
Instinctively Protecting the Wild Child at the Sign of Danger

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Gu Jin looked at the wild boar not far away and knew that she and An Mingji could not run.

The wild boar was too massive.

They stopped dead in their tracks.

At over two meters long and one meter wide at the waist, the wild boar looked frighteningly similar to a small hill. It was ready to attack.

Du Aiqing, who had been climbing the mountain all year long, could not help but break out in a cold sweat.

This particular wild boar seemed overly aggressive, and he was not confident about escaping it.

As the wild boar began to attack them again, Gu Jin noticed how angry and frantic it was through its red eyes. It faced death unflinchingly.

With no time to talk and the child curling his arms around her neck, Gu Jin carried him and grabbed the wooden stick with the bayonet from Du Aiqing.

Once the wild boar was about one meter away from them, she thrust the wooden stick with the bayonet into the beast.