
The Epitome of Love

Aaron felt so much relief to know that he is the biological father of the babies.

Jeanne also felt relieved that the wait has finally ended, and the identity of her babies' father is now unveiled.

However, Andy reacted in a different way. His face seemed dull and disappointed. He can not see up and shove her head down.

"Andy, " called Jeanne softly.

Aaron who notices Andy's reaction felt that he has to do something about it.

"Hey, the godfather! Come on, you are their godfather, comes hell or high water!" said Aaron, trying to cheer up the moment.

Andy looked at them and smiled a little.

"Well, I think I have to go now, I got something to do, "

Andy then walked out of the room and shed a few tears. He felt quite sad but somehow, he thought that both Andy and Jeanne suited each other, and he did not want to be the barrier.

Jeanne and Aaron walked down the hallway in a loving way. Aaron wraps his arms around Jeanne's shoulder and Jeanne leaned her head towards his chest while walking.

"I'm glad the wait is now over," said Aaron while helping Jeanne to get on the bed.

Jeanne threw a little smile.

"Me too," said Jeanne.

However, a question came to Aaron's mind.

"How are you feeling now that I am the biological father, not Andy?" asked Aaron out of curiosity.

"I'm relieved," said Jeanne, short and simple.

"relieved?" asked Aaron again.

Jeanne looked at him while smiling.

"Well, yeah. To be honest, I am already in love with you since forever but I was late to realize it. I'm holding on to Andy just for the sake of him being the daddy, while my heart was still into you" explained Jeanne while smiling.

Aaron came closer to Jeanne, pinch her cheek because Jeanne is looking so cute at that moment. They both stared at each other for a long time.

"You know why I can't resist you the first time we met?" asked Aaron.

Jeanne shook her head.

"Because you are so beautiful, even when you faint, " explained Aaron.

"And you taste delicious too, I seriously can't stop thinking about it," Said Aaron while smiling.

Jeanne who watched Aaron's smile hit Aaron tenderly.

"I'm sorry that I did dirty to you, " apologized Aaron, feeling bad for what he had done.

Jeanne, at first felt mad but it was God's plan. If it weren't for the moment that first time they met, they won't be here now.

Jeanne then putting her arms around Aaron's neck and hugged him dearly. She then loosens the hug, and they both shared a tender kiss after a long time before it goes wild.

Knock, knock

Ma was at the doorstep and luckily they managed to stop before Ma saw them.

They both smiled shyly to Ma.

However, it is shocking the Ma came with Harry. Aaron seemed shocked but Jeanne told him,

"Don't be surprised if you have to call Harry " Dad" after this"

Jeanne's word making Aaron's face looking shocked as fuck that it brings laughter to the room.

"Since when?" asked Aaron to Harry.

Ma takes charge of answering the question since Harry seemed shy.

"Long story short, it was a long lost love story getting back together" replied Ma simple with a smile.

Aaron then nodded, and they all chat happily in the room.

And, it is time for Jeanne to bath and fed the babies at the nursery, and Aaron, Ma, and Harry were left in the room.

"Mrs. Heard, I'm thinking of marrying Jeanne," said Aaron to Ma seriously.

Ma heard that and smiled.

"Just call me Ma, and yes I agree to everything as long as it makes Jeanne's happy, " said Ma.

Harry beside Ma just nodded, agreeing to everything as well.

"However, I want it to be a surprise, " said Aaron.

He then tells everything that he imagined in the mind to Ma and Harry. They both nodded throughout the discussion, agreeing to the plan.

"Hello, " suddenly Andy arrived at the doorstep.

Ma invited Andy in and asked Andy whether he wanted to join the plan or not. Andy seemed reluctant at first but seeing everyone is exciting and knowing Jeanne will be happy with the plans, he then voluntarily joined.

"Let's do this, " said Andy happily, supporting the plan. Aaron felt grateful for Andy's reaction.

Ma then tells Andy again about the plan and he seemed understood and satisfied with the plan. They then segregating the task, in making sure that the plan will go well.

"What are you guys talking about? it seems so serious, " said Jeanne who suddenly arrives at the doorstep.

Luckily, by the time Jeanne arrived they were completely done with the discussion.

"Nothing much. You can discharge next week right?" asked Ma to Jeanne promptly.

Jeanne then nodded.

After clarifying with Jeanne, now their plans can go as projected and hoping for it to be smooth.

After a week, finally, Jeanne can be discharged

"Yeah, finally I can go out!" shouted Jeanne cheerfully.

Andy and Ma who were with her felt happy as well.

"Here, wear this dress" Ma suddenly pass a beautiful off white dress for her.

Jeanne felt weird at Ma's request but she just followed without a word. Then, Andy went to the nursery and wore the best dress for the babies.

They then head back home which is Aaron's home. Upon arriving, Jeanne felt weird for having so many cars at the compound.

Once she stepped out of the car and went to the house lobby, suddenly a romantic song played.

She then saw Aaron with a pastor at the end of the aisle and saw her team's and few acquaintances as the guest.

Harry and Ma took the babies one each.

Andy accompanied Jeanne on the aisle.

"What is all this?" asked Jeanne, whispering to Andy but Andy just smiled.

"Wait and see, " told Andy.

Finally, the arrived at the end of the aisle and Andy passed Jeanne's hand to Aaron. Aaron takes it gently.

"What is all this?" whispered Jeanne again, this time to Aaron.

"Surprise!" said him in a slow but cheerful voice.

Jeanne cannot contain her happiness that her voice cracked and tears are rolling down fast.

The pastor then started the wedding and the couple took their oath.

They then kissed each other fondly and tenderly.

"Today, I take you as my wife, and Adam and Eve, I hope we will be a happy family, " said Aaron.

"Adam and Eve?" asked Jeanne.

"Yes. Our babies' name, "said Aaron happily.

They then share a soft kiss again.

Now, they hope for nothing more but happiness will always be there for their family ever after.

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