
Badboy Is The Mafia King

" I'm sorry, I should have knocked." Liz said as she backed out of the room closing the door behind her. " Liz wait I can explain." Josh pleaded as he rushed out of the room and followed her.

Naz_Sara_Deonarine · Action
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33 Chs

Chapter 1 - A new beginning

Everyday is a great day to wake up in West Valley. Everyone is always so happy so cheerfully,the wonders never ceases, there is always something more to each day. But today was about to change for a certain teenager named Elizabeth Macartney aka liz. The day started out like any other as usual she would wake up at 7am shower and rushed down to the kitchen wher her mom would be preparing breakfast and her dad will be sitting at the table having his coffee and reading the morning paper.but this morning was different.after showering and gettin dressed liz grabbed her books and hurried down the steps to the kitchen but there was no one there." Mom,dad where are you?

She placed her books on the table and and walked towards the refrigerator,she was about to pour some juice when she heard someone laughing in her dad's office.setting the glass down on the counter she quickly walked towards her dad's office and noticed the door was locked.she could hear the voices of other people as well as her parents.raising her hand she knocked on the door and it opened.everyone was smiling as she walked into the room feeling nervous." Good morning everyone,I'm sorry for-

" good morning darling,it quite alright" I was about to come and get you" her mom replied as she walked towards liz and took her hand leading to the couple who was sitting next to her dad.the man was nearly groomed and wore glasses he had a file in one hand and a cup in his other hand.the woman wore a dress that had three layers of fluff like clouds in her hand she held a bag to match her dress her hat was filled with flowers and her shoes were flat and simple.they both smiled as she approached her father's desk.puzzled by seeing these people liz looked at her dad with questions,he quickly took it upon himself to introduce the two individuals." Good morning cupcake,allow me to introduce Mr Frank Mendez and his wife Martha,they are old friends who recently came back from abroad"

The man and woman quickly stood and shake liz's hand. " it's so nice to see you my dear?" The man asked as he held her hand, " you've grown into a lovely young lady" he looks over to his wife who hugs liz and smiles." She is jus like her mother isnt she Frank?" The lady said to her husband.They both seemed happy to see liz but she still had no clue who these people are.she was about to question her parents when her dad intervened." I know you have alot of questions but it's getting late u shuould hurry to school our driver is on an errand so My bodyguard felix will take you today ok,dont worry he will keep you safe" liz looked at her watch and saw it was 7:30 she looked at him and nodded left the room with her mother who was carrying a tray with cookies." Come on young lady I will pack u sumting to eat" the woman said as she closed the door behind her.

" mom it's not necessary, i will get something in school,we have a food court you know" she said as she grabbed her books and a cookie from the tray, she kissed her mom on her cheek and rushes out the door towards a car that was waiting for her.her mom followed behind and watched the bodygard open the door allowing liz to sit inside he then closes the door.she looks out the window and waves goodbye to her mother as the car drove out the gate.the woman then made her way back into the house she placed a few slices of cake on a platter and joined her husband in his office.placing the tray on a small coffee table she sat next to the Martha as they continued talking.

"So Frank what do you Think...will it work?" Elizabeth's father asks.clearly they were planning or trying to agree on something,but what exactly was it.taking a sip from his cup Frank looks up and answers," I'm not sure Ben but its the best idea we could come up with to save both our families"


" thank you felix" she thanked the drivers she exited the car and closed the door." Your welcome miss Elizabeth". She smile and waved goodbye,then quickly walked towards the school courtyard. Felix quickly drove away once he saw that she was safely inside the school compound.As she made her way through the courtyard she noticed alot of new kids sitting around.some were on their phones and others were just chatting away.a few of them looked at her and smiled,she was about to wave to them when she go a tex on her phone.holding her books in one hand she quickly unlocks her phone and reads the tex,it was her friend Courtney.

Tex: "where are you liz?"

Elizabeth was about to reply when someone bumped into her making her drop her books as well as her phone." Ow,what the hell..Why can't u look where your goin you jerk" she quickly bends to pick up her books but they were not on the ground anymore.someone was kneeling in front of her with everything already gathered up.she quickly took it without hesitation. She locked her phone and looked at the person in front of her.he quickly stood up and apologized." Sorry I didn't mean to do that...bump into you I mean, my name is Shayne Mendez...I'm new here." He said with a smile. " wow " liz thought- " he is so cute" her face turns beet red as she introduces herself," I'm Elizabeth Macartney it's nice too meet you shayne." She blushed.he couldn't help but stare at her,to him she was so cute,he observed every detail about her.the way she looked the way she she flicked her her back in place,her smile the way she held her books.she was perfect.she looked at him and started to walk away.he quickly came out of his trance and followed her.she noticed and stopped turning to look at him." Dont follow me ok if you want to walk with me it's fine,I dont mind." Shayne smiled and offered to help her carry her books,after refusing a couple of times she finally gave up and handed him all her books.they quickly made their way down the hall towards their lockers.

" thank u for carrying my books shayne,I'm sorry I called you a jerk earlier" she opened her locker and put her books inside.she quickly checked her time table and saw that her first period was Math.looking at shayne she gives him her math book and closes her locker.they begin to walk slowly toward class.liz then realizes she didnt inquire about his class schedule.she stops and looks at him." Shayne What class do you have now?" He looks at his locker,it was the last one near to a classroom.he walked towards it opens the door and take out his math book. After closing it he walks over to liz and hands it to her.she was quite impressed by his book cover. It was really neat and his hand writing was very good too.she closes the book and looks at him." Ok so u have math,which means your in my class,come on.. let's go" she grabs his hand and leads him down the long hallway to the last room.they quickly entered the room and sat down the other students looked at them and continued with what they were doing.Shayne sat across from liz and a group of girls surrounded him.

" Hi I'm bethany,your soooo cute" , one girl said,-

"hi I'm taylor, can I be your girlfriend?"

He looked ath the girls and chuckled" sorry ladies,you are all very beautiful but I already have a girlfriend." The girls looked at him with sad faces and went back to their seats.he looked over to liz who was busy texting on her phone.

Tex:"Courtney,hey I'm in class, where are you?"

Beeeeep! beeeeep!

"I'm coming let me get my book" Courtney replied

Courtney hurries and gets her book, she then rushes to class.she made it just in time , for when she arrived so did the math teacher Mr Drakes. "Settle down children let's begin today's lesson"