
Chapter 97: The Arrogant Knife【Extra update for the Silver Alliance's Seasoul Robe 9】

Translator: 549690339

"You have your mission, which is to keep this legacy alive. In other words, your biggest identity now is no longer a weapon, but a responsibility, a mission, a carrier bearing responsibilities and missions."

"This is your role."

"Although you have developed consciousness, gradually transcending the fate of being a weapon, your mission is still obligatory for you to complete. Am I right?"

This time, there were no other sarcastic or mocking feelings, but a kind of emotion that came out after a moment of silence, 'reluctantly but I agree with what you are saying'.

A hazy shadow of a blade flew out and floated in front of Feng Yin.

It displayed a stance of 'demanding equal respect'.

Apparently, Feng Yin's monologue here seemed like trying to persuade the air, which made this self-respecting blade feel ignored.

Are you talking to convince yourself?

It might as well jump out and communicate directly. This way, at least it felt a bit more acknowledged!