
Baby, don't cry

Leaving the room she went to Oliver study room and knock, after hearing an answer she pushed the door open and walked in after sitting down where she sat before she took a book and pen and wanted to write her complains and ask to borrow his pyjamas Yes! it's correct she wants to borrow her fiancé pjyamas The one she just met today The day her parents died She's vexing for pjyamas But before she can start writing Oliver spoke ''It's good your here what we arranged on before can't work the old man disagreed and said that we have get married this month, that should be enough time to mourn'' Ella is left speechless What the FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She already has a problem with the way they arrange clothes for her now she has a problem with the way they want to arrange her relationship What has she done to the people in these house No! No! She has to fix these ''What if i don't agree to the arrangement'' Ella wrote Oliver looked at her like a fool ''Do you have a choice'' Ella is speechless, ok he is getting back at her for what she did to him It's cool It's cool Oliver watched her frustrated look and he must say the girl looks cute even when she looks like she wants to murder someone but he touched his face he is starting to doubt his charm infront of her Why doesn't she want to marry him If she does she can have a lot of money that she can't even even finish spending even after living 5 lives, a status that will make no one dare to bully her, she can look down on everyone and he can help her save the williams empire before those shareholder take it away from her family and it's not like he is ugly Listing all these how would she not want to marry him He came back to the present when he felt a cold gaze on him, turning to see Ella looking at him with a murderous eyes he raised his eyebrow not at all pressured by the pressure she is giving ''Tomorrow we will be staying with the family only in the morning and the go to my penthouse in the afternoon so if you can convince the old man before we leave then we will go with your original arrangement, now go and think of how to convince him cuz his mind is dead set on us marrying and pointers it's the old man that made sure i bring you home ''

Favvy_loves · Urban
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40 Chs


As the sun raises up and shines showing the beauty of the world, which shines through windows to wake people up and with energy to start a new day

The light shines on a girl wearing a black night dress as her black, silky hair is spread on the bed, with eyes that's red and swollen which shows that she cried frowned when the a bright light disturbs her sleep, opening her eyes that's filled which murderous intentions wanting to kill the person that disturb her sleep to see herself in an unfamiliar room

She became alert and closed her eyes again, opening her eyes a little to observe the situation when she saw that the place she is kept is clean, no one watching her, she's not tied up which she finds strange


Anyone who is kidnapped and finds out that the condition they are kept in is very good will find it strange!


She just remember that........

Ella grit her teeth as she clench her hands as her eyes turn red

Cold and murderous aura came out of the petite, slim figure

No one will believe that a person who looks like she will fall down when the wind blow will have such an aura

The pressure she is giving out is no joke!

Ella took deep breath to calm herself down

Even though everything that happened yesterday was not a dream she still has to leave on, is that not why her parents got her engaged to Oliver in the first place

What she should be thinking of is how to convince the Old man to allow her be engaged to Oliver for a year


If he doesn't agree and one month pass I can find an excuse to delay the marriage and like that keep delaying it ontill I have thought about it clearly

Well....I'm not sure if it will work but I hope so

As she walk to the bathroom and started bathing she asked herself why doesn't she just marry Oliver

He's rich, handsome, smart and looks like someone I can rely on

A potential backer!!

She won't lose out on marrying him

When she finished cleaning up she didn't think about marrying him again all that's she's thinking of is how to convince the Old man


Why do this house hate me

Since I have entered here one problem to another

Especially with the clothes

She narrowed her eyes at the nightdress

She hates it!!!!!!!

She is never wearing it!!!!

She is going to wear normal pyjamas

Which they made for sleeping

Not this!!!!!!!

Looking at the rows and rows of beautiful, designer dresses, Ella has an headache of which one to choose

Should she go causal, or dress up or be serious

Hearing a knock on the door Ella took a dress and wear it as she went to open the door

Seeing her fiancé at the door, Ella didn't show any joy or happinesses she frowned why is he hearing

Seeming to understand what she is thinking he gave her a book "I had a feeling that you might not know what to wear for breakfast so I have already arrange it, you go and change I'll wait for you here" putting the box in her hand, he turned her around push her gently inside the room then close the door

It wasn't that he remember to do it, it's the old man who told him to do it

How will he remember to arrange cloth for her to wear for breakfast when the closet is filled with the latest designer clothes and he has work to do

But the old man had to start another round of nagging that he had no choice but to do it

Well.....Liam did it

He doesn't even know the clothes that he picked out


he doesn't care!!!

He isn't idle enough to be wondering the cloth his assistant brought for his fiancée

Ella opened the box ad wore the cloth inside, a knee-length white channel dress, a channel pink fur coat, a black boot high heels as she curl her hair to fall down

She looked like a fairy

Seeing that she looked okay, she went outside

Oliver saw Ella, the word that came to his mind is that a fairy arrived on earth but he snapped out of his daze immediately

Taking her hands he explained about his family as they went to the dinning table ''The old man, Thomas is still the head of the family, he has 3 children, two sons and one daughter, the first son is my father, Luca, who is married to Ruby, my mother, they have two children me and Olivia, we are twins, but Olivia is not here so you'll met her later, the only daughter and second child of Thomas is Ava, she is married to Peter, a German man, they have three children 2 girls and 1 son, the eldest daughter is Hedy while the second child is Clara and the youngest is Miles,but they are not around, The youngest son os Thomas is Harry, who is married to Sophia who has two sons, the eldest son is Louie and the younger is Louis, we might see Louie but not Louis, who is busy with his company which he just opened"

Check out my book "lovely complications"

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