
Bad Boy Meets A Good Girl

Our typical nerd girl, Camilla Jones finally finishes high school and moves to college with her best friends, Beth and Gloria. They end up sharing a room with Flynn Ryder, our typical bad boy character. Flynn and Camilla didn’t get along well on their first meeting, because of some reason known to Flynn only. But after Camilla returns from a trip to her state to visit her family, Flynn welcomed her well, to her surprise. He was acting so nice to her that she thought it was all a dream. But after Flynn took her and her best friends out for an apology dinner, they became closer, as friends though. What do you think is the reason behind Flynn’s sudden change??

Loveme_More · Urban
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12 Chs

Number 1

The College Admission Letter

Camilla's Point Of View

I was filled with excitement as I stared at the admission letter in my hand, but I couldn't express it what I was feeling.

"What's with the expression, Cam? Didn't you get in?" mum inquired, looking curiously.

I looked up from the letter to my family, which was staring at me expecting me to blurt out an answer: My dad, mum and three brothers.

"I made it. I got in. I got into Columbia University," I exclaimed, a bright smile on my face.

The silence was broken and everyone was ecstatic. My brothers were the most content. I was overjoyed to be attending my dream college.

Camilla Jones is my name, and I am 18 years old. I just graduated from high school few days ago. In high school, I was your stereotypical nerd. I had these glasses that I always wore, which made other students tease me but I was glad to be out of that hell called high school. I lived with my parents, Phillip and Mary and my three brothers, Derek, Liam and Zeke. Zeke was my twin brother and he was one minute older than me.

We applied to the same universities but Columbia University did not accept him; however, another excellent University did, which was fine. Zeke was pleased with his university choice and the fact that it was only two hours away, made it even better.

My parents initially opposed my applying to Columbia University because it was three hours away from home but when Zeke also applied, they permitted me. They objected again when Zeke wasn't accepted, stating they didn't want me to go too far from home. They gave me all the talks about being the only daughter they had and they wouldn't want me to go out of their reach.

However after much persuasion from me and my brothers, whom I was surprisingly able to convince, they reluctantly agreed, after they made me agree to them visiting once in a while.

"This is fantastic news and we have to celebrate it. Should we throw a small family party or should we throw a large one?" Dad enquired.

Mum said before I could respond,

"Of course we should hold a large party. We would host a BBQ party here in our backyard garden, and I will invite a few guests as well as Cam's friends."

Although I grinned and rolled my eyes, I was actually very thrilled for a number of reasons. I was glad to be accepted into the school of my choosing was also relieved to be out of my overbearing father's and brothers' reach. I occasionally become weary of their excessive vigilance

My brothers surrounded me and gave me a tight bear embrace. I still loved my brothers so much, despite how eager I was to leave them. They were the world's greatest brothers. I started tapping their shoulders when I was unable to breathe

"I… can't…breathe," I managed to say and they instantly withdrew from the embrace.

"Sorry," they all whispered as I scowled at them.

I let them know I was entering my room. When I got back to my room, I grabbed my laptop off the nightstand and decided to dial up Gloria and Beth on Skype.

In high school, they were the only two friends I had, and strangely they weren't nerds like me. I occasionally questioned their decisions to choose me as their buddy. They supported me despite my nerdy actions and even assisted in fending off bullies.

The laptop was opened and I turned it on. I called both girls from my Skype application after logging in. Gloria picked up after three rings.

"What up girl? How you doing?" she asked.

"I'm good and you," I responded.

"I'm simply here, bored and lying on my bed," she answered.

I was taken aback. Gloria hardly ever experience boredom. In our group, she was the roughest and more sociable one. When we were still in high school, she would throw the most outrageous weekend and weekday parties.

"Well, that's a bombshell," I joked.

"Alright then, why did you call? Do you want us to go out together" she enquired.

"Maybe we would but first, I have news to tell and I need Beth to be present as well," I answered.

Beth chimed in right after I had finished speaking. She appeared drained.

"Hey Beth, what's up with your fatigued appearance?" I enquired with worry.

"Yeah, why girl?" Gloria also inquired.

"Duncan and I watched the Vampire series the entire night" she said.

Since their relationship began in the 10th grade, Duncan was Beth's boyfriend. They were in love and I occasionally envied them.

"I thought you guys watched that last summer," Gloria remarked.

"Yeah we did but Duncan insisted on watching once more. We watched the entire seasons in a single sitting. I had just gotten out of bed to use my laptop when I saw you call. What's going on?" Beth enquired.

"Okay guys, I just got a letter from Columbia University and I have been offered admission into the university," I said, watching both girls' faces and waiting for reactions.

They both simultaneously shouted out in delight as their eyes widened. I had to cover my ears to prevent going deaf.

"I'm so happy for you. And since we're all here now, I'll just say what I was waiting to say when I meet with you later. I got in too," Gloria said.

"To Columbia University?" Beth and I asked at the same time as Gloria nodded.

We all squealed simultaneously once more.

"Well, that makes three of us," Beth said.

"YOU GOT IN TOO?" Gloria and I both shouted.

"YES," Beth cried back and we all squealed. Again.

I was ecstatic to be attending college with my best friends. It was like we were meant to be best friends.

"This is wonderful news. Let's get together and have a little celebration party," I said, excitedly.

Beth and Gloria both gave me startled looks.