
Chapter 1: Is this really my life?

You know those old mortal combat games? My dream became a reality. I was living in a real mortal combat game.

The white paint started to coagulate and make some white jelly moisty glue. Oh, I also found a wireless vacuum cleaner with two AAAA spots. I had the choice of sucking them or just step on them.

They were so cute I just sucked them every time I find them anywhere. Dunno if I get paid by getting ride of those or not but if I'm paid to clean this mess start packing bags I'll need a ton of them. There is no shop where I can sell this massive amount of slime in this place and even if there was who would stay here. This place is so bad, and I think I was wrong.

There is a vending machine in every room. Each one gives food water and a big crate. I tried buying one with all my savings and found a sword. I would have liked a Glock but okay.

At least I won't have to reload it, but it could break, I mean the sword could break not the gun. It would take ages to make a gun break. Finding materials for a sword is easy compared to a gun, just metal for the sword compared to gunpowder, metal, factories, and many more. Maybe a molten plastic gun.

It would take about 5 seconds to dry. I'll give it 5 more seconds to break. The best quality can stand 10 seconds at more. Metal took more time to melt and to dry but it will block them for good, just how much metal do you have to use too. Chewing-gums are a good weapon if you chew them enough but they make you thirsty.

Enemies will be slowed down as their legs will be stuck and they'll need to cut or to leave their legs behind if they want to continue chasing you. Some of them got armors and you won't be able to use your molten gun at all. Metal to metal depends on the quality of either of those. If your sword is made of some bad metal you might break yours and die.

And you don't want to die, not here anyway. But the best way to make your own armor is making all pieces separately and then assembling them all of them. The better the quality the better the armor logically. You can assemble pieces from different qualities but you have to have that shoulder pieces shouldn't break otherwise all of the armor will fall and break.

Don't ask about logic, theorists will find why. Let them have fun. There is also the food problem if I had ever talked about it but finding edibles was pretty hard. I had to make a watering system. I can take it with me but by how heavy it is, I slow down like hell.

All I need is some filters and still had to cut like 4 plastic bottles water is just H²O but really that's like a lot of work to survive down in a place you just came to supervise, pretty good for an adventure I didn't even want to be in.

Like most of you all, you would just like to live an adventure with people perhaps like those geniuses that save the world or just do something interesting with your life for once. What I'm enjoying at least is the guns I can make in this crappy place, the bullets, the gunpowder, it's like living on a new planet.

You are just living on a slimy floor that drowns you if you try to get out, any air will be sucked out if you wonder why I didn't use a tube or something else in the same meaning.

I just miss the sun and the clouds because all I've been hearing is rain down here. The problem is that it's just one flat 250m² space with no elevators. So hearing rain all day must make me feel sad or something? Rhetorical question, I have no feelings at all.

Just masks I wear to show people that I care. No need to say useless things, it's not efficient. I just continue to survive as long as I can, until that one thing I found that probably changed my vision of life in this factory, some weird events happened that probably can't happen to you right now.