
Baby, don't cry

Leaving the room she went to Oliver study room and knock, after hearing an answer she pushed the door open and walked in after sitting down where she sat before she took a book and pen and wanted to write her complains and ask to borrow his pyjamas Yes! it's correct she wants to borrow her fiancé pjyamas The one she just met today The day her parents died She's vexing for pjyamas But before she can start writing Oliver spoke ''It's good your here what we arranged on before can't work the old man disagreed and said that we have get married this month, that should be enough time to mourn'' Ella is left speechless What the FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She already has a problem with the way they arrange clothes for her now she has a problem with the way they want to arrange her relationship What has she done to the people in these house No! No! She has to fix these ''What if i don't agree to the arrangement'' Ella wrote Oliver looked at her like a fool ''Do you have a choice'' Ella is speechless, ok he is getting back at her for what she did to him It's cool It's cool Oliver watched her frustrated look and he must say the girl looks cute even when she looks like she wants to murder someone but he touched his face he is starting to doubt his charm infront of her Why doesn't she want to marry him If she does she can have a lot of money that she can't even even finish spending even after living 5 lives, a status that will make no one dare to bully her, she can look down on everyone and he can help her save the williams empire before those shareholder take it away from her family and it's not like he is ugly Listing all these how would she not want to marry him He came back to the present when he felt a cold gaze on him, turning to see Ella looking at him with a murderous eyes he raised his eyebrow not at all pressured by the pressure she is giving ''Tomorrow we will be staying with the family only in the morning and the go to my penthouse in the afternoon so if you can convince the old man before we leave then we will go with your original arrangement, now go and think of how to convince him cuz his mind is dead set on us marrying and pointers it's the old man that made sure i bring you home ''

Favvy_loves · Urban
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40 Chs

He doesn't give a dam! what they think

Even though the people in the room are shocked and frighten by the arrival of Oliver, they all stood up trying to hide their nervousness and fear but they forgot that Oliver is no ordinary man and if his here that means he already knows what they are doing

Oliver walk towards the seat at the head of the table where the CEO is suppose to sit, he sat down and put his legs on the table crossing one over the other

He doesn't give a dam! what they think

''How come i didn't know there would be a meeting taking place today'' He didn't order them to seat and they have to remain standing but that didn't lessen his intimidating aura in fact it made it worst

''S-sir we are discussing about the project that is lead by Ethan'' A man who looks to be in his early forties said

''Oh!, really'' Oliver said as he tilt his head slightly ''So how come the whole share holders are not here and is this a job for the share holders, if you are restless and looking for work, i can assign some for you instead of you sitting your ass on the couch and getting paid for doing nothing''

''Mr Scott, even if we don't do any work here we still bring the money that will be used for the projects'' Another person said

''And should i be clapping for you or you want me to praise you, should i tell you how many people are waiting in line just to give us money, the same money that you will get triple of what you gave out without stressing yourself in doing any work and if you don't get the amount of money you except you will come here and complain like the righteous man you are'' Came oliver sarcastic reply leaving the man and the others in the room speechless

Ethan, the man in who looks to be in his late twenties and is leading the others cleared his throat as he said ''I'm the one who called them to help with the project since it is very important and i don't want to make a mistake and also because they haven't been contributing to the company even though they are earning from it'' he not only remove any suspicions but also rebut his previous statement

Oliver narrowed his eyes, he knows that ethan knows why he is here and is only playing games with me and he would have loved to if not because amos matter is more important than this dumb ass people, he raised his hand for liam to place a document in front of all the people here ''Sign the transfer document and you wouldn't go to jail or else i will get your shares and you will go to jail, i will prefer the latter but you know i'm a kind person to give you the chance to choose the former''

Liam mouth twisted has he heard what his boss said

He is anything but kind!

Hearing his words, they were stunned, they all quickly pick up the document to see it's a share transfer document, they all became angry

Ethan is the one who exploded first, hitting the document on the table followed with a loud sound that echoed in the meeting room he shouted ''What kind of bullshit is this, Oliver even though you are the CEO you can't treat us like that, we all have contributed to the development of scott corporation, if it's not for everyone of us scott corporation wouldn't reach where it is, you can't expect me to give you my shares just because you said so, which kind of disrespect is this, is this how the CEO acts dismissing people with no reason'' Ethan shouted, only him knows how long he has been eyeing the seat of CEO even though he corporate with his uncle, Peter. He knows it is harder to remove oliver from the seat than his peter, he wants to be CEO not someone who got chased away from the office

''Yes, you can't just dismiss us like that''

''We contributed to this company too''

''It should be you to leave this company and not us''

''Who gave you the right to dismiss us like this''