
Best Jeanist

"So you're telling me that Dabi is trying to force this guy to be his... lover." Your sitting in Best Jeanist's office while Hawks is explaining the whole situation to him while you add bits of information that he missed out. Best Jeanist sighs and gives Hawks his address which he smiles and thanks him. You stand up and follow hawks out of the agency. Hawks picks you back up and you both head towards Best Jeanist's home. You realise how tired you are after all the running and crying so you bury your head into Hawks chest and close your eyes for a bit.

You wake up just before you reach his house when you start to absent mindly play with the feather that hawks gave you. "(Y/n) it's getting harder and harder to control myself when you play with my feather like that." You apologize before giving it one last stroke before you land. "Umm Keigo you can put me down now." "Nope I've decided to hold you till we are inside." You laugh and let yourself get carried inside. You and Hawks explore the house for a bit, realizing that there are only 2 bedrooms. You look at Hawks who is bigger than you and before you say anything he jumps onto the large double bed spreading his wings out,"I'm the big spoon and that's that." You cant help but laugh when you fell something push you forward. You turn around to see some of his feathers pushing you towards Hawks. You laugh again and stop right in front of the bed. "So do I lie on your wing or are you going to move it. He smiles but doesnt say anything so you decide to lie on his wing, biggest mistake ever. The second you lie down his wing curls up bringing you to his chest,"told you I'm the big spoon." You laugh softly to yourself and snuggle closer feeling his arms wrap around you with the wings protecting you. You were so exhausted from everything that happened today so you close your eyes and sleep.

When you wake up you realise that Hawks isnt with you anymore but there was a feather on his place. You smile, picking up the feather and stroking his feather. You leave the room to see Best Jeanist and Hawks talking. "I seriously need to stop leaving feathers near you," you laugh at hawks and thank Best Jeanist for letting you stay here. After a few minutes of talking you head over to the bathroom for a bit, when you come back you hear them say, "So Hawks is he the person you called yesterday about your feather?" You heard Hawks agree. "If that's the case then why do you keep leaving your feathers for him?" You listened closely so you could here Hawks response. "Well you see it feels soo~good when he plays with my feather like that to the point where I cant controll myself." You hear some laughing, "So you like (Y/n) then?" You quickly peeked your head around the corner to see his response, it was a nod! You felt so happy that you couldnt stop yourself from blushing, but you finally calm down and walk back. "(Y/n) I'm going to be honest with you... I dont like your hair style." Your so shocked at what Best Jeanist said that you sit next to him, "if you dont like how it looks then you are happy to change it." Hawks gives you a thumbs uo for goodluck and before you can ask why you already feel gel and a comb in your hair.

"I was joking dude," you shake your hair and try to get it back to how it was but the gel already set. "Listen I dont joke around when it comes to fashion." You hear Hawks laugh as you try and fix your hair so you shoot him a glare. "I'm surprised you aren't experiencing any trauma (Y/n)." You look at Best Jeanist and give him a smile,"I know I'll be safe as long as I'm with Keigo." You look over at Hawks who is busy hiding his face in his feathers so you take the one you always keep out and start stroking it. Hawks quickly stands up and picks you up bridal style," I think it's time for this naughty little bird to go to bed." You look over at the time and see that its 00:47. You wave goodnight to Best Jeanist before disappearing into the spare bedroom with hawks. Hawks puts you back down and jumps back on the bed, spreading his wings out."oh no I'm not falling for that again." Hawks gives you a look,"Then give me back my feather." "Wait what?" "Well if you dont want to cuddle with me then I want my feather that you constantly touch back."  You decide to give up and lie down next to him, but as soon as you lie down his wing curls up bringing you to his chest. "I knew this would happen," was all you could mutter before hawks wraps his arms around you. "Your not going anywhere my little baby bird." You smile and place your head on his chest,"I wouldnt want to be any where else."


Hello everyone thanks again for reading this and if you have any suggestions to add to the story pleasebdont be shy and leave a comment😁any advice on how to improve will also be amazing!
