

[Loading the system ....10%......50%...….100%]

A mechanical voice rang into his mind, feeling a little bit dizzy from his sleep he forced himself to woke up even with a painful head. Amber opened his eyes and was surprised to see that he was in an unfamiliar place.

With lots of lots of trees, he was a hundred percent sure that he was in a forest but he don't which forest he was in. It was not like the amazon forest he saw on Earth or other forest he saw. In this forest he saw many unfamiliar trees that are extremely bizarre.

There are trees that was completely red in color while there are trees that have no leaves. He can see that this trees are not from Earth which means that he was not on Earth.

Thinking about this, Amber started to get anxious, he has no idea where is he right now and he was even in a forest. Which has a high possibility of getting exposed to danger.

Suddenly, a familiar mechanical voice rang on his mind again.

[No existing host. A suitable host has been detected. Integrating the system with the host. Initiating the Soul Binding. System has fully integrated with the host. Because the host has a unique soul the system will seal the host's soul.]

[Starting the system...…10%...…50%....100%]

Then he saw what was similar to a loading screen from a game back on earth and it was completed in 2 minutes.

[Welcome host. You are now in World 71739 which means that you are a transmigrator. Because the host lacks the knowledge about this world the system will transmit the necessary information.]

Before he has even the time to react another wave of information surges to hi brain bringing the pain he felt before again. An astronomical amount of knowledge was passed down to him by the system, but it was like a torture to him who was not ready.

He curled up into a ball shouting in agony,his miserable cries rang on the forest like it was a terrifying monster. Sweat there and there, his clothes was soaked wet that it looks like he took a bath.

The veins on his head are still trembling slightly as he was still unable to forget the pain he felt earlier, it was already an hour ago but he can still feel the remainders of what he felt.

Struggling to sit himself up, his weak body was only able to sit up with the support of a tree so he was not stubborn enough not to give up so he leaned on the tree.

He took a deep breath and calmed himself before examining the information he received. When he tried to do so, his mouth subconsciously open it self.

Amber was so shocked to see a lot of unfamiliar yet familiar information in his mind, he felt like he knows about this but at the same time also don't. It was a very strange feeling that he can't describe by mere words.

The so called World 71739 as the system calls it was called Magea. In this world existence like mages and warriors in the novels back on Earth can be seen here and not only that but many other strange races as well. Be it the crafty dwarves, greedy goblins, bloodthirsty vampires or the mischievous elves, all of them also exist in this world.

A lot of races exist in here and they all have the same goal in their minds, and that is to reach the Stark Domain. It is where truly powerful beings lives and only powerful can, that place was called to be the heaven for them because of resources that can be found there.

Although they all want to enter that place but before they can even do so they must ascend first before they could do so.

When Amber found out about this he was shocked beyond words that he really can't find any words to describe what he is feeling right now. Although this was his dream he really can't believe it when it was in front of him as this was too good to be true.

Aside from the knowledge about this world, he also received knowledge about the monsters, plants, and even the levels of strengths in this world.

In this world, it was like a game that has levels. Level 1 - 10 was the normal rank, Level 11 - 20 are the Bronze rank, Level 21 - 30 are the Silver Rank, Level 31 - 40 are the Gold Rank, Level 41 - 50 are the Platinum rank, and Level 51 - 60 are the Diamond rank.

In every level there is a big gap in between them and the strongest one to have ever existed was only able to reach level 48 which was a Platinum rank.

The numbers 1 - 10 corresponds to a representing title which is.

1 - Novice

2- Beginner

3 - Practitioner

4 - Expert

5 - Elder

6 - Senior Elder

7 - Master

8 - Grandmaster

9 - Hero

10 - Champion

Everyone starts as a level 1 novice, with no exception be it the mages or the warriors.

Amber was able to have a general grasp of the things in this world and now he has a problem which he has to solve. And that is to get out of this forest and not to get killed right at the start which will probably be the worst thing that could happen after transmigration.

He stood up and tidied his clothes which has dirt all over it, must be because he was on the ground earlier. With a deep breath he walk his way out of the forest in a random direction unknown whether it was the way out or the way in to the forest.

Exactly 1000 words. Wew

One_Thousand_Wordscreators' thoughts