
Back Into His Touch

Grey looked at Lylia's face, although now her face was completely different from the woman he had loved for the past 12 years, he couldn't hide the feeling of love that was getting bigger and bigger by the day. The woman he used to know was so gentle, and calm. While Lylia who was in front of him at this time was almost unknown to him. There was no tenderness left in her. Lylia who turned into Stacy John, had such a cold and piercing gaze. Looks like Grey has changed something he shouldn't have. He didn't understand, he created something different and heartless not like before. Lylia continued to stare at Grey's body who was standing in front of her in a state of near collapse. “Lylia, I know you still remember the memories at the lake 10 years ago. I—” "I'm not Lylia, I'm Stacy. Your Lylia is long dead, Grey." “But I want the old Lylia to come back to me!” "Then why don't you look for her in the realm of the dead?"

AnaSue12 · Urban
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7 Chs

Chapter 3. Continuing The Engagement

While at the apartment, Stanley asks the apartment security department to replay the CCTV.

It was a little difficult for Stanley to get security to do what he wanted. They had refused to provide assistance to him, if Stanley had not explained the matter quickly, then it was certain that he would be even more ignored by the security officers at the luxury apartment.

"Please play the CCTV footage from three hours ago, I just want to know, is there any suspicious activity from downstairs to room 313. Could you please hurry up?" Stanley asked trying to contain his anger.

The fat man in the CCTV room is really very slow, and Stanley doesn't like slow motion!

For years he had worked for the Rodriguez family and had several subordinates under him, but all were nimble. Taking things slow is not something Stanley can tolerate.

The fat man didn't seem to pay much attention to the ramblings that came out of Stanley's mouth, the cursing that attacked the fat man, but he casually grabbed the rest of the sandwich that was on the table and ate it voraciously.

Make Stanley's annoyance at him increase one level from before.

The fat man's hand movements were too slow.

"Can you speed up what I ask?"

The fat man looked back, with his mouth full he spoke, "You, it's still fortunate that I want to help you. Can't you be patient?"

Be patient?

He had been in the room for almost fifteen minutes, and the fat man was too relaxed, as if he had nothing to worry about.

"You'd better hurry what I'm asking, or I won't hesitate to pull the trigger of this gun on your head, Sir," Stanley said, pointing a small pistol right at the fat man's right temple.

Flustered, the fat man swallowed the rest of the sandwich that was in his mouth quickly. Then fiddle with the last recording recorded on the DVR.

"Speed it up a little more!" Stanley ordered as he stared at the monitor screen.

"Sir, nothing suspicious is on the screen, nothing has sneaked into room 313. What else do you need?" asked the fat man impatiently.

He wanted Stanley to get out of the control room as soon as possible, he still had a glass of coke he hadn't finished.

The plan was that if Stanley came out of his room, he would finish a glass of coca-cola and then sleep afterward.

Stanley shook his head.

"This is impossible, how can that be? Is there a problem with your CCTV?" asked Stanley in a frustrated tone.

Nothing suspicious, no intruders into Lylia's room, then how to explain what happened in the room that looked so horrific, not to mention the bloodstains?

"Then, if there were no intruders, where did the bloodstains come from?"

"How do I know, why not do a DNA test to prove the ownership of the blood," replied the fat man indifferently.

Although if you think about it, what he just said made a lot of sense, because by doing a DNA test, it would be known who the real blood owner was. If indeed Lylia was kidnapped and then hurt, it would be quickly discovered who was behind the incident.

"You are right. Thank you for shedding light on me, even though I know you're just talking nonsense," Stanley said, then immediately left the control room.

Meanwhile Stanley is still trying to track down Lylia's disappearance. At the hospital, Alan continues to persuade Amier to agree with Selena's idea. In the end he could not do anything and obeyed his father's wishes.

"Excuse me for a moment to make a report at the police station. Regarding this engagement, please continue. I can only do what you want. I'll go first," said Amier with a languid face.

A triumphant smile appeared on Myra and Selena's faces. Myra could imagine that soon she would be side by side with Amier and happily ever after!

After Amier finished making the report, he returned to the hospital again. Right now his mind was completely distracted by the news of Lylia's disappearance.

He still couldn't understand it, today should be a happy day for him. Engaged to Lylia after two years of dating, then suddenly today Lylia disappeared for no reason, and the engagement event had to be postponed.

Even more surprising news came from the mouth of Stanley, the personal bodyguard of the Jones family.

Lylia can disappear?

Who kidnapped her?

Not to mention the blood stains Stanley found in the room, so where's Lylia?

Was it possible that he could just disappear without a trace?

After giving a clear report, the police said they would prepare everything to come to the scene, while Amier rushed to the hospital to find out about Helena's condition.

Amier had told Stanley to stay at Lylia's apartment until the police got there and not to touch anything.

It was a really dark night for both families.

No one really cared what happened to Lylia, except for Amier. Even though he got engaged to Lylia to fulfill his family's wish, but it was undeniable, in his little heart, he really had feelings for that girl.


Amier saw Alan at the door of Old Crawford's Old Lady's room, it seemed that the old madam's condition could not be said to be in good condition, seeing the look on Alan's face which was so gloomy without passion.

"You're back. How, what did the police say?"

"They're going to investigate while I ask Stanley to stay at Lylia's apartment. He was the first to get there, so maybe the police will ask him for some information."

Alan ruffled his hair, a frustrated sigh escaped his mouth. He didn't expect his plans to fall apart.

"The Crawfords will rearrange the engagement," said Alan.

"Whatever it is I can't say anything, Dad. Isn't the Jones Family company on the verge of crisis and we need funding? This engagement is for that purpose too, right?"

It was true that some investors had pulled back their shares, and now to solve the problem he and Amier had to agree to the terms the family had put forward, or the company would be doomed.

There are several companies owned by the Jones Family, but the company that the Jones Family is most proud of, is an online trading company, where the company has some strong connections overseas, and works with well-known vendors.

However, due to recent problems, investors are somewhat hesitant to continue their investment in the Jones Company.

"Amier, you are the President Director of the company, you must be able to take quick steps to save the company and maintain your position and authority there. They agreed, Myra will replace Lylia to get engaged and marry you later, that means you've agreed, right?"

It was true that the girl was no less beautiful than Lylia, but he found out that Myra have had a boyfriend for the past few years. Then where they want Myra's lover to go?

"Dad, I don't have much for words. I don't know if I can love Myra as much as I love Lylia?"

"I think you can. She is beautiful, smart, even softer than the girl you love. Now you see, the girl you love, just disappeared, humiliating both of our families. Do you think she could be forgiven that easily?"


"Anyway are you sure someone kidnapped or killed her? Who knows, she arranges this drama and then leaves with another man, because she never loved you."

"Dad, Lylia and I have been in touch since we graduated high school, don't say anything bad about Lylia. After all she is the girl I love. I'll try to love Myra, if that's what you want!"

"You should. You are the Jones Family's only hope. Do you want to embarrass us, Amier?" said Alan with a piercing glare at Amier.

The man felt he was at a crossroads, not knowing which path to take.

"Think carefully. There's nothing wrong with you getting engaged and then marrying Myra. In business everyone will think, how to get more profit. From what I hear, that Lylia is not the real daughter of Old Master and Old Lady Crawford. Long before, I had someone investigate Lylia's background. The truth is discovered, Lylia is not the couple's second child, she is just a child taken from an orphanage. The Crawfords had been hiding it all along, they thought I wouldn't find out," Alan said confidently.


Cold sweat dripped from his forehead and ran down Amier's face. He didn't expect that tonight he would have to hear such a painful truth.

"Do you want to marry an illegitimate child? Lylia's parents are not known, then do you want to embarrass your own family? Think again, Amier."

Alan patted Amier on the shoulder, then walked past him. The middle-aged man walked straight, leaving the hospital corridor, leaving many questions now looming in Amier's mind.