
She lives in the past

"Amy! I shouted at the woman who was walking ahead of me.

a woman I even knew 15 years ago when I wrote a song project together.

Amy Kim, the woman I know, has great ambition for her music career. Amy and I have been together since the age of 15. What I know is that Amy is now starting to feel bored with the world of entertainment where there is so much public attention because it makes her feel like she doesn't have any privacy in her life. 

"If your steps are not fast, the journalists will quickly get here, it must be the paparazzi who have provided photos and information about our presence here to media people," said Amy in an angry tone.

"Aren't you the one who wants us to date outside?" I answered.

Amy and I are currently dating. However, it feels like we are not a normal couple in general, our relationship is considered very secret from the public because it feels like we also want to experience life like ordinary people.

The public previously knew that Amy and I were very close friends, although it is true that some people say that there can be no true friendship between a man and a woman.

Amy and I have been dating for 2 years and during that time we kept it a secret from the world. Since Eun Gi and I broke up, I started to have feelings for Amy. Moreover, the time between us is very limited, Amy is busy with making her new album while I am busy with my world tour concert schedule. 

"I'm fed up with the media, they don't respect someone's privacy at all and only care about money, I'm really bothered by the paparazzi who follow me 24 hours a day" grumbled Amy.

"In the entertainment world it's like that, and you're not someone who has just entered that world, are you not feeling well? It seems like you've been very sensitive lately."

"I still haven't found an idea for my new album and it feels tiring for me at the moment, I think I'm thinking about taking a break from the world of music and living peacefully"

"You've lived for so long and grown up in the world of music, I doubt if you'll do that quickly."

"Don't humans change easily? Seeing the amount of pressure I receive, I want to make the last song before I get my peaceful life." 

My heart immediately started beating as if the words that Amy had just said pierced my heart, it felt like Amy was so very tired mentally and physically from living her current life.

Amy, who usually looks very cheerful, now looks depressed more often and often experiences depression in her life.