
BACK TO THE ERA:shopping mall space is easy to get rich

AN ACCIDENT caused Su Qing to be reborn and finds that she has come to a time when supplies are scarce and extremely difficult Fortunately, her shopping mall followed her. Rice noodles, vegetable ,clothing ,grains and oils, fruit snacks, gold are all available. Su Qing felt that being a low-key rich man with a loving husband, two or three confidantes and getting rich.

nehanika · Fantasy
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4 Chs

chapter 3

Su Qing looked up to see her father, Su Wei, holding out a bowl of what appeared to be corn batter. She took the bowl and saw that it was indeed just a mixture of cornmeal and water.

Su Wei chuckled. "Well, it's not much, but it's better than nothing. We're running low on food supplies, and I haven't been able to go to the market in a while. "

Su Qing silently thanked the fact that her shopping mall had somehow followed her into this era, as it would certainly make her survival much easier.

Su Qing looked at her siblings and noticed how eagerly they were eyeing the bowl of corn batter that her father had brought out. She couldn't help but feel a little bit concerned.

"Do you want to eat?" she asked them.

Her sister and brother shook their heads."we are not that hungry, you should eat more," they replied.

Su Qing smiled at her brother's selflessness but still felt a twinge of concern. She knew that they had been through a lot lately and that their food supplies were running low.

Su Qing believes that in order for her family to have better living conditions, it is important to control her partial grandmother. This may indicate that her grandmother's favoritism towards certain family members.

It is concerning to hear that Su Qing's family does not have any food in the house and that her younger brother may be hungry and without milk to drink. In this situation, it is important for the family to prioritize getting food and nourishment for everyone, especially for the younger brother who may be too weak to even cry due to hunger.

Su Qing said to her father, "I'll be right back" and then went outside of the house.Su Qing's consciousness entered the mall while her physical body remained outside . She then took the milk powder from the mall and went back to her house.

Su Qing gave the milk powder to her father and instructed him to add warm water and feed her younger brother. Her father didn't question the origin of the milk powder, as he knew that Su Qing was resourceful and had many tricks up her sleeve. He immediately began preparing the milk for her son.

Su Qing went to her mother's room and when her mother saw her, she started crying sadly and asked if Su Qing was okay. Her mother was scared when she saw Su Qing in an unconscious state. Su Qing comforted her mother and told her not to cry, and that everything was fine now.

After comforting her mother to sleep, Su Qing went to her sibling and asked them to keep an eye on their mother while she had a personal conversation with their father.

She then went to her father and said, "Dad, can we talk for a moment? I need to discuss something with you."

Her father nodded and led her to a quiet corner of the house. Su Qing took a deep breath and said, "Dad, I need to tell you something important."

Su Qing's father looked at her with a mix of confusion and concern. "I don't understand, Su Qing. What do you mean an old grandfather came to you in a dream and offered you food?" he asked.

Su Qing took another deep breath and tried to explain further. "I know it sounds strange, Dad, but in my dream, the old grandfather appeared and told me that if I needed food, he could help me. At first, I didn't believe him, but then he took me to a place with lots of grain, and I knew he was telling the truth."

Her father listened carefully, trying to make sense of what his daughter was saying. "Su Qing, dreams are just dreams. They aren't real, and they can't solve our problems," he said gently.

Su Qing's father was taken aback by her words. "What do you mean you got the milk powder in that place?" he asked, bewildered.

Su Qing explained, "When I woke up this morning, I found the milk powder in the same place where the old grandfather had taken me in my dream Dad."

Her father was still unsure, but he could see how serious Su Qing was. "Su Qing, you promise me that you won't tell anyone else about this, except for our family."

Su Qing nodded, relieved that her father was at least willing to consider the possibility. Her father then went to light incense and pray to the gods, hoping for guidance and protection for his family during these troubled times.

Su Qing to take two catties of rice and chicken from the mall and give them to her father to make chicken soup and rice for her mother.

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