
Bad for You

Innocence was never meant for the addictive…  Addiction was something Krit Corbin accepted as part of his nature a long time ago. He decided to embrace it and flip his finger at the rules. Women had always been the number one thing on his list of addictions. He couldn’t get enough. Being the lead singer in a rock band had only made access to his favorite addiction that much easier. Being alone was the only thing Blythe Denton understood. The small town minister’s family that raised her hadn’t accepted her as their own. The minister’s wife had always made sure Blythe understood just how unworthy she was of love. When Blythe is sent away to college and given a chance to finally be free of living as an unwanted burden, she looks forward to having peace in her life. Being alone isn’t something that bothers her. She escapes reality in the stories she writes. However, the ridiculously sexy tattooed guy who keeps throwing parties in the apartment above hers is driving her crazy. For starters, he doesn’t treat her like she would expect a guy with a different woman always hanging on his arm to treat someone as uninteresting as her. She looks nothing like the gorgeous women she sees parading in and out of his apartment, but for some strange reason he keeps showing up at her door. During a party at his apartment, Krit’s new neighbor comes to the door with her long brown hair pulled up in a messy knot and a pair of glasses perched on her cute little nose. She wants him to turn down the music, but he convinces her to stay. Krit Corbin may have just found his biggest addiction yet. And Blythe Denton realizes too late that she’s finally been claimed. by Abbi Glines

hizer0778 · Teen
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9 Chs

Chapter 2 (Part 2)


"I need something more than shitty beer," Legend, our keyboard player, grumbled, sinking down into an overstuffed chair that belonged to Green.

I leaned forward and kissed the ear of the girl who was in my lap, and I relaxed on the couch. "Why don't you go fix Legend some whiskey on the rocks, love." It wasn't a question, and she knew it. Britt was one of the girls I saw off and on. I didn't see most girls more than once, but there were a few who were good with no attachments. The fact that Britt was nice and flexible, she was one who I got in the mood for every few weeks or so. Sometimes we saw each other more regularly. Just depended on how things were going in life.

Legend was busy watching television that couldn't be heard over the music and voices. There were over thirty people in my apartment. Several were watching the football game on my flat-screen. It was an early night for us. I hadn't planned on a party tonight, but the guys had shown up, and Green had been free of studying for once. So it happened.

Britt sashayed over to Legend and bent over while she handed him his drink to make sure I got a good view of her ass. It was barely covered up with the skirt she was wearing. Chuckling at her attempts, I took a drink of my beer and lifted my eyes to see Green standing and talking to someone at our open door.

Normally, people just came on in, but whoever it was wasn't coming in. They were just talking to Green. He waved his hand and stepped back in invitation. It was Blythe. Her eyes scanned the room of people nervously, but she didn't step inside. She also didn't seem to notice me. Then Green reached out and took her hand and pulled her into the room.

I only noticed Green's stupid grin before my eyes snapped back to Blythe. Holy shit, she wasn't in baggy clothes tonight. Those curves I had thought I had seen hiding beneath those awful clothes were right there for the world to see. A pair of black shorts that showcased legs from fucking heaven was only outdone by the tank top that covered an impressive set of tits. Then put that all together with the glasses perched on her cute little nose. She hadn't had those on before, but damn, they were sexy.

I realized Green was walking her over to me. Britt slipped her arm around me, plopped herself back in my lap, and began nibbling on my neck.

"Uh, dude, can you break free long enough to come here a sec?" Green asked, sounding uncomfortable. Blythe's eyes grew wide as she watched Britt. Fuck, that innocence was there, shining like a warning sign. As if I needed it. I knew the girl wasn't my speed. But damn, she was tempting. I wanted to reach up and undo that messy bun she had her hair pulled up in.

I moved Brit off of my lap and stood up. Blythe's eyes went from Britt to me, and then she dropped her gaze to study the floor. I noticed Green's hand resting on her arm as if he was there to jerk her from harm's way if needed. I didn't like that. I wasn't sure why, but I didn't. She was letting him keep his hand on her too.

"Did you decide to come join the party, love?" I asked, keeping my grin in place so I didn't scare her with the snarl I was tempted to give Green. He was a horny bastard. Blythe wasn't his speed either.

"No, that's not why she's here. Can we take this outside where we don't have to talk so loud?" Green asked me with a pointed stare. What was his deal?

Blythe looked back longingly at the door like getting out of there was all she wanted in the world.

"Sure," I replied, and Blythe spun around and hurried for the door.

Green shrugged and turned to follow her.

I glanced back at Britt, who was watching us closely. I motioned to her that I would be right back, then headed toward the door.

Green was standing there asking Blythe her name, and Blythe gave him a shy smile that was more than I had ever gotten from her. What the hell? Green wasn't the charmer. I was.

"What's the problem?" I asked as I joined them in the hallway. The annoyed tone in my voice didn't go unnoticed by Blythe. Her eyes widened, and she started wringing her hands in front of her nervously.

"Krit, this is our new neighbor, Blythe. She lives directly underneath us," he said in a tone that was obviously trying to make up for mine.

"We've met," I told him, swinging my gaze to hers.

Her cheeks turned bright pink. Why? I hadn't said anything to embarrass her.

"Oh, okay. Well, we are being inconsiderate with our noise level. This is two nights in a row that we've partied, and Blythe isn't getting much sleep."

So she was here to complain. Interesting. No one had ever complained before. This apartment complex was known for parties. Had she not known that when she moved in here?

I studied her face as she bit down on her bottom lip and looked ready to bolt. She thought she was going to make me mad. I was pretty damn sure that a girl who looked like her was incapable of making me mad. She gave off the "I need protecting" vibe in a big way. Add that to the heart-stopping face of hers, and she had a winning package deal to get away with all shit, even from me.

I stepped closer to her, which forced Green to move back some. Reaching down, I pulled one of her hands she was gripping so tightly into mine and ran my finger along the inside of her palm.

"Why don't you come inside me with just for a few minutes? Meet some of your neighbors, and then when you're ready to go, I think I have something that will help with the noise," I told her as I kept my gaze locked with hers.

"I, uh, I'm not good with crowds," she said with an apologetic tone.

I tugged on her hand until she was almost pressed against me. "I won't leave your side, and I'm fucking amazing with crowds," I replied with a wink to let her know I was serious.

"Don't make her—" Green started to argue, but I cut him off.

"Not your business. Back off," I warned him before sliding my hand around Blythe's waist and walking her to the door.