
Back Into His Touch

Grey looked at Lylia's face, although now her face was completely different from the woman he had loved for the past 12 years, he couldn't hide the feeling of love that was getting bigger and bigger by the day. The woman he used to know was so gentle, and calm. While Lylia who was in front of him at this time was almost unknown to him. There was no tenderness left in her. Lylia who turned into Stacy John, had such a cold and piercing gaze. Looks like Grey has changed something he shouldn't have. He didn't understand, he created something different and heartless not like before. Lylia continued to stare at Grey's body who was standing in front of her in a state of near collapse. “Lylia, I know you still remember the memories at the lake 10 years ago. I—” "I'm not Lylia, I'm Stacy. Your Lylia is long dead, Grey." “But I want the old Lylia to come back to me!” "Then why don't you look for her in the realm of the dead?"

AnaSue12 · Urban
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7 Chs

Chapter 7. Don't Tease Me!

Grey was mesmerized by Lylia's blushing cheeks, she looked even cuter and cuter in Grey's eyes. Even the cold impression on the woman seemed to disappear when she was drunk.

Her face is white, as white as milk, her nose is sharp, with both amber colored balls, her long eyelashes, embellish her very beautiful face. Lylia was not what Grey saw then.

Lylia was a very secretive girl during school and college, she busied herself more with piles of textbooks, than hanging out with kids her age. By the time they turned eighteen, girls in Northern Ville, would be busy with their boyfriends and then head to the bar, of course by tricking their age on the security guard who was always watching at the bar door.

The legal age for drinking alcohol was twenty-one, so now Lylia didn't have to worry about it, she wanted to get drunk until she passed out unconscious, no supervisor would force her out for breaking the rules.

"Stacy, that's enough. You don't need to drink too much alcohol anymore," said Gray. He grabbed Lylia's wrist, intending to stop Lylia from drinking the glass again. That face is really very attractive in Grey's eyes. He doesn't know what's going on in his mind, he smiled to himself watching Lylia's face getting redder from the influence of alcohol.

"Grey… why is your face in two?" asked Lylia who was completely drunk this time, she was starting to lose control of herself. Can't tell the difference between illusion and reality. Lylia chuckled, seeing Grey's head in two in her eyes.

"Stacy, we're back now," said Grey, then tried to support Lylia's body to leave the restaurant.

Lylia really was in a state of chaos under the influence of alcohol. She laughed for a moment, then chuckled as if there was something funny in front of her. Her vision was clouded, everything she saw turned into two, even Grey's face was abstract in her eyes.

Grey finally relented, he felt it was time for them to go back home, if he continued to let Lylia and him stay longer in the restaurant, Lylia would definitely act ridiculous!

While helping Lylia up, the girl pinched Grey's nose. Then resting her head on Grey's chest, occasionally rubbing her face, trying to stay focused, but it was hard when the alcohol had completely taken over.

"Stacy, don't embarrass me. We'd better go now, or else—"

Before Grey finished speaking to Lylia on tiptoe and then wrapped her arms around Grey, she quickly kissed Grey's lips, making Grey's body stiffen on the spot. Even though Grey tried to let go of Lylia's grip on the neck, Lylia was adamant that she didn't want to let go of Grey. Instead, she tightened her grip. Don't know what's going through Lylia's mind right now.

"If you love me, why don't you kiss me back, huh?" asked Lylia.

Grey didn't understand how he should answer, basically he couldn't possibly kiss a girl who wasn't his real lover. He did not want to be accused by his conscience of stealing the opportunity in the narrow. Although sometimes many do cheap things like that!

"Because your mouth smells of alcohol so I don't want to kiss you back," replied Grey casually trying to appear calm when answering Lylia's question. Once again Lylia kissed Grey on the lips, this time deeper, and longer. Grey also lost, he returned the kiss given by Lylia. Right now no one will care about the actions of the two humans, because Grey booked a VIP room where no one will know what the two will do.

Lylia is getting wild, she squeezes Grey's hair. Burned by passion from Lylia's intense kiss, Grey pushed Lylia's body against the wall. Lylia's hands were raised up, then Grey gave Lylia a passionate kiss, kissing the girl's neck gently.

Lylia, who was so drunk, no longer realized what she had done to Grey. She seemed resigned to what Gray would do to her. Grey himself didn't understand why he wanted Lylia so much, when the two of them had just met, but there was already a strange feeling that Grey didn't understand in his heart.

A burning feeling every time he got close to Lylia.

"If you keep on like this, you're going to make me forget myself, Stacy," Grey whispered in Lylia's ear. He didn't want anything untoward to happen, because right now Lylia still couldn't remember who she was. If Grey did more, and then Lylia's memories came back, she would probably hate Grey.

"I don't care, you forget me too I… I… like it," answered Lylia in her half lost sanity.

"Grey… why is your face so handsome?" Lylia struggled, trying to free her hand which was locked by Grey. He couldn't help but let go of Lylia's hand, he thought Lylia would stop teasing him, apparently his guess was wrong. Instead of ending the teasing on Grey, Lylia touched Grey's face, put her index finger on Gray's forehead then down her nose, and stopped at the man's lips.

"Stacy… don't you bait me. I am a man, so far I have never wanted to touch you because I am still sane. I don't want to make you lose something valuable that belongs to you before we get married," Grey said sarcastically so that Lylia might want to end her actions that made Grey even more embarrassed.

Lylia's face was actually very red, her body was no longer able to perfectly tread on the ground. Grey himself had to hold Lylia's body to keep her upright.

"Grey… do you think I'm not beautiful? Why did you reject me when I gave you a kiss?" asked Lylia.

Of course the girl in front of him was very beautiful, even he had to make peace with something that was on his lower body, so as not to wake up from his long slumber. He wondered why his own could be touched by the kindness of Lylia who would give him hot kisses without being asked by him?

Something seems wrong!

So far, many women have tried to approach him, but none of them can touch Grey's heart. Then why was Lylia able to attract Grey like a man who just met a woman?

Was he already mesmerized by Lylia's charm?

"You're so beautiful, if you want to do anything else, we'll continue at home," replied Grey, then he quickly lifted Lylia's body and immediately carried her out of the VIP room, placing Lylia's slender body on his strong and sturdy shoulders. .

Lylia did not move at all, she felt very sleepy, without being given a warning, Lylia fell asleep.

"We'll do it at home," Gray said then squeezed Lylia's butt.