
Badboy Is The Mafia King

" I'm sorry, I should have knocked." Liz said as she backed out of the room closing the door behind her. " Liz wait I can explain." Josh pleaded as he rushed out of the room and followed her.

Naz_Sara_Deonarine · Action
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33 Chs

Chapter 33 - Encounter At The Hospital

"What…what did you jus say?" Josh asked as he turned another corner. "Your dad is awake!" Kelly said before she hung up the phone. Sara looked at him. She could tell he was tense. His expression changed from that one phone call. He increased his speed as they drove past Mr Cruz's Mansion  and the water dam. He had both hands on the wheel and He just kept staring at the road in silence. Wanting to break the tension Sara was not sure what she should do or say. She raised her hand and placed it on his. "Hey your going alittle over the speed limit there…is everything okay?" She asks looking at him. He stayed silent as he turned another corner he increases even more speed. He was in a trance thinking about his dad in the hospital all those months just laying there helpless. Josh increased more speed as the car swerved a little. Sara began to feel anxious and nervous at the same time. She squeezes his hand on the steering wheel. "What the hell are you doing,  Bean are you trying to kill me?" She screamed at him. In that instant Josh stopped the car and snapped back to reality. Sara was about to pull her hand away when he grabbed it and looked at her. She was breathing heavily and her eyes filled with tears. "What did you call me?" he asked her. "I-I'm sorry….I don't know why I said that….I just….I often hear that name in my head….an I'm the one saying it….I don't know why I said tha-

" Josh pulled her into a hug holding her in his arms. "Hey its okay….your starting to remember a little…it's okay… as long as your with me I will keep trying to help you….please stop crying….I don't like seeing you sad…I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention to you…I was thinking about my dad. He said wiping a tear from her eyes. "He woke up from his coma." Josh said staring into her eyes. "is-is that what the phone call was about?" She asks squeezing his hand. Josh took a deep breath and exhaled. "it is….that's why we're goin to the hospital too see him." He finished saying. "do i-i mean does he know me?" Sara asked confusingly. "yes and you know him…you lived at our mansion for a while…maybe seeing him might jog your memories." He said sounding positive. "I see….but I have one question." She said looking down at their hands entwined. "what if I don't remember…or what if I do remember and i-

"Sshhh-your doing it again…you always over think things." He said with his finger on her lips. "comeon let's go….dad will be so happy to see you." He said putting his hand on the steering wheel and starting the car. He drove to the hospital.

Meanwhile Kelly and the others were at the hospital in the waiting room. The hospital was filled with different people some of them patients and some visitors. "Hey we got here as soon as we heard…is he really awake?"  Lance asked as he and Courtney joined the group. Ashley and Natalie walked over to Courtney and hugged her. "there's the mom to be…how are you doing hun?" Natalie asked hugging Courtney. She hugged her tightly and then let go. "I'm okay…just morning sickness and my ankles are swollen." Courtney answerd looking down to her feet. "I'm starting to get fat." She cried hugging Ashley. "no no sweddie…you look great." Ashley said drawing small circles on her back. "comeon lets get you something to drink. She said as the three of them walked away to the hospital canteen. The guys just sat there waiting for Josh to arrive. Kelly looked at her phone and got another call. She looked at her phone an the guys. "I'm sorry I'll take this outside…excuse me." She said getting up and walking out the door. "I'm here…what's so important that you had to call me now." She asked over the phone. "I just wanted to check in on you and see how your doing…can't a guy be worried about his sister." A male voice replied. Kelly sighed as she twirled a strand of her hair standing outside the entrance of the hospital. "I never said that…anyway forget about that…I have news…tell him the target is finally awake….it's time to make our move…if you catch my drift." She said spotting josh's car. "that's great news…I'll inform him at once." The male voice said ending the call. "Hey your made it….who is-

"I'll explain everything later…where is my father Kelly?" Josh asked as Sara stood beside him. Kelly eyed her up and down then looked at Josh. "He is resting in his room…no one saw him yet….they're all waiting for you to arrive."

She answerd continuing to stare at Sara as Josh took her hand and they walked past Kelly heading to the waiting room. "hmmm." Kelly said walking behind them. She looked at Sara as Josh held her hand leading her to the information desk. They stopped and talked to the receptionist  then headed down the hallway. Looking at the hallway something stirred in Sara's head. She stopped and stared at an empty room and walked towards the door as a male voice in her gead spoke.

"I'm Mr Cruz…I brought you here because you were badly injured." She heard the voice say. "aahh!" She cried clutching josh's arm for support and holding the side of her head With her other arm. "hey-hey are you alright…what's wrong…tell me!" he asks holding her with both arms as she almost fell. Her breathing increased and her palms got sweaty. Her eyes red and her body trembled in fear. "I-I was in this room before….how-hows that even possible?" She asked looking at Josh and Kelly. "can you get her some water Kelly?" Kelly looked at Sara and nodded. "Okay I'll be right back...I'll meet you in the waiting room. "She said running off to the canteen. Josh held Sara close to him he can tell she was afraid by the way her nails sunk into his arm. He didn't care about that he was too worried about her and the state she was in. "we gave you a blood transfusion ." the male voice said. "aahh!" She cried again holding her head. "Who are you?" She yelled out loudly catching the attention of a few doctors and nurses in the hallway. Josh looked around and saw no one. "It's me Josh…don't you-

"I'm-I'm not talking about you…im hearing a voice in my head…aahh…it hurts so much Josh." She cried. "come on let's sit there on that bench for a bit. "no no let's keep goin…I'll be okay. " She said with a soft smile he took her hand and they walked to the waiting room area. No one notice them at the time. Sara looked around the room at the people who sat silently then she saw a face that flashed through her mind. She saw images of them at a school…at a house…on the porch. They were both sitting looking up at the stars. Then another image flashed in her head. " Why can't you look where your going, you jerk!" She heard herself say then she saw an image of someone helping he pick up her books from the ground. "sorry I didn't mean to do that…my name is Shayne Mendez."  the boy said. She smiled at him . "it's nice to meet you Shayne." She flicked her hair back in place and started to walk away. He followed her slowly. "don't follow me okay…if you want to walk with me then that's fine." She said to the boy.

Suddenly, She felt a tug on her arm as Josh pulled her with him into the room. "Hey guys sorry we got here so late." He said holding Sara's hand and squeezing it.  Everyone looked up and rushed to them hugging Sara and crying. She looked at them confused as they all grabbed her again hugging her. Ace was about to walk over to her when the doctor came into the room.

"Hello I'm doctor- it's you!" the doctor said looking at Sara and Josh. "if I'm not mistaken your name is Elizabeth isnt it?" He questioned. Sara was lost for words. She looked at the man in the white coat suddenly another memory flashed in her Head. "I know you!" She said looking at the man standing in front of her.

Josh looked at her placing his hand on her shoulder. "he's the doctor who is in charge of my dad…how do-

"look I know it's hard to explain…but I've seen this man before…this hospital…I've been here before." She said. "what else do you remember?" Josh asked. Sara looked at the man again his white coat flashed through her head and there was someone else with him. She didn't recognize the other person. The man stood there in his black suit laughing as she was dragged away. "There was another man with you that day doctor….what was his name?" she asks hoping the doctor would answer her. the doctor stood there for a moment in silence as he remembered the day she was referring to. he remembered trying to save her but he failed. he also recalled speaking with Josh and Ace that very same day. he looked at Sara who stare at him with question. he could see the fear and worry on her face. he clears his throat and answers. "yes i remember...the day you were here...i gave you a blood transfusion because you were badly injured and you almost died." he said as she looked at him then to Josh. "but what about the man?...who is he?...all I remember is a man i a black suit...but i cant remember his face or his name." she said.

josh held her hand in his. "its okay angel...you dont have to push yourself...it will come to you eventually...comeon let's go and see my dad!" he said as the doctor led them to Mr king's room. everyone was seated in the waiting room all happy an delighted that liz was okay. they were extremely overjoyed. however there was one person who was not. kelly sat there in silence as she pondered about the girl with josh. "who is she?...I have to find out more." she said to herself as she looked at the doctor and the couple standing outside Mr king's room.