
Backspaced- that unexplained conversation

Hey, do you miss me?

The message beeped.

And though the number was unknown still i kinda remember those 10 digits because once upon a time they were the source of my unexplained smiles. As my finger reached the screen, even when i had a lot to write, I was so much hanging in dilemma, to figure out ,where to start with. 

I've never stopped missing you, since we said the last "goodbye" , though we left in good terms but then, still, I believe that the last half-hug was meant to be completed with forever. *Backspaced*- now I finally know where to initiate from!- my heart said!

"Where were you from the last 2 years when I was fighting against the trauma of losing you? 

Every petty thing within me was soaking, weeping, breaking against the will to stand up for me, for oneself.  Obviously i missed you, but why it took 17 months and 11 days for you to finally realize this?

*Backspaced*- "it's harder than I thought, i now don't have the authority to ask such questions to anyone, anymore, that's what I believe. Indeed i am now a busy yet stiff person. I no longer rely on people for attachments!-mind disturbed me, for getting nostalgic.

Okay yes, i miss you sometimes when i run away from my work and sit under the sky to derive bliss, of course i miss you! when every person ask me about the day but i look for you to disclose the facts ,that happened.  i also miss you when people ask me about why it didn't work out between you guyees even when everyone adored your friendship?.  Yes i still miss you !during my supermarket visits, when i don't see the family pack of "lottie choco pie" anymore.

*Backspaced*- so let's keep it simple and not like I want you back.  My fingers still went back to the screen and typed,"Yes i missed you". because irrespective of whatever have happened between us, i still believe that it would be the most incredible thing of my life, yet, life has lots of different experiences and plans for both of us and we stand so far to complain about it. How are you by the way?*Backspaced* 

Hi, who's this? *sent* .


Penned by Saloni!!!