
Chapter Three:

Kirishima's POV: I walk to the door step of Asahi's Dog Café, waiting for Bakugo. I wait for a few minutes, then eventually he's in my viewing range. "BAKUGO OVER HERE" I yell at the top of my lungs. He seems to be walking as slow as possible for some reason, I wonder why.

After a solid 47 seconds he's right in front of me. I reach for the dog shaped door nob, but he stops me. "where's Flat Face?" Oh shit! I totally forgot to come up with an excuse why Sero's not here! "Ummmm....he's not here because....HE HAD TO UH HELP HIS GRANDMA BAKE A CAKE FOR HIS GRANDPA'S BIRTHDAY!" "Ummmm....ok?

Bakugo's POV: I take a deep breath then walk in with Kirishima in front of me.

There must be thousands of dogs in there, little ones, big ones, ugly shit ones. Kirishima takes my hand and leads us to an empty table near the back. I blush a little, and start walking in his pace. We get to the table and sit down. Just then a little fluffy dog starts walking near me, and I panic. What if the stupid ass dog starts tackling me of sniff- My thoughts get interrupted by Kirishima handing me the menu. I snatch it from his hands, and let out a "Tch!" as I open it. Probably every fucking food in there either has the word "Dog", "Mutt", "Puppy", or a dog bread in the shitty name.

I settle with the Retriever chicken, with a side of biscuits, and a Pup smoothie. Pretty dumb names if you ask me.

The waiter pulls me out of my thoughts as she asks in dumbass cheery voice "Excuse me, are you two ready to order?" Kirishima's head goes straight up and nods at the lady. "Ok, I'll have the Pitbull steak, and a glass of fluffy pup soda please." The women writes a few things down on her pad then says, "grape, orange, or strawberry?" "Uh...I'll do strawberry" Kirishima replies.

"....and you?" she asks me in the stupidest cheeriest voice I have ever heard in my life. "Retriever chicken, with a side of biscuits, and a Pup smoothie." I answer with a growl.

"Ok then, your food will be out in a minute!" she tells us, then leaves our table.

Just then I feel a tiny, fluffy thing near my lower back. I close my eyes, and let out a little scream. Kirishima must have noticed that I was acting weird because he kept staring at me.

"Uhhhhhh.....you good br-" he gets cut off by the stupid ass lady holding our food. Lots of dogs are around me for some reason, but then I see whets on my plate.

I guess I didn't really look at the menu, because the "biscuits" I thought I ordered are actually DOG biscuits. "Oh that's sweet Bakubro you ordered biscuits for the doggos!" he says, as he gives me a toothy grin.

The dogs start hopping on me, and licking me. "Oh no..." I murmur. "I feel ears on my head and a tail growing out of me. Kirishima glances at me, then looks like he just saw a mob of zombies. I jump up from my seat and run out the door, while screaming, "DON'T YOU DARE FOLLOW ME SHITTY HAIR OR ELSE."

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

wolfpiyer_AJcreators' thoughts