
Baby, don't cry

Leaving the room she went to Oliver study room and knock, after hearing an answer she pushed the door open and walked in after sitting down where she sat before she took a book and pen and wanted to write her complains and ask to borrow his pyjamas Yes! it's correct she wants to borrow her fiancé pjyamas The one she just met today The day her parents died She's vexing for pjyamas But before she can start writing Oliver spoke ''It's good your here what we arranged on before can't work the old man disagreed and said that we have get married this month, that should be enough time to mourn'' Ella is left speechless What the FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She already has a problem with the way they arrange clothes for her now she has a problem with the way they want to arrange her relationship What has she done to the people in these house No! No! She has to fix these ''What if i don't agree to the arrangement'' Ella wrote Oliver looked at her like a fool ''Do you have a choice'' Ella is speechless, ok he is getting back at her for what she did to him It's cool It's cool Oliver watched her frustrated look and he must say the girl looks cute even when she looks like she wants to murder someone but he touched his face he is starting to doubt his charm infront of her Why doesn't she want to marry him If she does she can have a lot of money that she can't even even finish spending even after living 5 lives, a status that will make no one dare to bully her, she can look down on everyone and he can help her save the williams empire before those shareholder take it away from her family and it's not like he is ugly Listing all these how would she not want to marry him He came back to the present when he felt a cold gaze on him, turning to see Ella looking at him with a murderous eyes he raised his eyebrow not at all pressured by the pressure she is giving ''Tomorrow we will be staying with the family only in the morning and the go to my penthouse in the afternoon so if you can convince the old man before we leave then we will go with your original arrangement, now go and think of how to convince him cuz his mind is dead set on us marrying and pointers it's the old man that made sure i bring you home ''

Favvy_loves · Urban
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40 Chs

{Sneak peak}

Author note: This chapter is going to consist of bits of future characters and a little bit of what to expect in the book

Enjoy and hope you love it 

also check out my other book Lovely Complications and I'm very sure you will love it 


love you all


Sometime in the night, a young lady is standing in front of the ocean with a beer in her hand, she laugh but anyone who hears her laugh can hear how bitter it is, it is so bitter that when someone hears her they them will shed tears even without knowing who she is, she look at the sky as she laugh she tasted a salty water and she didn't need a mirror to know that is her tears but she didn't stop laughing she will never go on her knees and wail miserable because of that but she knows that she can't stop her tears 

She finished her beer in one gulp as she dropped it with the many bottles of beer, but that didn't even help her to numb her pain even if it was a little but no! When you need something it will never come, looking at the ocean a tempting thought appeared in her mind and before she knew it she was already drowning


She can't die now! she can't die because of that asshole!

She started struggling but it was hard for her to even feel her body, moving her hand or even talk

Is this how she will die?


A pagani huayra stops in front of a small cabin as the door opens a young man walks out and walks toward the cabin 

Entering the cabin that only has a bed table and chair, the young man walks towards a side in the wall and knocks 5 times, ones, 3 times, ones, ones, 8 times before the wall splits open and an elevator is revealed, calmly the young man entered even thought this is the first time he came here 

As the elevator closed and started going down, the young man brought out two guns, guns that the whole underworld will be fighting for a Thompson M1921 and UZI Sub Machine Gun, immediately the elevator opened he started shooting 

The God of slaughter has arrived!


Driving the car, the young man looked calm as he drove at a very fast speed showing his urgency which clearly wasn't shown on his face, the boy packed the car in front of a bar and instead of going inside he went around it and arrive at a field filled with flowers, on another day this will be a beautiful view but not today

''Well.....Well....well...if it isn't the third young master Scott here to be the better brother and save his elder brother what a shame! look how your roles have been reversed aren't you tried.....*tick*....'' A man who looked to be in his late twenties said as he clicked his tongue

''Where is my brother?'' The young man's expression didn't change but his gaze became colder as he look at the man in front of him, this bastard that made him reschedule a very important meeting he is sure if he wasn't Oliver's cousin they would have given up on his company and even if they didn't immediately cancel their meeting, their impression of their company is now low that the chances of them picking them is now very slim which of course he is in a bad mood and he is very sure that if they drag this out he will definitely beat the shit! out of this man 

''What's the rush! you just got here why do you want to leave so soon'' Of course the mam wanted to play with the young man first before going down to business but how would the young man not know this, removing his suit jacket he tied it around his waist then he started pulling his sleeve, the man saw the young man actions and became curious ''What do you want to do'' 

The young man glanced at him and said in a matter-of-fact tone ''To beat the shit out of you what else'' 

The man is speechless, does the Scott family train their children to be rogue 


A young lady walk towards the stage to sing a song since she lost the dare, even though she told herself not to sing that song she couldn't help but sing it 

''I guess that flowers aren't just used for big apologies

I guess I should've been more conscious how you spoke to me

'Cause when we'd fight, you'd give me space and not communicate

And for a while I thought that's what I should appreciate

Maybe I was holding onto what I thought you were

But when you think too hard, eventually it starts to hurt

The version of you in my head, now I know wasn't true

Young people fall for the wrong people, guess my one was you"

She could feel the tears coming to her eyes but she knew she can't let it come or else he will notice it so she force her tears back and continue the song but her voice has become a little hoarse and she knows he has notice it 

''I was getting any flight so we could make it work

You'd ignore me, coulda told me you were seeing her

Kinda hate myself for justifying your mistakes

Took a minute but I learned that shit the hard way

Who are you to tell me I can't be heartbroken?

Babe, you had the chance, the door for you was open

If it's what you need to tell yourself to sleep at night

Pretend I haven't found a man who finally treats me right

I guess that flowers aren't just used for big apologies

I guess I should've been more conscious how you spoke to me

'Cause when we'd fight, you'd give me space and not communicate

And for a while I thought that's what I should appreciate

Maybe I was holding onto what I thought you were

But when you think too hard, eventually it starts to hurt

The version of you in my head, now I know wasn't true

Young people fall for the wrong people, guess my one was you'' 

Singing the last part of the song made me start thinking if by seeking for help will the pain really go away

''If there's anything I've learned, it's you should watch yourself

If it's hurting you, then leave and go and get some help''


Hope you guys enjoy the book and pls vote and leave comments to make me know how you think about the book and the song is flower by lauren spencer smith