
Backstory of the magician

Backstory of the magicion

Backstory of the magician

Published (6605 Words)

Backstory of the magician

Traveling around was a young boy around 10 years old who always had tricks up his sleeve. The young boy would Go around town Selling all kinds of things to people around the area for some money to help his family. Some people would grin at him, while others would smile and take the time to see what he had. In his cart, he traveled around in it and he had many things.

Stuffed animals for the kids, books, tools, weapons which he shouldn't have, but his parents let him sell them for money. The most valuable things that he had were snow globes and crystal gems made from real diamonds and some just crystal.

Looking inside the cart People Mostly would pick out the diamond and crystal things. On the way back though was something the young boy held close to him. A map that was wrapped up. Though they would ask about what all the young boy had to say was don't worry about that its something special and not being sold.

The scroll had gold trim and he only took that out to look at it on his journey so he knew he had headed in the right direction to his destination. Traveling days and nights he should eventually get tired of traveling around with all the luggage in the cart.

One night when He was traveling he spotted a searchlight in the distance and got out of the cart locking the doors taking some of the things he held close with him to the searchlight. It was a long walk, But if there was one thing the young boy knew it was how to keep himself alive. The feel of the dirt was soft and mushy kinda felt like he was sinking when he wasn't. With each step, more mud got on his shoes as he continued to walk the path to the searchlight. Barely any of the way there he stopped to take a break to see what he had to eat, but he forgot the one thing he needed on the way there. The only thing to keep him alive is food and water.

"Is the cart still there??" he wondered, hoping it wasn't stolen. The young boy looked back to where the cart was parked seeing no cart. His cart was stolen by some stranger who probably came along the path. "I'll just look for some food around me or maybe go hunting for some meat...."

He said as he climbed some trees that were nearby. One of the trees had moths on it that we're dead while another was in the middle of the place with branches spread out everywhere like it was protecting something. "Maybe that one will have some food?" Climbing his way across the branches that were spread out he found a branch that was movable and lifted the branch up looking underneath it.

Such a heavy force was keeping the branch down and the young boy could feel a breeze coming his way from underneath the branch. Trying and trying he started to show his veins as his face got red from trying to lift the branch.

"I need a tool...But where can I find one?" he asked himself. All there was around him were trees, mud, dirt, and a shack that looked empty or deserted. "I guess I can camp there...I hope they have some food..." The Boy said as he walked towards the shack ignoring the other things. Little did he know the shack was not a regular shack.

Reaching the stairs he slowly grabbed the railing as he started hearing evil voices from the shack. One step the stairs creaked, the 2nd step the voices got louder, and the final step the door creaked open on its own. The young boy walked inside seeing a shack that was full of light and food on the shelves.

Confused He wondered what the sounds were and why the door creaked open. He was still hungry so the young boy tried his best to ignore the fact he heard those noises and reached for bread that was in a cupboard. The bread smelled weird, but he knew that if he was hungry he needed to eat something so he opened the bread thing up and took a piece out eating the bread.

Almost gagging he spit the bread out and looked for something else to eat. "You hungry little boy?" A soft sweet voice from behind said. Without looking at the person who was saying that he nodded his head and smiled.

"Well then turn around young boy," the voice said again. The boy turned around with his eyes closed. The presence of the voice got closer and placed A hand on his shoulder making the young boy shiver. "Y-y-you c-cold.." He stuttered. The person that had their hand on him took their hand off of him grinning using one hand to open the boy's gentle eyes.

He tried keeping them shut so he didn't see anything He didn't want to see. "Open your eyes..." the person said. He gulped, opening his eyes then passing out. The person looked at the boy and held out her arms to catch him so he wouldn't hurt himself. Picking him up she placed him on the couch that was upstairs of the shack waiting for him to wake up.

Hours past and he still wasn't awake. The person started to worry so she got some water and poured it on him. The boy finally woke up. "I'm so glad you're awake! My name Is Lisa!"

He looked at her scared "Y-Y-Your A G-Ghost..." He responded to her with. She giggled turning into a human. "No silly I am half dead while still half alive." Blinking 3 times he went to touch her arm to see if she was really real. Her skin was as pale as a ghost yet the feel of it was soft and warm in her human form. In her ghost form, the skin was cold and she was just a clear white shade.

"How are you alive?" he asked her. She looked down and just didn't say anything. "Come-on we gotta hide..." she said, pulling him through a secret door. He followed holding onto her arm with a firm grasp staying by her side. Behind the secret door was a passageway that was leading up to somewhere. "Whatever you do, do not look down," she said warning him.

The boy looked down freaking out that there was no staircase and they were walking on thin air. "Calm down young Boy I'm not gonna drop you," Lisa said. He gulped one last time and looked at her while they were heading up thin air to someplace she was taking him.

"Where are we going?" He asked her. "Young boy you will see when we get there," she told him. Taking her word for it he saw a ledge that was snow kind of ledge. The land was showing more snow as they were closer to the ledge.

Seeing some stairs he felt relieved to finally be able to walk on actual steps and not air. Was the fact she was half ghost the only reason she can go up here with no staircases to lead her here? He didn't know, But he also didn't wanna ask her.

"So where are we...." She smiled and pointed towards a dessert that contained Egyptian things and by that was a snow realm that had winter wonderland trees and a skating rink. "Look behind you UwU," she said to him. He looked behind him seeing a plain with lots of fruit trees that were fresh and a cottage that was decorated so nicely.

Beside the cottage was a shed that seemed to have tools and weapons in it. On the other side of the cottage was an animal farm with meat and things to mate the animals, kinda like a Minecraft setting on the place with many different areas but in the same region.

The place was gorgeous and extraordinary. So many things that he liked. Not knowing how to react she took him to the cottage to meet the owners of the place. Getting there though the owners were sleeping and had a burger on their chest saying, welcome home son.

The young boy looked at the people that were sleeping than at Lisa asking "are those my parents?" she nodded yes and showed him to his room. "How Come you have a key here?" he asked as she put a gold key in her pocket. She showed him a pic of her with her family and it turns out that she was his older sister.

"So you knew where I was and where to find me before, but if u did how come u never came to get me..." opening his room she left down the stairs heading for her room and fell asleep ignoring what he just asked her as if she was upset about something. What was she hiding from him? Was she really his sister? Was she just not allowed to leave?

The young Boy questioned her and was filling his thoughts with questions he wanted to ask her. He wanted to know why his parents left him on the streets when he was a baby or why He had no memory of a sister. So many questions he wanted to be answered.

He couldn't sleep sadly though. All he could think of is all she could be hiding from him and why they never told him anything. Hearing creaks on the stairs He quietly got up and went to go see what was going on with that noise.

The people were still on the ground sleeping while Lisa appeared to be awake walking around. "What are you doing?" he asked her. She was not responding. Breathing heavily he walked up to her shaking. Before the vibe he got from her wasn't scary. This time he could sense an evil presence coming from her body like she was possessed. Grabbing A Bat He put it over his shoulder holding the handle as he walked closer and closer to her.

She just stood there lifeless. Her eyes were blank and her hair was completely white along with her whole skin. The only thing that wasn't white was her golden blank eyes. "Hey, are you okay..."

He asked as he was up closer to her. Staring at her she didn't seem to notice anyone being in front of her nor was she moving. All of a sudden when He touched her arm the color of her hair was back and everything. "Uhm Sis You were giving off a bad vibe and completely white...." He told her worried. She smirked and Just sent him back to bed.

The young Boy was confused about what was going on and why he was brought there if there even was a reason. His sister refused to say anything about the place and the people in the cottage all turned white when night time came. There were all ghosts. Trying to turn into a ghost the young boy almost passed out.

He was unable to become a ghost-like them. Going to sleep he waited till morning to ask to be taken home to his world.

Lisa frowned, waking the parents up letting them see him before he leaves. The parents took a while to wake up but they eventually did after hours had passed. "Who is this my dear daughter?" The dad asked. She pointed to the young boy responding with "meet your son that we left on the road when he was a baby.." The parents covered their mouths crying as they looked at the young boy up and down.

"Are you dead Or are you alive? Only the dead can come here.." they asked the boy. He looked at Lisa and she explained to them why he was here. "Oh my god my poor boy, you're traveling alone in the living world I'm so sorry for leaving you!?" The mother said sobbing while leaning towards him to get a hug, But the young Boy just was unsure what to think of them.

"I guess I can stay just for a few more months," The young boy said as He sighed, hugging his parents. The only problem now was that he wasn't dead. Lisa looked at the young Boy regretting what she was about to do. "Close your eyes lil bro.," she said as she went to go grab something to kill him with. He did what he was told and closed his eyes knowing what she would do. He knew she was gonna kill him so he can stay in the world of the dead.

"Kill me dear sister so I can live in this world with my family," he told her. She picked up the knife and stabbed him in the back holding him down so he didn't move. It was a quick and steady stab so he wouldn't feel much pain. Rising from his body was the young boy's ghost. "So this is what it is like to be a ghost..." He said upset but curious. Flying around he noticed people's spirits walking around everywhere and flying around outside. Inside the house were the past family members he actually have met when he was little.

"Why is this world so different from the living?" he asked his parents. They shrugged, showing him around with his sister following them and introducing them to the people there. "Everyone! We have a newcomer! My son!" His Dad announced to everyone in the world of the dead. With everyone stopping to meet him they got in a line and just introduced themselves as it was their turn. The young boy looked at his parents scared of all the people(ghosts).

"They are friendly," His Dad told him. He looked at the people then let them introduce themselves. So many different types of ghosts were in the line. Some of them had no legs and were only able to fly, while the others could walk but had a mask on or was normal. The ones In back had no Arms or legs and couldn't even grab anything. "Hey, Dad?" The young boy said looking at his parents. "Yes, son?" The Dad responded with. The young boy looked at him then pointed to the hills up top the snowy area wondering why It was turning red and the sky was turning black.

The father looked over there worried. Rushing the family inside he told everyone to go home quickly and to hide. "What Is that?" The young boy asked his father(dad). The father looked at him and sighed as he showed him a video of what happened to the last ghost that was out of their house when that happened. "Locking the doors he gave The young boy the video player and shut all windows and everything. The young boy was still confused until he looked at the video and saw something crawl in the night making the ghost that outside turned to ashes as the ghost looked at the thing that was crawling.

"You have to shut down right now son.." the father warned his son. The young boy smiled "call me Liam" He told him before he shut down. Shutting down he could visit the real world with his family and they started to wander around a big city while they waited for the morning. There was an ice cream stand and a building that was reserved for their family to stay at if they needed to. "Wait so when we shut down we can go to the real world but when we are awake as ghosts we are in the world of the dead?" he asked them.

They smiled and nodded. Taking his hand they showed him inside the building and around the city. "Son this is the place we were gonna live, But when we died then everything was different...We could only go here when we shut down." They told him. Liam looked around clutching onto them as they were in the city. So many people were in the big city just smiling and waving at them like the family was alive.

Half dead and half alive seemed so confusing to him. Too many changes were there and he was not knowing what to think at the moment when he looked around. Morning hit and the family woke up from being shut down. For Lisa, she woke up immediately, the parents took a while and the young boy was upright when the morning hit. "Are they still in the city?" Asking his big sister. "Uhm well sorta. They are finding their way back to the land of the dead before they wake up." responding to Liam.

Hopefully, Liam will get used to this world and learn to leave his past behind him since he can't go back to stay in the living. The living was a nightmare to him, But he had some things that he wanted back so he could travel there. "Hey, sis?" Stopping what she was doing she looked at him "yes?" Liam shyly asked her to come with him to the place he is searching for. "No," she told him. The place he wanted to go was where he could see the ancient castles of the lands and a certain cave with some dragons in them that were rare and hard to find.

"Hey, uhm Liam...We have those places right across our house," she said moving him towards the direction they were. Liam's mouth dropped as the things he wanted to see were right next to his house. He could try and learn to fly a dragon!. Peeking out of the cave he saw 7 dragons that were kids staring at him with a smile. "Can I?" he asked her. She let him go as long as he was careful around them.

The dragon's tails swayed more and more when he was closer to the cave. Flying up there he grew some wings and softly landed on the ground of the cave putting his hand on one of the dragons to pet them. Leaning into Liam's touch the dragon closed its eyes and signaled for Liam to go on the dragon's back. "Can I have you?" He asked the dragon. The dragon made a cute sound and rubbed its head against him.

Getting on the dragon's back he made sure to hold on to something while the dragon started flapping its wings and flying in the air. A heavy breeze was coming his way as the dragon went faster and flew at full speed now. Lisa watched as the dragon was flying and Liam's hair was flowing through the air while he held on tight to the dragon. "I think that I will call you Starlight," Liam said to the Dragon. Starlight looked up then flew in a circle making Liam hold on tighter. He couldn't tell if the dragon was happy or if the dragon liked the name or not.

Starlight noticed Lisa and flew straight to her to pick her up and dropped her off at the cave so she could choose a dragon as well. Soon Both Lisa and Liam had a dragon as a pet. Their parents didn't know which was a good thing because they would make them get rid of them. Dragons were dangerous for them and their parents thought that even though they never met a dragon they would never allow one to hurt their kids, But you can't die twice now, can you.

Lisa, I think our parents will be waking up soon. We need to hide the dragons. She looked at the dragon's cave and had an idea of how they would stay a secret from their parents. Having the dragons drop them off home. The dragons headed home to the cave and stayed there with a family of their own. "How come mom and dad don't allow dragons.." Liam asked Lisa. she shrugged her shoulders and they went inside taking one last look at the cave.

"And where were you two at this early in the morning!?" Their father asked in an irritated mood. Liam showed them some fruit "this is what we were doing. We were collecting some fruit for the house." The father looked proud and sent them to their rooms to clean them. Once they were both done they went outside to the marketplace and went to find some kids who needed help with some things while it was still morning.

The days went by pretty fast for the dead so they had barely any time for anything and the time that they did have they used it wisely to get some things done and let their children have some time to play with others when they needed a friend. One of the children who were there was a young girl about Liam's age who was lost most of the time and always outside talking to people about some finances. For some odd reason, It seemed like she was living alone.

Did she have any parents? Liam would ask himself. Lisa took Liam's arm as night hit and he watched the little girl head home then followed her. "So who was that kid?" Lisa said nothing. "Did you know her?" He asked her again. She still said nothing. Not a word came out the only thing she was doing was taking him home so they would be safe.

However, when they got home the door was locked and the windows were cracked. Lisa let go of Liam and ran to the windows looking inside to see only the ashes of their parents. "Liam call the dragons now!" Liam called them and they came fast towards them. Getting on the dragons they rode them away from the place and were heading on a journey so they could find some safe place to stay for a bit. "Why did you want me to call the dragons?" Asking Lisa. She told him what she saw and he just cried.

The journey was long and they were getting tired, but they knew that they couldn't stop or else they would be ashes as well. Even the dragons were getting tired from flying the whole time.

Looking for a safe place to rest they saw the little girl from the market being chased by one of the crawling creatures and swooped down to help her move the creature out of the way.

"Why would you save me Brother?" she said to him. Liam looked at Lisa then at the little girl as they were going back on their journey. On the journey Lisa looked at the little girl "He doesn't know some of our family lily..." Lily frowned, hugging Liam tightly. "Liam I am your younger sister. Lisa was the oldest, but we have an older brother who is still in the living world." shocked Liam smiled and patted her head then held back on to the dragon.

The dragon finally stopped at a resting area that was guarded by a bunch of other dragons who would defend anyone who is inside the place the dragons stopped at. "Lisa? Where are we..?" Liam asked. She gasped out of excitement "this is the dragon kingdom!!!!" Liam was still confused. "What is the kingdom of dragons?" Taking out a map she showed him all the locations in the land of the dead. The map had multiple kingdoms and some of them were part of their family history. In one of the kingdoms, their uncle was the king.

"So we are basically royal??" Lisa giggled "yup". Lily didn't seem shocked she was calmer and chill about the fact she was a royal and they were at the dragon kingdom. Such a gorgeous place in front of her and she was not really caring. The family was so different from Liam had thought. Lisa gets excited for no reason. The parents are strict. And Lily is just calm about everything. What was next?

Curious about this place and his family here he wanted to know more. The more he knew he would be happy about. Never getting a chance to really meet his family he has one now even though they are all dead and so is he. "Watch out!" someone from the distance in the castle said. Liam ducked thinking something was coming his way.

'Crash' Looking back to see what the sound was he got off the dragon and walked over to the noise. A girl with blond hair and pretty blue eyes was feeling her head as she was unable to stand. One eye opened and she looked up "would you help me kind sir," she asked politely. Liam blushed when he went to reach his hand out to help her out. Before she could reach for his hand Lisa and lily got in the way pushing him back "who are you girl and why did you ask my brother for help?" they asked in a protective voice.

The girl looked at them and just sighed "my name is Cynthia and I am a princess here. Lisa looked at Liam then her. Moving back she allowed him to help her up. "You should be more careful," Liam said with a gentle smile on his face. Cynthia blushed while smiling back at him "well I am very clumsy sometimes when I don't mean to be. I better get going though or the king will get mad I've been gone for too long." she told him then ran back inside the place to go to her dad.

"Are you okay brother your cheeks are red.." Lily asked in worry. He patted her head once again and nodded yes. Heading back to the dragons he fell asleep on the dragons back tired and exhausted but feeling some kind of weird fluttery feeling in his chest. The heat from his cheeks he was able to feel not knowing what the feeling is or why it happens.

Is he falling in love with a princess he just met? Maybe she already has someone she is dating. He couldn't think straight and stayed up all night after 1 hour of sleep. By the time he woke up, the girls were already passed out and sleeping. "Starlight? Are you and the other dragon ready to go?" He asked the dragon. The dragon looked at the princess and picked her up with its tail putting it on the back with Liam then headed out with the other dragon carrying Lisa and Lily carefully making sure they didn't fall.

Such gentle dragons and yet they kidnapped a princess. Cynthia looked at Liam unhappy but also not upset. "Why did you take me with you.." she asked him. "Well I kinda wanna have you traveling with us..." He told her feeling like she is upset with him. Kissing his cheek and holding onto his waist she closed her eyes and rested. Liam's face got bright red as he felt her holding onto him.

Some thoughts were bad, some thoughts were clean, but he knew that He would eventually fall completely In love with her. Her blue eyes and blonde hair were gorgeous and just by looking in those blue eyes, he could see the ocean. The wind hit them and she clutched onto him tighter cold so he put his jacket on her making sure she was warm and safe.

"Mm where are we.." she muttered, opening her eyes and rubbing them with one hand just waking up. "You were cold So I put my jacket on you and we are entering a new area." He said softly to her. Touching the jacket that he out on her she blushed bright and hid in the jacket.

"You're so adorable" He whispered, chuckling a bit. Cynthia looked up and hid more as she wrapped her arms around him more resting her head on his shoulder. "Don't hide. I wanna see your cute face," telling her as he puts his hand on her chin lightly kissing her on the lips in a gentle way. Having the urge to kiss back she fights it then kisses him with eyes closed.

"Your lips are soft" Hearing that she blushed more wrapping her arms around his neck while he is sitting backward on the dragon keeping still. Heart beating faster, she places a hand on his chest to feel his heartbeat and giggles "so you like me?" she asks. Liam gulps "y-y-yes..". Kissing him once more she smiles than has him turn around to pay attention to where the dragon is taking them. It was almost morning and Lisa woke up then Lily did. "Morning little sis" Lisa said, holding lily on her lap.

"Sissy? Why is The princess with Liam on his dragon?" Lisa looked over freaking out. "You Kidnapped a princess!?" she said yelling at Liam. Cynthia looked at her and explained what happened and why she was there. Still convinced Liam stole the princess she was yelling more. The most he could do right now is ignore her yelling. "I am very sorry for my sister princess.." Liam said, holding Cynthia.

Cuddling up next to Liam she just smiled with her cheeks turning a rosy pink color. "Wait- does she like you?" Lisa asked Liam. Nodding yes to what Lisa said He smiled and went ahead to get some sleep while they were still traveling. Cynthia looked at Liam while he was sleeping messing with his hair the whole time.

"So princess. How Come you decided you wanted to come even though the dragon basically just took you with us without saying anything?" Liam's sister asked her. "Well, When I first met him I could see something different about him and wanted to know more about him," Cynthia said smiling. Messing with Liam's hair still, she started putting it up in a girl's hairstyle to see what he would do when he wakes up and sees that.

"Do you like my Brother?" Lily asked her, forgetting she already did before. "As I said before yes, Yes I do" She answered. "Sorry I have a bad memory.." Lily apologized. The princess did not seem to mind. All she showed them was a warm gentle smile. Her long blond hair and blue eyes made her look so innocent, but come to think of it they didn't know anything about her or who she was. Only her title.

Hopefully soon to the area, they were wanting to be at the princess woke Liam up to have him see where they were at. He wouldn't wanna wake up. "Use water to wake him up," Lisa told her. The princess snapped her fingers and water appeared in her hands. Pouring the water on him he woke up freaked out. "Your sister told me to.,"

she said as she hugged him. Liam looked at Lisa and smirked like he was gonna get payback soon.

She blinked at him pretending she was scared then stuck her tongue out at her. "Put that thing away. No one wants to see that tongue." Liam said playfully. In the background, Cynthia just laughed and laughed watching them fight and bicker about random stuff. "You guys fight so much for siblings," Cynthia said laughing.

"You are gonna pay for having her pour water on my precious body. My hair is messed up and now I need a brush when I don't Have one -_-." Liam complained. "Well, you should be grateful it wasn't me who did that I would have dropped you on the ground and made you fly the rest of the way," Lisa said responding to Liam.

Lily and Cynthia looked at each other and started dancing randomly on the dragons back just jamming out to music singing The banana song and baby shark the whole time they were fighting. "SHUT UP!" Liam and Lisa shouted at the same time hearing the annoying music and singing from Them. Their poor ears.

They stopped singing but continued dancing, taking Lisa and Liam's hand and making them dance with them. "Dance Party!!!!" Lily screamed. The dragons were just watching laughing as they were being kids and dancing the whole. Flying above other ghosts they just stared at them confused on what the heck they were even doing. One of them just questioned them the whole time they were doing that.

When the dragon stopped for some water and food they got off the dragons in a flip then flopped on the ground like they were seals. They even made the noise seals make. People just looked at them funny and half of them joined in on the party the dragons even got on their back legs and the front legs standing dancing with them.

"We Need Music!" someone shouted. Later when they had the music they were singing along to the things they were playing and having fun. Some people were eating cake, brownies, drinking punch, while some were being goofballs and doing their own thing. This party lasted for hours until they had to leave sadly. The people all thanked them for the party then watched them leave.

"We should throw confetti everywhere!" Lisa thought. Cynthia snapped her fingers again and summoned confetti out of nowhere throwing it everywhere as they were on the dragons. There was so much each time more summoned when it was empty. "How do you do That?" Liam asked Cynthia. Smiling, she booped his nose and closed her eyes giving them the bucket of confetti.

The princess held so many secrets most of the time. This made it so that she was unable to say them all when they wanted to hear about them and what they were. Some were about her family and some were just about who she was inside and if she was pretending to be someone she's not around them.

Maybe she was evil and was up to no good. Even if she was she would be able to get away with it, but who she was was a witch that was a good witch. People wanted her dead before in the living world and burned her alive on a stake for everyone to see what witches are and what they do. Fighting for her life in her past life was hard enough for her.

People would always be watching her when she was home with her kids who died because someone burned her house down and her family have already crossed over. First coming to this world she was shocked her father was still alive.

He was also shocked she was there. The sad thing about that is her father died when she was a baby and never there for her. The world of the dead was a change and she met so many other people who are like her and don't care that she is a witch.

Wanting to tell Liam she knew that she can't in fear he would get defensive and wanna kill her again. Maybe he didn't like witches...Maybe He did. She would never know.

"Maybe I should keep it hidden and just say it's a trick I learned when I was younger?" she thought herself as she looked at them as they waited for an answer about how she did that. The way Cynthia looked while thinking about things made me seem like she was upset or just scared when people look at her sometimes. "Hey Bro. Go check on your crush over there and she looks like she has something on her mind." Lisa Told him. Liam walked over To the princess and asked what was wrong, curious but not curious at the same time.

"I'm Fine" That was the only response he could get from her. "Had a rough childhood I'm guessing". Liam asked her. She blinked once which meant she did. Liam Hugged her and kissed her cheek then picked her up and carried her to where he was sitting on the dragon and put her on his lap.

Wrapping her arms around him she leaned her head against his chest trying to get some sleep to keep the thoughts from making her look upset. His warm embrace helped her when she didn't wanna think. She only blushed and smiled when she was being held by him. His gentle touch and the way he would make sure to be careful when making sure not to hurt her.

She knew falling In love with him would be an okay idea. He was still a bit of a stranger to her, but for some reason, she felt like he would be her soulmate and was okay with that as long as he didn't wanna hurt her. Lisa and Lily could tell she was In love and that He loved her back,

But did not want them together. "We gotta keep them from getting together even though she is an amazing person," Lily said with an upset tone. Lisa nodded no at Lily and just let them be and have nature take its course.

Liam thought He wanted to ask her out so much, But the thought of her saying no to him when he really liked her scared him. So much has happened and he feels like he can trust her now that he spent some time with her. "Hey princess?" Liam said as he was grabbing her attention. She slightly looked at him as she lay there on his chest comfy.

"Yes?" she replied. Liam gulped "Would you maybe wanna be my girlfriend?". Blushing a dark red she kissed him on the lips and simply said 'yes"

Placing a hand on her cheek he lightly kissed her with a real kiss. She accepted the real kiss and let him. Each kiss made was gentle making sure it's perfect for the first time having a real kiss together.

Lisa smiled at them while Lily felt she was gonna be forgotten because of some new girlfriend. "Sissy are they gonna forget me?" Lily asked. Lisa looked at Lily running her hands through her sister's hair "no sweetie they are not." Lily smiled hugging Lisa falling asleep on her sister. "Make sure She gets some sleep Bro," Lisa said looking at Liam.

Falling asleep he ignored his sister And just got some rest while having Cynthia in his arms. As time went By Lisa finally fell asleep as well. The dragons were wanting to take a break and when they saw a portal to the living world they decided to go explore that place and find out what was in the living world. Lisa, Lily, Liam, and The princess finally were awake, but when they woke up they woke up in the forms of some kind of animal. Liam was a wolf and so was Cynthia while Lisa and Lily werewolves also. Lily a cub and Lisa an adult wolf.

The dragons were still dragons but Baby dragons wandering the living world with a pack of wolfs,

The area the Dragons landed at was filled with trees and Liam's cart was still in the same area he had left it. The only problem was that the map that he valued was stolen from the cart and so were all the things that were valuable. "Why would someone do this."

He started wandering to himself. Cynthia looked at Liam and his family and recognized this place as the place she was burned at.

Backstory of the magicion

Real world adventure

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Real world adventure


(So to recap what was In part one. Liam was traveling around and came upon his sister Lisa who brought him to the world of the dead where he met his family and a girl who was a princess(Cynthia). They rode on dragons once liam's family did only lily and lisa managed to not get hurt. After having a long ride the dragons went to the real world and the family was changed to wolves along with Cynthia while the dragons baby dragons.)

The Real world adventure

Cynthia looked around the place scared and shaking as Liam noticed her. "You okay?" He asked her. She nodded and just followed him and his family holding onto his tail with hers. Lisa smiled while Lily frowned looking at the happy couple together. In LIly mind she kept thinking that he was hers and when He got a girlfriend she wanted to hurt Cynthia, but held back for Liam's sake. "Mine only!" LIly muttered as she gave a glare toward cynthia.

She looked at Lily and just shrugged, flicking Lily off like she knew what was wrong with her. Did Lily like her own brother or was Lily lying about who she was. Lisa only saw her as a sister and the form she had wasn't even her real form. Lily was originally Liam's age. Throwing a paper towel at Liam Lily smiled when he looked her way. Cynthia growled looking at her with red eyes then back to her normal eyes.

So much was going on between the tension with lily and cynthia. Cynthia was lying about so many things and didn't wanna say anything to Liam and lily was lying about what she really looked like and her age. Many years passed and Liam just turned 19 along with Lily in her real age but with her child form she was 13. Cynthia was 18 and they were still together. Lily was starting to develop a yandere crush on Liam and stopped wanting to fight the urges she had. Cynthia on the other hand would attack Lily within a second if she could, but neither of them would hurt each other Because if they did Liam would find out about what was going on between them and they would have to come clean with him.

Lisa sadly passed away and It was only the three now. Liam cried when he had to bury his blood sister. Her skin was pale more and more as she withered away in the grave she was put in. no more coming to the world of the dead. Once they leave back to the real world and they die no return only rot in the living world. The cause of death though that was because of lily.

Here let me take you back to what happened. So when they were traveling in the real world for some time. Lisa developed feelings for Liam and would always hug him. Lily didn't like that she wanted him for herself and so did cynthia. Both Cynthia and Lily loved Liam, however only one can have him. LIly took the chance and killed Lisa even though she was there for her in her darkest times. The death was a tragedy, but worth it.

Cynthia stayed by Liam so no one could take him from her. Lily tried to kill Cynthia multiple times. Now back to the story. While traveling one afternoon Lily decided to make a move and walk up to him wrapping her tail around his pushing hers off. Liam didn't know what was happening until he looked back and saw what they were doing. Soon all three tails were twisted together. Cynthia and Lily looked at each other confused why he wasn't saying anything and they walked alongside each other. "Ik who you are lily or should I say Rebecca?" Liam said. Lily looked at him and sighed changing to her real form and age.

Cynthia looked at Lily who had just suddenly changed to rebecca. "How are you alive..." she asked her. Rebecca looked away and just walked along with Liam to a den they saw in the near forest beside them. Laying down they took dome hours to go ahead and hunt while the others got some rest. While Lily was sleeping through Cynthia appeared in front of her and changed to a human stabbing her then hiding the body muttering under her breath "He is only mine!" There was not that much blood at least.

Minutes later Liam woke up to find Cynthia bleeding. "Are you okay?!" he asked her. She blushed and nodded then layed next to him for a bit in her wolf form. The rest of the day was peaceful and Cynthia loved that noise. No lily, no annoying girls trying to take him nothing.

Liam on the other hand was confused and worried about rebecca though. She was gone when he woke up and was not seen. Getting up Liam went to search around and found some bodies in the river. One that was Lisa and the other "Re-Re-rebecca!?" He shouted upset and scared. Her dead body was washing away in the river that was now a blood river. Running inside the water he picked her body up and dragged it out of the water looking for a wound to see what happened to her. There was no wound though. Only skin.

Placing his hand under her head he started shaking then just stopped caring about her as he snapped her neck. Cynthia quietly creeped around and watched Looked at what he did and gasped then quickly covered her mouth. He Just snapped her neck Just like that... no blood was running from the body and he threw the body back in the water. "Looks like my yandere girlfriend did it again" he said chuckling.

Cynthia shockingly looked at him confused about how he knew about her doing that to girls that tried to get with him. How did he know that she thought to herself multiple times from the time he saw him do that. In her mind she thought he would freak out and be confused on what had happened to Lily well rebecca. Instead he just snapped her neck and didn't care. Coming up to him she asked him so many questions.

Bringing her close to him He grabbed her waist and simply touched her lips lightly with his finger. "Shh" He told her gently. Seeing her shrink away He picked her up and cradled her like a princess she was then had her sit on his lap. "W-Wh-whyyy?" She said, stuttering turning bright red. Liam chuckled again. He looked at her with a smile on his face "your so adorable" he said after kissing her cheek.

Cynthia got super shy and started to hide her face from him seeing the blush on her. Grabbing her waist tighter she looked up to stop hiding still shy. "I-I-I'm tired" she said, trying to avoid blushing. Liam smiled and let her sleep. Running her fingers through his hair while she was sleeping He placed his hand in hers and put his head on her shoulder while falling asleep with her. Time passed by quickly and by the time they woke up it was already night time.

"Hey, we better get moving and head to where we are safe." She told him as he was waking up. Liam didn't wanna get up he just lay there with his eyes opened looking at her. "Fineee" He said as he finally got up. Hearing noises from the bushes Cynthia goes over to them and looks around while Liam gets ready for them to leave.

Peeking through the bushes Cynthia sees the dragons covered in blood and passes out. Liam hears the noise and starts making his way to where she is to see what happened and what she was looking at. "Omg! Cynthia!?" He says freaking out and carrying her. Peeking through the bushes like she did he sees the dragons and starts healing them with something he found on the ground that looked like a magic staff.

At first he didn't know if it would work or not but he tried and they were healed waking up. Waiting for Cynthia to wake up Liam put her on the dragon and made sure she was in front of him so she could not fall while she was out. The dragons finally took off when Liam changed to his human form and she was back as a Human able to walk and not act like a wolf.

Hours past and Cynthia still didn't wake up. Liam started to get worried as she lay there silently not moving a muscle. Her heart was not beating and her chest still had no movement. No breathing, nothing was coming up or out of her body. She was just still and laying there like she was dead. More hours past and Liam finally felt a movement on her chest as she woke up slowly opening her eyes slightly. "What's going on??" she asked cluelessly.

"Nothing sweetie. You fell into a deep sleep for a while when you saw the dragons covered in blood. I had to heal them but I was confused on what was going on with you..." He responded to her in worry. His voice shaking as he talked was a sign that He was scared, but He held it back for as long as he could so she wont feel like she hurt him.

Cynthia was very emotional and sometimes she would get hurt just by seeing someone upset about something. when it came to her lover she was more sensitive. wanting to protect him she kissed his cheek to calm him down. Liam finally did and he held on to her so tight so she wouldn't leave him again like that.

She could easily tell how much she meant to him Just by the grasp he had on her. Holding her tighter Tears started coming down his eyes a little at a time. He was holding back and wanted to hide the tears. Cynthia looked up at him and kissed his lips then wiped his tears away as she played with his hair for a bit. Liam showed A side of him she didn't know he even had.

There was so much He hid from her that She didn't know about before. seeing him cry was something she never wanted to happen again. It took a whole 4o minutes for Liam to rest his eyes and calm down. Calming down He placed a hand on her shoulder and kissed her neck then held on to the dragon while they were in the air. Such a Lovely couple People would say about them as they would be flying above them on a dragon. The real world though Didn't Like dragons at all For some odd reason.

Some of the people In the woods that were wandering around would try and throw things at them like fire and torches. The dragons didn't mind, they just continued what they were doing and ignored them leading Liam and Cynthia on the right path, However, what was the right path? Liam and Cynthia just wanted a safe to rest and were unsure what path they were going on. For days they would travel on the dragons and when they wanted to rest they would change to wolves along with the dragons.

Coming across A castle that was covered with dragon statues surrounding it Liam and Cynthia decided they would stay there for a while and the dragons seemed to like it. But there was a curse there. Once a Dragon steps foot on the ground of that place they would be stone at night. which was good for them Because then they would be safe. special dragons like The ones Liam and Cynthia had would never turn to stone they would need to act like they are not there though.

The castle had many rooms inside and one room was just for dragons when they were cold. The door was even able to let in the giants of the dragons. half of the rooms for people and half of them were for humans or monsters like people. For Liam and Cynthia, They used the room by the dragon's room that was for wolves. The wolves' room was filled with many wolves already.

Liam looked around at them confused about what was going on in the castle. So many animals were looking at them As they changed to their wolf form in front of them. The dragons headed inside and went to sleep as they got inside their room. "what are you guys doing here? Who are you exactly though? Why were you humans like us?" They asked them. Liam looked at them "Wait you guys can change to humans also??" He asked them to respond to their questions. They all changed back to a human and smiled at them.

They were all girls though and they stared at Liam The other part of them was Boys and they were staring at Cynthia In a lovey-dovey way. "Okay, so My girlfriend and I, well, my wife here needs a place to stay." The girls and Boys quickly looked away from them and sighed upset that they were together. Letting them stay they set up a sweet for them so they can be close to each other when sleeping. The Boy wolves sighed walking away turning back to wolves then the girls just watched the boys go except for one.

A young little girl who was curious about who they were walked up to them "can you adopt me as your child?" she asked them. Cynthia looked at Liam as Liam looked at Cynthia. After looking at each other they agreed to adopt the little girl and saw a little boy who was all alone around the age of the little girl. '"hey who is he?" they asked the little girl.

"that is my twin brother..." She told Liam. Cynthia walked up to the little boy and decided to ask if he would like them to adopt him as their own. The little boy smiled shyly and followed her. The pack of wolves walked up to them and not wanting them as a lover asked for them to be their leaders of the pack even though they didn't even know them. Liam Accepted the title and so did Cynthia.

Now Becoming alphas of the pack they gave each wolf a place to sleep and had them each find a mate so they won't be lonely. Some of the wolves already had a mate which helped them out and the beds for them were a lot less than they had in the room. The females of the pack all slept on the right side of their mate and had their mark on them. The mark would originally be on the cheeks and each one would be different than the others. One couple had a star, while one couple had a moon. The others had more marks that were different than the other wolves. Liam and Cynthia Had Line marks going down from their eyes as they got their marks as the alphas. Finding a new home and a pack they were safe from everything and finally have a safe place to go.

Their new kids The young girl and young Boy well they got adopted by them and Liam and Cynthia are married now and have the perfect life. Years passed By and Liam Has been working, While Cynthia takes care of the kids. I hope you liked the story and all I've been working on for a week and will be starting a new one soon about something else.

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