

Some women want a man to hold them in the palm of their hands and only in their hearts. They want to be treated like a princess. Well, that's all well and good but me. I'm greedy. I want more, I want to have men. I want to...BAKE.A.CAKE.FOR.MY.DADDIES. I mean, it's what I want, I tell them what I want and…

Burn_after_reading · Urban
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14 Chs

Chapter 14

Serving this customer was quite easy. If I had to rate him from 1-10, I would give him a full 10 with ease. Making him among the best customers I have ever served during my time here. 

Actually, he was the best. I could relax without much effort and the conversation with him was also quite interesting. It did not take long for my shift to be over. I felt reluctant to leave but I had things to do so I bid my farewell and accepted the ultra generous tip without changing my face. Inwardly I was excited, a total opposite of the calm look I presented outside. 

Only if I could have about three more customers like this one. Sigh but such a pity.

The mind of a person is amazing, their thoughts if someone could read their mind would be comedic to see. Imagine someone like me with partial facial paralysis. No need to say more. 

Changing my clothes to a simple jeans and t-shirt I slipped on the thin jacket and grabbed my bag. Around me those who were helping with clean up bidded their own farewell giving a few words of warning. 

"Have a safe journey home, Miss Jun." 

"Make sure to stay alert. When walking."

"Be careful of creepers, my friend told me some of her friends had…" 

"Yeh, maybe you should…" Obediently I listened to them, nodded when I had to while thinking about what I should have for dinner. Maybe I should stop by the supermarket and buy some ingredients and whip up something quickly? 

"Alright let her go." manager Fangu said with a smile, I showed what I think is a relieved face and said my goodbyes, quickly escaping. It is not cold outside but many wore jackets and scarves. While I stepped outside I inhaled the air feeling a loneliness that seemed to be constantly present. Bowing my head I pursed my lips trying to cheer myself up before continuing forward. The entire street was well maintained, it should be at least, the ultra-elite 'played' here. There are several stores and buildings. For someone like me taking a taxi here would cost me an 'arms and a leg'. So I walked a few minutes to the bottom of the lengthy street with my bundle in hand. 

Half an hour later I walked through the night market and purchased a few items. "Miss Jun, thank you for the cake last week. I wanted to give you something in return but have not been seen until now. Here, have these few items." I smiled at the middle-aged woman with a smile. If where I worked is for the ultra-elite, then where I shopped are for those who are barely making ends meet. The thing about this is that they are not so desperate they would cheat you. The food is always fresh, service is always good and to make it even better I always make sure to secretly bribe them so that I will make them unconsciously give me a little extra. The bundle I held in my hand were a few sweet pastries I had made during my break. Reaching into the bag I passed her four, paid and bid farewell moving on to the next stall. 

There, I bought a fish and spoke with the owner about a few things and continued down. When I was finished I had several ingredients worth four times the amount I had paid. 

Such a steal, life could not be better; give a little in order to receive more.

Home, I changed my shoes at the door, then placed the items in the kitchen. Wrinkling my nose I rushed to the bathroom and took a quick shower exiting with a relieved look. It is not that I am obsessed with cleanliness but that I think that I should be clean before cooking. The apartment consisted of a bathroom, kitchen, living room, and sleeping room.

It is not big but it is home. 

Eating the prepared meal I cleaned up, washed and went to bed. 

The next day I woke early, stretched and ran, soon after I returned I showered, dressed, packed the materials for class and left. 

The University is not far away, so getting there is only around fifteen minutes on foot. On the way, I greeted those who I had become accustomed to with a wave and smile walking through the imposing gates of the University. "Student Jun. Good morning." 

I spared the girl a glance before replying politely. "Morning, student Mu."

"Today is a beautiful day. We have…" while she spoke I continued walking. I half-listened, not really interested in her rambling but there was no helping it. I prayed for the imminent arrival of the designated lecture hall to arrive but it was an empty wish.

Stifling the sigh that wanted to escape, I continued walking while she tweeted around me like an annoying bird.