
bad or evil

HipHop_Fate · Action
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4 Chs

dark magic

at age 13 Dante's happy life with his friends and favorite teaches started to change. dante had been having nightmares of murdering his closest friends and teachers. those nightmares became visons. during one of these visions Hemora showed up. "so dante have you realize yet?" "what, hemora? i, i don't know what you mean." "you're having visons. i have them too, dante" "what? what are they? what do they mean? how do i stop them?" "we were born with black magic, dante were the same" "no! thats not true hemora!" "it is. pure magic is dark magics opposite. if we don't master dark magic it will consume us and those visions will become permanent." " how? i can't do that. dark magic is evil. i can't train it. what do i do now? what do i do?" Dantes responds in complete dispare. "just embrace it you should be honored. anyway we should stick togather you and i, it's the only way we'll survive. they will execute us if they find out." the next 3 months Dante became a trouble maker along side Hemora all leading up to Dantes dark magic tendences over powering him and attacking the schools favorite teacher Ocean, on a dark night. "Dante, Hemora, what are you doing here? it's late" Ocean notices Dante acting like a unawaked dark magic user having fought many it was clear to him what was going on. "damn why? why did i put this school in danger like this i should never have brought you here boy." Dante uses his weapon attack sommoning the "DIMOND RING BLADE"

(a ring thats made of dimond it looks like a snow flake and is about 4ft in lenth.)

(weapon attack: a personal weapon unique to the user. the user can summon at anytime unlessthe weapon is broken or destroyed.)

"so your gonna kill me boy? ha" Dante throws the "DIMOND RING BLADE" at Ocean Ocean uses his energy attack and knocks the blade away then he uses his personal attack "BOLT BULLET" firing a bolt of lightning at Dante. Dante uses "MIRROR" but he can't reflect Oceans attack and gets hit directly but when the smoke clears Dante isnt hurt because his dark magic has awakened. Dante uses his dark magic energy attack which knockes Ocean up against the wall hard. and using both his dark magic weapon attack " RAPID SCISSOR"

(an all black sword with 2 blades, sharp on both sides that open and close like sissors at amazing speed.)

and his dark magic physical attack "HELL STEP"

(which makes him faster than the human eye.)

dante blitzes and fataly stabs Ocean. "they will never foregive you for this, I will never fogive you for th...." "looks like he's dead. lets go!" hemora says frantically. knowing the consequences of their actions. but Dante is devastated by Oceans last words snaping him out of his uncontrolled state. after they get to a safe distance from the crime Dante is mortifided by what he has done. "Dante calm down!" "its over hemora! every thing is over. what did i do, what? what if they find out?!!!!" "shut up dante and listen. we need to stick together more than ever now pull yourself together or they will, find out!!" 1 year later and no one knows Dante is the 1 who killed ocean. but Hemora is getting worse his plan to kill all the teachers and elders has made him Dantes enemy. after Hemora kills three teachers on his own, Dante stands in his way standing on top of the 2 biggest buildings in the village. Dante and Hemore begain their fight to the death.