
Bad Boy Meets A Good Girl

Our typical nerd girl, Camilla Jones finally finishes high school and moves to college with her best friends, Beth and Gloria. They end up sharing a room with Flynn Ryder, our typical bad boy character. Flynn and Camilla didn’t get along well on their first meeting, because of some reason known to Flynn only. But after Camilla returns from a trip to her state to visit her family, Flynn welcomed her well, to her surprise. He was acting so nice to her that she thought it was all a dream. But after Flynn took her and her best friends out for an apology dinner, they became closer, as friends though. What do you think is the reason behind Flynn’s sudden change??

Loveme_More · Urban
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12 Chs


"What you mean there are no rooms available? You promised her that at the end of the month she'd get a new room. Now you're telling us there are no rooms. This doesn't make any sense," Gloria stated.

"I'm sorry for the inconveniences but it is what it is. There's nothing I can do. My hands are tied," the lady at the admin office replied.

It's been a week and it was almost the end of the month. I went to the Admin lady and my friends escorted me, with the hopes of getting to know my new room but as soon as I got to the Admin lady's office, she told us there were no empty rooms available yet. Her response angered my best friends but I was dumbfounded.

All I could think of at that moment was how I was going to continue dealing with living in the same room as Rudy. I have had enough of that guy and sometimes I wish I could just talk some senses into him.

"There's nothing you can do? Really? Okay let me tell you something you can do. Stop giving people false hope. How about that?" Beth replied, angrily.

The lady couldn't say anything and neither could I. Gloria turned to look at me and asked,

"Cam, won't you say a word?"

"What do you want me to say? Huh? It's not her fault," I said, turning around and walking away.

I heard my friends calling me but didn't answer; I just kept walking away, tears filling my eyes. My chest was getting congested and I felt like I would faint any moment. I didn't know what to do. Suddenly it became harder for me to breathe so I stopped and took a breather.

I looked around me and found out my environment was quite unfamiliar. This place wasn't looking like school grounds but I didn't care. It looked like I was in town or something. I looked ahead and saw a bar. I was stressed out and confused and thought maybe a drink or drink would do me some good.

I walked ahead of me until I got into the bar. I sat on one of the high stools and asked the bartender to get me one of their strongest drinks. He looked at me funnily and asked,

"You sure?"

I was confused as to why he would ask me that. I was sure he wouldn't ask other customers that sort of question so I asked,

"Yeah I'm sure. Why would you ask that?" I asked, getting upset.

"I'm sorry; I'll get you your drink," he said.

He turned his back towards me, grabbed two bottles and a glass and began to mix up the drinks. After a process of mixing, he handed me my drink.

"Enjoy your drink," he said.

"Thanks," I answered.

I took off my glasses and shook my hair off the pony-tail it was in. My ginger hair fell down my shoulders. I wanted to loosen up and drink away my anger. I grabbed my glass and took a swig of my drink. I could notice that guys at the bar were eyeing me. I was surprised; I've never had guys look at me like I was the most beautiful girl in the room.

Maybe it was because I took of my glasses and let my hair down. My family and even my best friends always told me that I looked even more beautiful without glasses and with my hair down. I ignored the guys and focused more on my drinks.

Several drinks later and I could feel my head spinning. But I was surprised by how well I handled myself. I looked at the wall clock and saw it was getting late. I paid for my drink. Luckily, I had some cash on me. While paying for the drink, the same bartender who attended to me earlier was still staring at me like I was a present under the Christmas tree that he wanted so badly. He still couldn't believe I was the same person who walked in few hours ago.

Feeling really lightheaded, I staggered out of the bar house. It was dark outside but I didn't mind. Since I wasn't far from the University, I could easily walk back. I began walking but then a car stopped beside me and fear suddenly gripped but when the window rolled down, I realized that it wasn't a dangerous person. It was Richard, a guy I had seen several times in lectures.

We were close but I know his name because he was like one of the popular guys in my department and from what I've seen in class, he was really smart too.

"Hey, Camilla, right?" he asked.

"Yeah," I replied, surprised he knew my name.

"I'm from your school. Please hop in let me drop you off at school," he said.

"I know who you are but never mind," I said, walking away.

He drove after me and when he reached beside me and said,

"I'm equally on my way there; please get in. You look drunk and possibly won't be able to make it there on time," he said.

I stopped walking and he immediately stopped driving. I turned to look at him and gave it a thought. I shrugged and got in,

"Thanks for offering me a lift," I said to him.

"It's my pleasure," he said, with a bright smile on my face.

He started the car and we were moving. Suddenly my phone started ringing. I pulled it out of my pocket to see who the caller was. It was Gloria; I smiled as I picked the call.

"Hey Gloria," I slurred.

"Cam?" she asked

"Yeah?" I replied, giggling.

"Where the hell are you? Beth and I have been looking for you. We've been trying to reach you on your phone but you weren't answering. We're worried," she said, with a tone of concern in her voice.

"I went to town to have a couple of drinks," I said.

"WHAT?" Beth yelled making me almost drop my phone.