
Chapter Two

As I got to the rail way station I booked a ticket for a train going to my destination then sat on a bench close by waiting for the train to arrive. Then I sighted this person who looks very familiar to me , the person was approaching me.

"Hello" he said.

"Hi" I said "And how may I help you" I added.

"Please can I sit with you" He asked politely.

"Yeah sure, why not" I answered and then created a space for him to sit on the bench.

"Here have your seat" I told him smiling.

"Thanks... Harry Stone by name nice meeting you" He said as he stretched out his hand for a handshake.

"Claudia Mike...nice meeting you as well" I said introducing myself and taking the handshake.The temperature was getting tensed no one was talking to no one else.

"I'm waiting for my elder brother, We forgot something so he went to pick it up" Harry said starting a conversation.

"Oh nice...wow" I said unsure of what to say next then I glanced someone coming close to us and the sound of the train I was waiting for was also heard but this person coming is someone I knew so well.

"oh Hansel" Hansel should be the elder brother Harry was talking about, Hansel was our childhood friend (Clara and I) in Ef-town before Mom and Dad divorced.

"Oh!... See who's here" It was Harry's voice that brought me back from my thoughts.

"Hansel!, I called very much surprised.

"Oh my wow, Claudia".he said calling her name and hugging me. "Awwwn" I said hugging him back.

"How's Clara" he finally asked and releasing the hug with his face beaning with happiness.

"She's good, She's at the college already, I'm going to meet her now.

Suddenly I then remembered that she was waiting for a train earlier and to my surprise the train had left.

"you missed the train" Harry said.

" yeah " I answered nodding. " it's fine you can come with us our drive is almost here" Hansel offered.

"Thanks, really appreciate" I said

"Here's my brother Harry, he was staying with our grandpa in Telko but had to relocate cus our grandpa died 3 months ago" . Hansel narrated "ohh...I wasn't aware you didn't inform me neither did Clara". I said

Clara was Hansel's friend's girlfriend.

" I don't think she's aware too" Hansel said. "Hey bro, sir plan's here" Hansel who wasn't really interfering in our chat said. "oh yeah, let's go".