
Baby, don't cry

Leaving the room she went to Oliver study room and knock, after hearing an answer she pushed the door open and walked in after sitting down where she sat before she took a book and pen and wanted to write her complains and ask to borrow his pyjamas Yes! it's correct she wants to borrow her fiancé pjyamas The one she just met today The day her parents died She's vexing for pjyamas But before she can start writing Oliver spoke ''It's good your here what we arranged on before can't work the old man disagreed and said that we have get married this month, that should be enough time to mourn'' Ella is left speechless What the FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She already has a problem with the way they arrange clothes for her now she has a problem with the way they want to arrange her relationship What has she done to the people in these house No! No! She has to fix these ''What if i don't agree to the arrangement'' Ella wrote Oliver looked at her like a fool ''Do you have a choice'' Ella is speechless, ok he is getting back at her for what she did to him It's cool It's cool Oliver watched her frustrated look and he must say the girl looks cute even when she looks like she wants to murder someone but he touched his face he is starting to doubt his charm infront of her Why doesn't she want to marry him If she does she can have a lot of money that she can't even even finish spending even after living 5 lives, a status that will make no one dare to bully her, she can look down on everyone and he can help her save the williams empire before those shareholder take it away from her family and it's not like he is ugly Listing all these how would she not want to marry him He came back to the present when he felt a cold gaze on him, turning to see Ella looking at him with a murderous eyes he raised his eyebrow not at all pressured by the pressure she is giving ''Tomorrow we will be staying with the family only in the morning and the go to my penthouse in the afternoon so if you can convince the old man before we leave then we will go with your original arrangement, now go and think of how to convince him cuz his mind is dead set on us marrying and pointers it's the old man that made sure i bring you home ''

Favvy_loves · Urban
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40 Chs


Ella is sitting on the couch as she watch TV being beyond bored as she kept on looking at the door every ones in a while

She imagined an action pack plot any minute from now ending with her killing the idiot who thinks they can take her away and show that bastard that he should not look down on her,

Who does he think that is not qualified to be his wife

He is the one who is not qualified to be my husband!!!!!!!!!!

Ella rested her head waiting to hear the door open with a loud dramatic sound to see a handsome devil-like man who kick the door open, then his men will enter holding guns pointing at me, She on the chair look at them with a calm look as the people who were assigned to protect me by Oliver came in and started fighting the handsome man men as the man came to catch her underestimating her

As his hands where about to reach her she held it catching him off-guard as she punch his handsome face, seeing him stumble back she stood up to kick him in which she caught his leg but she flip her body using her other leg to hit his face


What a pity!!

Such a handsome face as to suffer

Ella sigh

Ella punch him which he held her hand and twisted it for her back to face him which he kick her for her to fall down, coming close to her he held her hair and drag her face up paining her scalp so bad as she grit her teeth to stop her from screaming

Looking around her to see what she can use she spotted a vase not far from her, she just needs a little push!

The man dragged her up using her hair, he turned her around to punch her, one punch wasn't enough since he punch her again making her stumble back as the man came closer ella bend down sliding her leg on the group towards where he is to have him fall down, rushing to where she saw the vase she picked it up as she smashed it on his head as he tried to stand up to have him fall down

Not knowing if he is alive or not or even caring especially as the man men saw their leader fall as they started shooting, she hide behind the chair as she looked for where her most precious thing is and there it was kick to the wall when the fight broke out, calculating the time and speed she needs to get there without being shoot when she was sure that she can do it

She ran!!!!!!!!!

Picking up the gun and hiding behind the wall, she checked the gun to see if everything is okay, after making sure every thing is in the right place, she started shooting

She shoot like a maniac!!!!!!!!!!

Of course she didn't shoot the people who are assigned to keep her safe, they are safe from her bullets but the rest aren't lucky

After killing all these bastards that think they can take her away with ease, she walk to where the handsome man laid with his eyes half-opened gasping for air, she place on leg on his chest as she watched him with a smirk on her beautiful face, Now was the time she hated not being able to speak or else she would have said ''Don't mess with Ella Williams'' then she shot him right where the heart is located

Ella sigh, that would be interesting instead of sitting down here watching TV, waiting for the interesting part to happen when the light went over, feeling confused she heard the alarm go off, that's the alarm for a fire

A man push open the door and said to her ''Madam, the building is on fire'' Behind him were men wearing black through out just like the man, why didn't Oliver give her the pictures of the people who are protecting her so that she would know if these are the groups to truth or be wary of