
Badboy Is The Mafia King

" I'm sorry, I should have knocked." Liz said as she backed out of the room closing the door behind her. " Liz wait I can explain." Josh pleaded as he rushed out of the room and followed her.

Naz_Sara_Deonarine · Action
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33 Chs

Chapter 27 - Dexter's Decision

"My name is Elizabeth Morgan... and I'm the daughter of Don Alejandro West Morgan and my mother's name was-

"Tracy Morgan!" The woman said as liz an dex looked at her.tears was streaming down her cheeks as she held liz and hugged her. "Grams are you okay...why are you crying?" Dex asked walking and kneeling infront of her taking her hand in his. She let's go of liz and wipes her eyes.

"Your alive....I can't believe it...it's really you...look how much you've grown." She said as tears spilled from her eyes once more. Liz stared at dex then to her confused. "You...you know me?" The woman nods as she wiped her eyes looking at dex who was puzzled by her behavior. "I do...you see my name is Maria Esteban...an I was the maid that worked for your parents....I was there the day everything took place....the day they killed your parents and took you...I saw it all...everything!" Tears streamed from liz's eyes as she wiped them. "Mr King told me...do you also know about Ace?" Liz asked as the woman got up and walked to the table pouring some water into a glass and hands it to her sitting back on the bed.

"Yes I know....I knew he was with Mr king this entire time...but you...I never thought you'd be standing here infront of me this way....I use too look after you when Ben and Martha took you away...you were too young to remember...oneday Mr king came to visit and I told him everything...he faked my death and brought me to safety...I was happy with my son and my daughter-in-law. Dexter was 3yrs when Mr Cruz and his men came into our home and killed his parents...I tried my best to raise him...but oneday Mr Cruz came to me and threatened to kill me if I said anything to anyone about what he had done...he brought us here and ever since...I've been trying to get away from this place along with Dexter...so I've been working as his maid for the last 23years only because he helped me look after Dexter." She said cried. Dex wiped the tears from his eyes as he held her hand kissing it.

"Why didnt you tell me grams...why did you keep this from me?" He said hugging her feet crying. "You said you were just a maid here...you never told me the whole truth." He cried clinging to her. Maria looked down at him and pulls him up to face her wiping his tears away.

"Don't cry...my child...your not alone in this...Elizabeth lost her parents too...she didn't even get to see their faces...but you saw your parents and know what it feels like to be loved...Elizabeth however...the love she got from Ben and Martha was mixed with their betrayal and guilt." She said as the looked at liz in tears. Dex wiped his tears away and looked at liz with pity. She stared at him then turns away.

"an now she's here in trouble because I helped Mr Cruz kidnap her....damit!" He said clenching his fist in anger. He looked up at liz staring at him again.

"I'm sorry Elizabeth...I'm sorry I helped them bring you here....I will help you get out of this place...but first I need you to listen to me and do as I say okay."

"What makes you think I'd listen to you?" She asked locking eyes with his that were filled with anger. "If you don't you will die here." He said looking at Maria who nods in agreement.

"He is right my dear...please listen and let us try to help you in some way." Liz sat quietly for a while then closed here eyes. Her friends faces flashed through her mind as she looked at dex.

"Okay fine...I'll do as you say but I have a request first!" His brows furrowed as he looked at her.

"Okay I'm listening...what's your request?" He asks standing to his feet. "I would like to see my friends!" She said sitting up straight to meet his eyes. "No!" He said turning away. "What...what do you mean no...you said you'll help me...and you will-

" I said I'd help you and I will...but you can't meet them." He said as she walks over to him. "Why not...I just want to know if they are all okay!" She said grabbing his arm. "You can't...it's too dangerous for you and if anyone sees you...then I will be in trouble....do you-

"You'll go with me...please I need to see them...I'm begging you...help me!" She said as tears formed in her eyes.

She takes his hand and looks at him.

"I promise I will listen to you and do as you say from now on...just please please help me!"

She pleads shutting her eyes. He sighs and looks at Maria who nods in approval. "Alright fine...I'll take you to them....Mr Cruz was suppose to go to a meeting anyway...I'll take you when he leaves."

Liz eyes widden as she smiled and hugged him tightly. "Thank you, thank you, thank you Dex....

it means so much to me." She said as she felt his arms wrapped around her body gently squeezing her. "You will owe me!" he whispered in her ear as he let's go of her." She looked into his eyes as he winked at her. "See grams I'm a good guy...I'll help her and her friends too...we will all leave this place together."

Maria held liz's hand and smiles. "Don't worry my dear...if he says he'll do it then he will...you can count on him." Liz smiles. "Thank you I-

"Don't thank me yet...I still have to get you out of here as well as your friends." He said walking to the door. "Where are you going?" Liz asked walking to the door. Dex turns to her and winks as he leaves the room closing the door behind him. Liz looked at Maria who smiled picking up the tray and heading to the door. "You shud get some rest my dear....I'll check in on you later." She said patting liz's shoulder as she left the room and locked the door. Liz sighed as she walked over to the bed and laid down closing her eyes.

She soon fell fast asleep. Meanwhile dex met Mr Cruz in his office. He was on his phone shouting angrily at someone. Dex tried to listen in on his conversation. "Okay I'm leaving now Mr Cruz said ending the call and rummaging through this desk. He spots a peice of paper and picks it up folding it and putting it into his coat. He looked at dex who stood there quietly. "Is she in her room?" He asked as he pulled his gun out of his desk drawer. Dex gulped and answeres "yes I took her...she is quite feisty...she fought with me and tried to run.!" Mr Cruz looks up as he pushed the gun in his pocket. He looked at the time and headed to the door. "She is naive...so was her mother...I'll break her eventually....I'm late for a meeting...you handle things here." He said patting dex's arm. As he walked to the front door accompanied by four men who were heavily armed.. they all filled him as he got into his car and headed to the meet his associates. Dex sighed as he walked to the girls room. He stopped and looked around before opening the door only to be ambushed by the girls.

"Whoa whoa...I'm a friend." He said as Natalie grabbed his hands fliping him on the ground. Courtney quickly started to tie his arms with a scarf. As Ashley and Hailey rushed to the door. They both peeped out of the room and saw no one.

" so where is everyone...the place looks deserted." Ashley said turning to dex who was still on the floor. Both Natalie and Courtney pulled him up and made him sit on a chair. As they all surrounded him. "Alright you...start talking...why are we here...and who the hell are you.?"

Dex closed his eyes and then opened dem as he looked at the four girls who were angrily staring down at him. "I'll tell you everything if you untie me...I'm here to help you." The girls all looked at eachother then to him. "Look I'm sorry, But I need to get you girls out of here." He said looking at his hands. "And why should we believe you...for all we know...you could be setting us up!" Ashley said leaning against the door. Dex looked at her as she stared at him not breaking eye contact. "I'm not okay....you have to believe me....I'm a friend and i want to help you all escape this place." He yelled. The girls all stared at eachother and then nodded. Natalie untied him as he stood up and sighed taking a deep breath he walked out of the room and stops. "Follow me I'll take you to ur friend she is just down the hall." The girls all walked over to him an followed him silently as they approached the room where Elizabeth was being held. Dex raised his hand and knock-on the door. "It's me!" He said as he turned the handle and opened the door and walked into the room.

"Where are they?" Liz asked as she stepped closer to him. He moved aside and winked at her with a wide grin plastered across his face. "Like i promised...here are your friends." He said as the girls came into the room rushing towards Elizabeth hugging her. "I thought you were dead...I saw you get stabbed. Are you okay?" Natalie asked as she wiped the tears from her eyes. 'Im fine dont worry...it's just alittle cut I'll be okay." Liz said smiling as she embraced the girls. "Are you guys okay...I was so worried about all of you." Liz cried wiping her tears.

"Come now,there will be plenty of time for you girls to catch up...for now we need to help you escape this place." Maria said as she approaches the girls and stood at Elizabeth's side. Liz looked at her with a smile then to her friends. 'Everyone this is Maria...she was once our maid...and a friend of my parents...and this is her grandson...Dexter." She introduced as he smiled winking at her and the girls. Natalie looked at him and smiled. "I'm sorry we attacked you before...but you...

"Hey its fine...don't worry about it....I get why u did what you did...so its okay." He walks over to liz and stands. "So shall we go...we have to hurry befor Mr Cruz comes back." He said as liz nods in agreement. Dex and Maria walks towards the door making sure the coast was clear. They then headed out of the room but stops dead in their tracks when they heard the sound of gunshots being fired outside. "Wait here!" Dex said as he headed down the steps to the front door. He picks up a gun from the coffee table and opens the door only to see Mr Cruz and his men firing shots at Mr king and Josh. He shuts the door and rushes to the girls. "Come on this way he said as he led them to the kitchen." Whats goin on?" Liz asked asked as he locked the kitchen door and led them to another door. Natalie and liz both grabbed knives and handed them to the girls as they looked at dex.

"Mr Cruz is here...we have no time to delay so hurry and go through this door...here take this...it's the keys to my car." He said hand the keys to Natalie as Maria opens the door. They all rushed outside only to stop as six men stood infront of them pointing their guns and ready to shoot. "Hold it right there Dexter...where do you think your goin with these girls?" One man asked as he corked his gun. "Damit....dex said as another man walked over to him an was about to take his gun. "Now liz!" Natalie said as liz kicked the man and he fell to his knees she quickly took her knife and held it to his throat. Hailey took his gun and pointed it to his head. "I'm guess your their boss somehow." Ashely said as she looked at the man. Dex pointed his gun to thd man and looked at the girls. 'Im impressed...you girls are really sumtin...as for you...tell them to drop their guns....now." He said as he fires a warning shot.

"Lower your weapons." the man said as Maria knocked him unconscious with a frying pan. "Whose next?" She asked as the men lowered their heads. "What do we do with them liz asked as Maria turns to her. "Oh I know...let's tie em up!" Courtney said as she twirled her scarf in her hand. "Hmmm thats a great idea but we are running out of time." Dex said. "Fine then..." liz said as she took the gun from him and pointed it to the men. "All of you....stand up!"

The men did as they were told as Ashley and Courtney took their guns of the ground and pointed it at their heads. "If we can't tie them up then we will lock them up....now head into the kitchen." Liz orders as they willingly obeyed. Once they were inside dex locked the door and barricades it with some old tools and wood.

"That should hold them for now...but we must hurry...come on he said as they rushed to the side of the mansion to his car. Just as she was about to get into the car sumting caught liz's eye. She stopped and looked at the bewildering sight before her. Her boyfriend and her brother were both covered I blood as well as Mr king an the others. They were in an all-out shootout with Mr Cruz and his men. Alot of men were fallen on the ground covered in blood. "Josh...you came to get me!" She whispered. "They are all here!" she shouted to the girls as she closes the door and stands outside the car. She slowly began to walk towards the front of the mansion.

"Hey where are you goin...come on we need to go. .." dex said as he tried pulling liz to the car. When she suddenly pushes him away.

"Don't you understand....I can't go with you....he's here....he came for me...they all came for us...I must go to him." She cried as she was about to run away towards Josh.

But dex grabbed her and wrapped his arms around her forcing her into the car. "No let me go...he needs me....why don't you understand?" She cried as the girls stared at her. "Liz What wrong why are you crying?" Natalie asked. Liz wiped her tears away and looked at the girls. "I'm not goin with you...Josh and the others are here!" She screamed. Shocked by her words the girls all stared at her as she pointed the gun to her head. "I'm staying here...if you guys try to force me to go then I'll pull the trigger." Dex closed his eyes and releases her hand as he looked at the girls. He takes a deep breath and locks eyes with liz. "Look I know you want to be there but you cannot...it's too dangerous for you...for all of you that's why I'm trying to help you....if you go out there now Mr Cruz will kill you...he might even kill the man you love...do you want to risk everything....it's better if you girls stay where it is safe for now...you can meet up with them after...I know it's not much but we are doin the best we can to help you all stay alive." He said as Maria wiped the tears from liz's eyes. "It's okay my dear if you want to go to him...then you should!" She said as liz lowered the gun. "Grams what are you-

"You won't understand the heart of a woman who loves deeply...she'd do anything for him without a second thought....I see it in her eyes....look at her...look at all of them...they want to escape but they will stay and fight with the man they love...they rather die than live without them....I see it in their eyes...so I'll stay and fight with them...it's the only way...if I can help them even for alittle bit...then that's okay." She said with a warm smile as they got out the car. "Okay if that's what you want then I have a plan...we need to split up....Liz you can come with me we will head through that door into the mansion...Natalie and Hailey you take the left.....grams you can take the car and give em hell...Courtney and Ashley....uhhh...you go with grams!" He said as the girls nodded and they all split up. They all went to the different sides of the mansion with their guns in hand and no fear in their hearts.

Dex and liz ran through the mansion and quickly headed to the front door. "Alright...are you ready?" Dex asked as he looked at liz who nodded trying to catch ger breath. "I am...let's do it." She said as she took her gun and pushed it in her hip. "Okay I'm ready!"

dex opened the door and walked out with liz at his side. Mr Cruz turns to him and smiles. As everyone else cease fire and stares at them.