
Badboy Is The Mafia King

" I'm sorry, I should have knocked." Liz said as she backed out of the room closing the door behind her. " Liz wait I can explain." Josh pleaded as he rushed out of the room and followed her.

Naz_Sara_Deonarine · Action
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33 Chs

Chapter 24 - The Girls Get Kidnapped

Back at the kings mansion liz and the girls had just showered and gotten dressed as Natalie and Hailey went back down to set the table. They walked into the kitchen and was about to get the dishes when they heard a sound. Natalie grabs a knife and gives it to Hailey as she pushes her behind the door. "Sshh stay here!" She ordered Hailey as she closes the kitchen door holding another knife in her hand as she walked into the dining room. "Liz is that you guys?" She asked. The place was silent she walks around twirling the knife in her hands. "This isn't funny...are you guys down here.? She asked. The place was still silent. She begins to walk up the steps slowly as liz above the staircase looking at her. "Whoa...hey is something wrong Natalie?" Liz asked as Natalie pushes her back up the steps. "What are you doing...stop!" Liz says as she tries to push past Natalie. "No stop...I think somethings wrong...I heard a noise out here...I thought it was you guys." Liz looks around and pulls Natalie hand up the steps. "Okay okay don't panic...wait where's Hailey?" Liz asked looking around for her. "She's in the kitchen." Natalie says seeing Courtney and Ashley walking down the hallway. "She quickly gets up and pulls them down to the ground. "Hey what the-"

"Ssshhhh! Liz and Natalie grabs them covering their mouths with their hands. "Someone's in here...it's not one of us...comeon i'll go get Hailey and both of you go with liz." Natalie says giving Ashley the knife. "Hey what about me...I need a weapon too." Courtney says as liz takes their hands heading to Josh's room. "Okay Josh told me he has a gun in his room I can use it if I need to...so who else can fire a gun?" She asks closing the door and looking at the girls. "I can...Lance showed me how." Courtney says as liz walks over to the nightstand opening the drawer and pulling out the gun. She checks to see if it's loaded and looks at the girls. "Okay we're good so far...comeon we need to go to Ace's room and then to Lance's." She said opening the door. Leading them down the hall. "Okay I'll stand watch out here...Courtney you go to Lance's room and Ashley you can go to Ace's Okay and when you get in ther check the nightstand drawer for guns...bring them if you find any..I'll wait here."

She says as she hears another sound coming from downstairs she was about to walk to the staircase when she hears a man's voice. "Make sure you search this entire mansion...we need her alive." The men spread out and begins to search the place. Courtney and Ashley both come out of the rooms with guns in ther hands and walks to liz.

"Okay...here's the mission...we each have to find a way to get to the kitchen and we need to find another exit to get out of here....are you both ready?" Liz asked as the girls stare at her.

"Your so fucking brave liz...I like it....I'm terrified but...we have to atleast try to stay alive right." Ashley says with a smile. "Good Ashley that's the spirit...what about you court?" Liz asked looking at Courtney who nods and stands to her feet. "Lets do this!" she said as they all nod and split up. Ashley headed to the left and Courtney to the right. And liz stayed in the middle hiding and running from pillar to pillar as she reaches the stair case she was about to go down the steps when -

"Hey you stop right there!" The man said as he runs up the staircase. Liz turns and runs down the hallway to shaynes room closing the door she hides herself behind the curtain as the man was about to enter the room. He opens the door and walks into the room looking around as liz comes out pointing the gun at him. "He was about to reach for his gun when Natalie and Hailey shows up knocking him out. "Am I glad to see you...perfect timing Hailey...nice shot." Liz said leaning against both of them. "Okay let's tie him up...there's alot more of them downstairs and all around the mansion.I tried to find an exit but there is none.the only way out now is through the windows but it's to high for us to jump.we do have another option but it's risky...the front door...where are Courtney and Ashley?" Natalie asked wiping her face. "They both spilt up we were trying to find a way down to you guys." Liz said looking at the man on the floor. "Alright let's tie him up and find them...we need to hurry." Natalie said as they tie up the man locking the door. "Liz where's your phone...we need to tell the guys what's goin on here." Liz takes her phone out and calls Josh but there was not answer. She tried calling her brother but still got no answer. "This is bad they're not answering the call....I'll try calling Mr king." She begins to dial again as they walk towards the staircase. "Still no answer...come on we need to move....I just hope the guys are okay." Liz said as they all rush down the steps to find Courtney and Ashley surrounded by six men with guns pointed to their heads.

Meanwhile Mr king and the guys were all awake and tied to the chairs they sat on. Mr Cruz looked at them as he presses a remote powering on a large tv set. "I've arranged a small suprise for you all...I think your familar with the background king....let's have a look shall we." He says as they see alot of different vedios of Mr kings mansion on the tv and all the men around the mansion were dead. "What have you done Alfonso?" Mr king yelled as he tried to free himself.

"now now king if you don't want to watch then you can go to another room. He snaps his fingers and two of his men lifts the chair along with Mr king and takes him to the next room. "Dad are you okay?" Josh asked. Mr Cruz walks over to Josh and turns his head to the screen.

"He will be okay Joshua...I want you to pay close attention to this...look again all of you."

They all looked at the screen and sees the front door of the mansion open. "Lets see inside shall we." Mr Cruz skipped to another camera. They see Courtney and Ashley surrounded by the six held at gunpoint. Ashley and Courtney were told to kneel on the ground with their hands behind their heads. "Courtney! Ashley!" Shayne and Lance called out as they tried to break free. Mr Cruz's men points the guns at their heads.

"They won't be hurt if u get what I want...and you know what I want...isn't that right Joshua. He says looking at josh who was lost in thought.

"Look at the top of the staircase...she looks just like her mother dosent she Ace?" He said taunting them.

"Lets see if she inherited her mother's bravery too." He said as they watched the screen.

Liz,Natalie and Hailey puts their hands up and walks down the steps as the men pointed their guns at them. "Don't shoot we give up." Liz said as she was about to kneel beside Courtney and Ashley. "Now liz do it now!" Natalie shouted as Liz and the girls tripped the men. They grabbed the guns an points it upward to the ceiling as Natalie fights with the man to let go of Hailey. Liz runs over to her and hits the man a spin kick as he fell. she then pulls Natalie and Hailey down as Courtney and Ashley shoot the chandeliers in the hall making glass fall everywhere. The men began to shoot as liz began to throw shards of glass at them Ashley and Courtney began to return fire on the men that were shooting at liz and the others. "Listen to me Hailey...run...we need help." Natalie said as she picks up a gun and returns fire. Liz stood up and pulls Josh's gun from her boots and begins to fire as Hailey follows them to the door. "Come on Natalie and I will cover you." Liz said as they walked to the front door firing shots. Hailey was about to go outside when Donald San Antonio pushed the doors open with hands Stopping them.

"Who the hell are you? Liz asked as the man looked over her shoulder to Courtney and Ashley who were still firing. "That's quite a mess you made in there he said looking at liz and Natalie taking their guns as his men grabbed Hailey pushing her back inside. "Hey let me go." Hailey fights but the men held her down injecting her as she fell unconscious. Liz kneels at her side trying to wake her. "She's not dead she's just unconscious.

"What the hell...who are you and what do you want?" Liz asked pointing her finger at the man. He quickly takes out a knife and pushes it to liz's stomach. As Natalie tries to pull her away.

"Let her go." She screamed as the man grabs liz's hand pulling her back inside. That enough!" He says as the men stop firing. Ashley and Courtney puts the guns down as two men grabbed them.

"What do you want?" Liz asked as the man turns to her tracing the kinfe all over her body cutting her. She winced in pain.

Josh became angry and glared at Mr Cruz. "You'll pay for that....how dear you hurt her." Josh shouts as he struggled against the ropes.

"If you hurt her...I will kill you." Ace said also trying to break free. Mr Cruz looks at them and laughs. "I'm not hurting anyone here...he is." He said pointing to the screen. Liz tried to get to Courtney and Ashley but they were already unconscious. Natalie struggles and breaks free picking up a gun and pointing it to Mr Antonio. "Let her go now or I will shoot." She said ready to pull the trigger. "Go ahead shoot but before you do turn around." Natalie turns around as two men grabbed her hands an pulls her to Mr Antonio.

"No please don't hurt her."

liz screams as he takes his kinfe and pushes it into her stomach.

"NO!!" Josh and Ace screamed as they saw Blood began to spread on liz's clothes as she looked at the man injecting Natalie.

"Liz no!" Was all natalie could say before falling unconscious.

Liz places her hand on her stomach as she felt the warm fluid pouring out of her. She looks at her phone and tries to dial Josh's number as the man grabs her hand. The call was already in motion,and went straight to voicemail.

"Ple- ase...let me call him!"

she said as she coughed and blood flew out of her mouth. Her eyes were hazy. There was no answer. Liz raised the phone and shakes it.

"There's no one there...he didn't answer my call...I'm so stupid to think he'd come for me..."

She said falling to the ground grabing a gun and shooting Mr Antonio in his chest.

"If i die...then you die...I don't know what happened or why your here but...if Josh were here he'd do the samething I'm doing!" She said shooting his leg and the four men who surrounded her. Before she fell unconscious.

"The other men rush to Mr Antonio helping him up. He looks at liz and tells them to bring her with him to get treatment. "Bring the rest of them along...if she dosent want to cooperate...we will make her."

He said as the all leave the mansion taking the girls with them. He sits in his car and they drive off. The other cars followed close behind

carrying the other girls.

Mr Cruz turns to Josh and the others as they struggled to break free. "If she dies I will kill you!" Josh yelled. "Where is he taking them?" Ace asked. Mr Cruz was about to answer when his phone rang.


He anwers the phone and walks around the room. "I have her...but I had to use drastic measures...she is a tough girl. We are taking them back to the place we discussed." Mr Antonio said as he looked over to liz who was unconscious in the backseat of the car. Mr Cruz begins to laugh as he looks at Josh. "I finally win...make sure she dosent die...I will see you in an hour. He says ending the call. He turns to his men. "When I leave...you will set them free understood!"

The men nod as he walks out the door and gets into his car. They watch him drive off as they begin to untie the ropes.

Josh and Ace began to fight them grabbing their guns shooting all the men that worked for Mr Cruz. They then untied Mr king and his men.

'Dad are you okay?" Shayne asked as he rubs his wrists. Mr king looks at them sadly.

"I failed...I couldn't do anything to help Elizabeth...I'm sorry Josh!" he said placing his hand on Josh's shoulder then walks out the door. "No dad I'm the one who failed her...I promise to protect her and I couldn't even do that...I need to find her." He said as he walked to his car and sits inside. He searches for his phone and dosent find it. Ace walks over and jumps in the car putting on the seat belt.

"Here I found it on the ground it was switched off. I just turned it on. Josh takes the phone and see 6 missed calls and 2 tex they were a from liz.

He puts the phone down and starts th car and heads to the mansion along with the others. They all drove in silence for 45minuets as they played everything over in their heads. All of them were angry because they got double crossed and sad because the could protect the person they loved.

Mr king and everyone else pulled up at the mansion and got out of the car. He begins to walk inside as Josh and the others joined him. They began to walk onto the mansion as his stopped in his tracks staring at the blood on the floor and liz's phone. He kneels and places his hand on the blood picturing liz in pain. A tear slid out his eye as he picked up her phone and holds it.

"Comeon son...you need to be strong!" Mr king said patting him on his shoulder.

"we will find them don't give up just yet."

He said leaving the boys in the hall standing like corpses. They stood there in silence. all of them were thinking differently. Some if them clenched their fists. Josh walked to the staircase up to his room in silence. The others did the same as well.

Josh placed his hand on the door handle as he turned it slowly. "I love you bean!" He heard liz say in his head. He closes his eyes as tears streamed down his face. He opened the door and walks into his room locking it. He starts to throw things around in anger. He then starts punching the wall when he heard her again. "I need you!" He screamed as he was about to toss her phone but stopped when he saw the blood on it. He quickly got a cloth and sits on his bed wiping and cleaning it. He unlocks it to see that he was the last number she had dialed. He checked his phone and sees a voicemail.

He plays it.

Liz voice:

"Ple-ase let me call him!"

She coughs. There's no one there...he didn't answer my call.

"I'm so stupid to think he'd come for me!"

Josh felt his heart break into peices as he listened to her voice in pain as she cried for him, needing him.

"Dammit!...I'm sorry my love I'm sorry I wasnt there...but I promise I will find you." He says as he gets off his bed and takes a shower he gets dressed and puts everything back the way it was as he takes liz's phone along with his and heads downstairs. He was about to walk out the door when Mr king stopped him. "Josh where are you goin my son?"

Mr king asked as he walks over to him. "I'm goin to find her dad...I have to!" He said looking at the the other guys as they all walked out into the hall. They were all dressed too. Mr king looks at them as they all stand behind Josh. 'I guess you all had the same idea too...very well then I won't stop you...just be careful all of you." Mr king said as he walks outside with them. They all get into different cars and split up. Mr king turns and walks back inside closing the door behind him.