
B&S, A oddly magic world

This is a book about a guy and he has the powers of the game Blade and Sorcery. The powers won’t be exactly the same they will follow the general ability’s of the powers. Hope you enjoy reading! New chapters, Monday through Friday! Not on weekends!

Gatorish · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
33 Chs

Chapter 8

I am once again in handcuffs, while part of me is cackling about how this seems like a fedish for how many times I've been in these. IT'S NOT! But for things I can break with some force they seem like accessories. What I think is happening is that, people like seeing stronger people chained, it makes them feel safer, they like the feeling of tying up a handsome man. All of these are probable in Rome it was common for older men 40+ to date kids over 13. Rome was weird and gross.

Anyway they are leading me by a chain connected to the handcuffs and dragging me out through a back part of the coliseum. We exit through a tunnel and enter a bazaar-like place. They then lead me to a cell on the back of a carriage with 2 horses pulling it. And pull they did, slowly like super slow, I bet I could speed walk faster easily. It took like 50 minutes but we eventually arrived at a house that was just basically pillars and a garden inside the house. The garden took up ¼ of the house's area and the whole house looks to be 50,000 sq feet. Which some may say is small for a noble's house but the Romans had no room for that. They planned out their city to be compact excluding a few select places.

They carted me to the front of the house and took me out of my cage. Still handcuffed, they led me into the house's garden and stopped. I see a soldier holding a little girl's hand. She looks to be 6-8 years old, the guard is covered in armor but their face is visible, he looks to be average on looks and about 25 years old. They walk towards me, the guard looking appalled, and the little girl scared. And no one talks at all, we just stare. I am getting glared at and looked upon shyly, by different people. So I talk.

"So how are we all today?"

I get a glare and a step back.

"Nothing? Are you the girl I'm supposed to protect?"

That earns me the drawing of a sword and a hesitant nod. Seeing that this is going nowhere, I break my chains and sit down on the floor.

"Now can we sit and talk?"

I get a sword in my face and a slight yelp, finally the guard talks.

"How did you break your chains!"

"With force?"

"Silence! Did I let you speak?"


"Neel down so I can relieve you of your head!"


"Did I permit you to speak!?"

"Do people really kneel down to die?"

"You dare question me?"

I am going to punch this guy, if he talks again. I walk over to him and he swings his sword. I side step the sword, grab his hand holding the sword and steal the sword. I stab the sword into the ground and wait.

"How dare type gra-"

I punch him in the face.

"Shut up! I am not here to guard you but a little kid! So shut up and let me do my job!"

He steps back in shock and I can't tell if it's because of the punch or the fact I am still talking to him without permission. Walking past him while he is still in shock, sit informant of the girl and say.

"Nice to meet you, I'm your guard if you need anything just say it!"

And I sit here for 5 minutes watching the gears turn in this girl's head before she speaks.

"H-hi n-ni-ice to me-et y-oo too-o"

The stutter is insane, and now I feel horrible. I should have thought this through. Here I am a man who is bloody and was just chained, broke free from his chains, attacked the guard and walked straight up to a little girl. She is quivering and looks like she's about to cry! How horrible of a person am I, for some reason I can deal with carving up people for fun. but a little girl crying is no good? What the f*ck? So I speak up again.

"A-are you ok?"

Did my voice just crack? What am I, a teen?

"I'll turn away if it makes you feel better?"

So I turn away and see the guard swinging a sword at my neck. So I lean back far to doge the sword and this repeats many times. Like how is this guy a guard he can even change his predictable pattern it's like he's following a route and not straying! With my doging he has major tunnel vision and does a large horizontal sweep with his sword. I doge quickly, but realize he is going to cut the little girl, so I leap back into the path of the blade letting it cut into my forearm. He looks at me with pure joy, even though he's panting and yells.

"See you can't doge, everything that's what you get!"

I walk up to him and slap him with enough force that he slams into the ground.

"What the h*ll, you almost cut the girl? How dare you, you deserve much more than a little slap!"

The guard looked at me with a glare, before a look of realization. He runs to the little girl and quickly checks her for wounds.

"Are you ok? Are you hurt? I didn't mean it!"

Now I know the girl is fine, her clothes might be a bit dirty from the storm of dust we kicked up but I unlike someone else I made sure she was safe. Also why do I care for a girl I've never met so much? I kinda thought with this new body I'd be fine with anything happening but I guess not maybe I want to protect kids? Maybe this body is a ped- H*ll no I'd rather kill myself. I bet this body just wants to help kids.

"I-I'm fine."

The little girl squeaks out. So I walk up to her and push the guard out of the way and say.

"I'll be your guard from now on if you need anything just ask!"