking of you

I would say I'm sorry, though

Though I really need to go

I just wanted you to know"

Bakugou just listened to Midoriya sing, he sang better anyway. Though Bakugou would never tell him that, can't let the nerd get a big head.

He was feeling more and more weak. Death was right on his doorstep and knocking on his door. He wouldn't let Death in just yet. The reaper could wait a little longer for the number two hero.

"That the world is ugly

But you're beautiful to me

Are you thinking of me" Midoriya smiled through the tears

Midoriya knew Bakugou didn't have long. The gut wrenching feeling made him want to cry even more. He knew Bakugou wouldn't want him to cry at all especially not for him. So he tried to keep it together as well as he could, but he was failing miserably.

At least Bakugou could see Midoriya smile again before leaving this plain of existence.

Bakugou cupped his crying face once more

"Stop your crying, helpless feeling

Dry your eyes and start believing" He wiped his thumb over Midoriya's cheek making the tear trail smudge and dampen the dry spots.

Bakugou breathing slowed and he teared up for the first time during this whole situation. He never thought he would go out this way. In the arms of his childhood friend who was bawling like a baby. It's not epic, it's not going "out with a bang"... it's going out slowly, it's "fading away into nothingness."

Bakugou voice struggled to sing the last verse with Death perching on his shoulder making his body feel heavy and whispering the promise of relief if he went with them.

"There's one thing they'll never take... from... you..." Bakugou's let out a slow shallow exhale and his arm dropped from Midoriya's face

Midoriya swallowed hard.

"Kacchan?" He shook him a little

Bakugou didn't move, his eyes lost their fire. They were dull as they looked up at the sky.

"Kacchan no!" Midoriya finally heard the Ambulance siren

Midoriya checked Bakugou's pulse on his wrist. Nothing, He checked Bakugou pulse on his neck. Nothing, lastly He leaned his head down to Bakugou's chest to listen for a heartbeat. Once again nothing.

"No, no, no Kacchan you can't, we're supposed to be heroes together!" Midoriya shouted crying harder than he ever has

All his emotions were poring out onto this lifeless body lying on the asphalt.

"I... I love you Kacchan. I'm sorry I was too late!" Midoriya cried, clinging onto Bakugou's limp body rocking back and forth

But it wasn't Bakugou anymore. No, it was just a human shell that had the likeness of his childhood friend.

"And then your face, will be lost forever, we'll never be the same

Like ghosts in the snow

Like ghosts in the sun" Midoriya whispered crying harder than had ever will again

As of today the Wonder Duo is now one person short.

Maybe one day they'll meet again.


~I have a Ko-Fi! So if you guys would like to support me that would be great! You can donate any amount. Obviously you don't have to, I'll definitely understand.




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