
Chapter 1

My name is Stephen Walter. I work for MII Triple 1. You've probably never heard of it. If you have, call me..... I need to get rid of you, as soon as Fuckin possible. If you haven't heard of it before and are hearing about this for the first time in this book, I am probably dead for at least ten years, so aren't my fuckin problem. I am not alive.

So let me begin with the day these bad Times began.

Me and my brother Stephãnõ Riõgeïrõ were in the top floor of the Empire Crumbles building in San-Royale. There were eight rooms. Seven of them had noises coming out of them. I ain't entering there first. Though I dare say, Chantãco might as well be in these seven.

But being the fuckin Noble man who don't interrupt shit, I went right to the eight one.

Ohh ..... Fuck, wasn't this one silent. Didn't even have Chantãco. Fuck!

"House keeping..... Did you call for House keeping?" I smiled awkwardly. Fuck, I didn't want to interrupt innocents.

There girl on top said, "No, we did not call for house keeping!!" as she threw some pillows at me.

I closed the door and rushed for the end of the hallway. Riõgeïrõ on the other hand was goin full SRFBI (San Royale's Fuckin Beurocrat Investigators. Don't know why he's doing that. Ain't he MII?) on the guys, screaming "Hands in the air Fuckers!" with his guns in the air. There was fuckin loud screaming from that room and Riõgeïrõ came out with a straight face, but very hot ears. We repeated the process if checking for seven different rooms. Seven different times, we didn't get Chantãco.

So we're in front of the last one. I looked at Riõgeïrõ. He nodded his head.

We kicked open the door and screamed, "Chantãco, put your hands in the air, we got you now!"

"Have you now?"

Chantãco was a large man. Almost seven feet tall, very fat and had large arms. The audacity he had to turn his back to us was unbelievable. I heard screams from ahead of him. He turned around and in his arms was the head of a woman.

I said, "Let go of the lady and come quietly. Else we'll have to do this the hard way."

"Hahhahahhahahahahaahhhhah.... You want me to let go of the lady? So be it!" He crushed her head and dropped her carcass on the floor. The scene was cringe inducing.

"You wanna do this the fuckin hard way, we'll do it the fuckin hard way!"

He raised his right hand which glowed bright red as he shot a beam of fire at us. I rolled to the other side and said, "Fuck it! I am too young to die!"

I changed the mode of my hand gun from gun to shield. I equipped it with my left arm and in my right arm, I conjured a katana of lightning.

"My turn, ya motherfucker! Boots of Mercury!"

My boots glowed red as I launched myself at Chantãco. He blocked my katana with his right arm. I jumped up high and attempted to shove it into his brain. Chantãco caught my blade with his arm and pulled me to the ground. In my left hand appeared a giant gamma ray gun which expanded upto his head. I smirked and said, "It's the end of the line for you!" I set of the gun.

Chantãco did a backflip in the back of time to save himself. (How the fuck is that even possible??!!!!)

Riõgeïrõ slammed his war hammer into Chantãco's face. My gun vanished as I zeroed in on Chantãco.

Chantãco rolled aside. As he got up, Riõgeïrõ attacked his face and I slid down and slashed his right knee. Once again, he fell down and got up just as fast in the face of my legs and Riõgeïrõ's hammer. He was pushed back to the wall, breaking said wall.

He shook it off like an insect bite and slammed his right hand into Riõgeïrõ's hammer and caught my katana with his left and slammed us at each other. He then slammed his fist into the ground, crumbling it in one shot and we fell down to the lower floor onto the restaurant downstairs. He then said, "It's cute that you motherfuckers thought that you could beat me.. This building is called the Empire Crumbles building ain't it. It'll will be a damn good scene watching it crumble. Well, hehe, so long Motherfuckers!" He raised his right hand which glowed brilliant bright red.

Me and Riõgeïrõ activated our Shields

Chantãco brought down his have and with it, his signature move, Incinerate!

The entire building was set on fire.

The building started to give away as parts started crumbling.

I stood up and saw Chantãco in the top from the fire, he said, "You're still alive? Then allow me to free you of your misery! It's the end of the line for you!" His shit eating smirk as he raised his arm to burn me was pissing me off. But I guess this is the end of the line....

All of a sudden, Riõgeïrõ pushed me aside and took my place. His shield Fareed under Chantãco's fire as he was incinerated. Chantãco cackled madly as he saw Riõgeïrõ burning and my face as did it. He turned to me and said, "I'll let you live to mourn your dead friend. You're gonna die soon as well. Hnheh"

He sent another blast of fire at me just to make sure and climbed up a chopper that was flying above and helping survivors. I somehow managed to walk until Riõgeïrõ's burnt corpse.

"No!!!!!!!!!" It should've been me! It should've been me!!!!

I hugged Riõgeïrõ's corpse as everything around me crumbled. The building started falling down. The bells it the fire engines rang as they started to extinguish the fire on the building.

I cried in the fire as the building fell apart and said, "I'll survive and get that motherfucker even if it's the last thing I do!!!"