
Chapter 5' : Is this reality?

Remember when I passed out? As I just regained consciousness I was in her bed, right next to her. We are both in the same bed in the darkness back to back and now I'm starting to feel my heartbeat some oxygen again.

"Are you feeling okay?"

Is she talking to me? Like we are the only ones here and she is not crazy or anything but I don't get it.

"Your heart beats way too fast. Calm down. Breath in. Breath out."

I started to feel some confidence and my heart started to slow down

"Now now, tell me, how does it feel to pass out?"

What? As I turned to see if she was kidding or just curious her face was right in front of mine. Ah, crap here we go again. Beat beat, just follow the rhythm. What rhythm?!

"I have been stuck here for some time now before you came in. I was trying to survive and find a way to melt the wall of the bathroom because the sound is acute so I figured the wall could be the exit. But you in such a short time managed to figure out the best way to leave this hell."

What is she talking about? My heart is still beating hard btw. I think the oxygen is flowing way too much in my pants too.

"Because for some reason I'm the one who got the gun."

What the actual hell?

"I won't use it because I don't know and because it's not a way to treat humans."

So kind.

"What the hell are you?"


"I feel like you have something for me but I don't see the point if you are going to leave me here to die by the neurotoxin."

Brain moves that mouth and speaks the magic words. I wanna leave with you and I'll find a way to. I can hardly breathe at this point.

"Why is your heart beating so hard? Do you... Love me? Because you have to travel a long distance to impress me"

I already know that detail and yet I'm feeling like I am 16. Feeling young. Way too young for my actual age. I haven't seen an adult memory yet and that is not logic. Or perhaps yes.

I haven't felt any emotions at all after graduation. It was all smooth. Just like going down a mountain on a shopping cart. You get the idea.

All I have seen so far is old emotions from my school life. Tears started to fall as I was remembering all the times I saw her smile for the last time.


I slept on her bed that night.

The alarm went off as I found myself on her bed but alone this time. I found a letter near my head. She can't go anywhere why leave me a letter?

"You are locked in my room (Ah damn) and you won't leave until you tell me why you came to see my letter."

That's easy because I just received one and your's was delayed. But I can't tell her because I'm a scared little kid. At least I know Morse code which will perhaps help me send her a message because I can't slide a paper under the door. Too tight.

" **- *-* -*** * - - * *-* *-- *- *** -*** * *--* *- -*-- * -**"

I didn't revise my morse code but I think I said your letter was delayed.

"If you tried to speak Morse you failed horribly"

Thanks for the reminder, I needed this one.

"But I think I understood what you just said. That is not a viable excuse."

Seriously? You might want to say I'm unlucky to be stuck here but damn that's a dream for a crush boy like I was. I see more details now. A big pink room.

But the walls are cold for some reason. As I tried to scratch a bit a little chunk fell off the wall. I hit a weak point I think. A horrible acid smell was coming out of the wall with a little light on the other side.

All I could see was a factory and a dark sky full of dark clouds.

"That's what I spent my time here looking for. A way out but I guess yours was better for them. I tried to be scientific but they didn't seem to like it."

I took the gun and tried to aim at a crack in the pipe coming our way. Not a clear shot but maan somehow that worked.

The acid river started to slow down as I reversed the manhole cap to go inside instead of outside, created a pressure high enough to blow the pipe from the outside world and let us free to go once we find a way to clean the pipe.

Using some Coca Cola and Mentos we were able to make enough pressure on the cap to push it all the way through and the other bottle flipping in front of the other one cleaning the pipe and rotating using only pressure and a wheel.

The pH test was positive. No acid residue left. I made sure the cap is well locked in and started crawling to the outside world. As I reached a locked manhole vault door, or whatever was.

I guess the fluid was going to the left cuz there is nowhere it can go. Then I reached the outside world.

It was beautiful. I haven't seen green in a long time. Birds are singing. Animals are walking nearby. The sea is blue sky. The air is fresh and warm.

When I looked behind me she was there, beautiful as an angel. Beautiful Asian eyes and a nice little smile on that nice little face. Shy and red playing with her silky hair.

She looked at me and said thank you for saving my life and gave me a nice and warm french kiss that lasted at least 10 mins.

Then she just hugged me until suddenly I received a strong hit to the right side of my brain and she said

"When are you going to wake up you stupid idiot?"