
Chapter 9 The Gentleman Could be Deceived Using Tactics [Seeking for Recommendations!]

Translator: 549690339


A man in blue following Wu Tiejun laughed, "You're an interesting young healer. If this is a medical clinic, what else could we be here for?"

"Absolutely not."

Feng Yin shook his head confidently, looked up and down the three men, and smiled, "All three of you have good complexions and are healthy, with no signs of illness. Why would the medical clinic be of interest to you?"

These three came in as lively as dragons and tigers and were all experts, naturally free from illness.

However, when spoken by Feng Yin, a physician, these words were quite unusual.

Coupled with his previous scrutinizing glance, his gaze seemed to hold great confidence.

It made one feel the incredible medical skills of this healer were evident just by this.

He can even tell that we're not sick just by looking!


Wu Tiejun, the team leader, admired Feng Yin's abilities and began to survey the simple facilities of the medical clinic. "A medical practitioner observes, smells, inquires and feels the pulse. Observation is the first lesson for a physician. Your determined diagnosis just by a glance shows your extraordinary medical skills, which indeed deserves admiration. However, about the couplets on the storefront... why is it..."

Another man in blue burst into laughter and mused, "Whether to open or close the door depends on my mood, whether your medical skills are great or not depends on our luck... Ha ha, what a character you are, sir."

Feng Yin gave a wry smile: "General, we only have one doctor in our town. Times are tough, and conflicts are common between doctors and patients... It is not uncommon for doctors to be fooled even after they've cured the patients. What can we do even if we are skillful and sympathetic, but encounter unscrupulous people? Therefore, it's better just to be upfront. Ah, morality is now lost in society and ethics have become intangible. If our kind-heartedness doesn't get a shred of respect..."

The corners of his mouth bent into a hint of bitterness.

He looked just like a doctor who has been terrified by medical disputes, as if he was sighing at the sufferings of the world.

The unspoken meaning was clear: Respect for doctors and moral treatment were necessary.

This was a matter of quality and character.

Wu Tiejun fell into deep thought, then after a long while, sighed and said, "You're right."

Feng Yin, with a radiant expression, sat upright and emphasised, "Great doctors must calm their minds and have no desire or demand when treating illnesses. We doctors should develop great mercy and sympathy, vowing to save all living beings from suffering. If a patient comes for help, we should not differentiate between the poor and the rich, the young and old, the beautiful and the ugly, those we resent or love... we shall treat everyone the same; just as we would care for our closest kin... We must also strik against hesitating over our own safety... We shall save lives fully concentrated, free from thoughts of achievements. Only with such determination can one be a benevolent physician serving humanity. To do the opposite would make one a thief."

With an air of righteousness, Feng Yin sighed, "A doctor's mission is to rescue the dying and heal the wounded. However, doctors are not gods. There are limits to human capability. There are incurable diseases and injuries, people who cannot be saved due to untimely rescue. Thus, 'doctors can't cure death' is true. We would like to see a world without a disease or the ability to heal diseases and revive the dying. But sometimes we must also protect ourselves. After all, in the chaos of today, people's hearts are varied, so compared to the ancient virtuous, I am much more selfish, which is truly shameful."

Wu Tiejun immediately showed great respect, nodded repeatedly, and sighed, "It's not your fault, sir. Your compassionate healing benefits all citizens; you are the living Buddha of the people. It's a shame about the world's situation which forces you to take such measures; I fully understand."

If a saintly physician like you falls into unworthy hands, it would be a catastrophe for the people."

No wonder such an expert physician like you would display such a couplet on your door. This is all due to the pressure from the society. I am deeply ashamed."

Feng Yin shook his head, smiled faintly, looked bitter, and sighed.

But in his heart he thought: How did you determine that I have advanced medical skills?

Little did he know, after hearing Feng Yin's compassionate words earlier, Wu Tiejun was deeply shocked.

The words heard were extraordinary, something unprecedented in this world.

Upon hearing them, he was as if deaf orbs were unstopped.

A healer who could speak such words, could his medical skills be ordinary?

From that conversation, Feng Yin's image in Wu Tiejun's heart had been elevated more than a hundred times!

He began to speak cautiously.

He even felt genuinely ashamed for the societal pressure that forced such a saintly doctor into this state.

The morality of society is declining and people's hearts are becoming more and more ruthless.

Wu Tiejun was indeed remorseful inside.

Feng Yin was merely playing along.

But the mental activities of Wu Tiejun were much more complicated than Feng Yin's.

He even started to feel emotional about life.

He hesitated for a moment before cautiously saying, "I presume you've realized that something major has happened here."

"Mmm, I felt the disturbance last night too."

Feng Yin sighed and shook his head, "It was a huge upheaval. The living beings here, I'm afraid, suffered greatly... I had considered going out to provide medical assistance, but you gentlemen beat me to it, hehe…"

Well, if you got something to say, say it, if not, leave quickly. Don't keep me from saving people.

Wu Tiejun's face showed signs of embarrassment but he insisted.

"Sir, you might not know, not far from this town, in the Misty Mountain, a significant demonic beast's den was found. The beast has left... and everything inside it, for practitioners, is an invaluable treasure."

Wu Tiejun said, "This place has now become a hotspot for talents from all over the continent. The people who have arrived now are just the ones who are close and wanted to try their luck… In the next few days, there will even be more arrivals, with stronger cultivation."

"I see."

"So, our mission here is purportedly to maintain stability, but in reality, it carries great risk. Once the den is opened, it will surely trigger a big battle. Injuries and deaths are inevitable."

Wu Tiejun struggled to speak, "We came here on a dangerous mission, and our 'Rainbow Healers' did not come with us due to some reasons."

Feng Yin tensed a bit, "Oh?"

"I initially wanted to invite you to join our team."

Wu Tiejun sighed, "But after hearing your words about the doctors' benevolence, I was profoundly moved. How could I force you into this dangerous mission? I dare not even consider it... Fortunately, the den is not too far from here. If there are any wounded, I hope you could offer urgent medical assistance, considering we are fighting for our country. Thank you."

Now, the purpose of Feng Yin's earlier speech was clear.

In fact, when Captain Wu walked in the door, Feng Yin had guessed his intentions.

Coming to a medical clinic without sickness or injury, what else could he be here for?

If he was here with a purpose, then he must be here for recruitment.

But Feng Yin 's preferred the tranquil life here to the hazardous adventures with the army… Feng Yin had no interest in going.

Even the greatest opportunity would not tempt him.

Sometimes he acted recklessly, but most of the time he was as clear-headed as a winter's day.

So from the beginning, from hinting with expressions, to guiding the conversation, to suggesting and reinforcing with language, including various subtle facial expressions, even drawing upon the Physician's Oath...

Through all this performance, he successfully made Wu Tiejun abandon his initial plan.

But Feng Yin understood this only because he used some tricks exploiting Wu Tiejun's upright nature.

A wise man could be deceived with guile, but for anyone else, their chances of success would be very slim.

If Wu Tiejun imposed a compulsory conscription without giving Feng Yin a chance to voice his opinions, Feng Yin would have no room to refuse. He would be forced to comply, having no alternative.

Upon hearing Wu Tiejun's provisional plan, Feng Yin immediately said with seriousness, "There's no need for Captain Wu to instruct me in this matter; I, too, am a citizen of the Great Qin! The blood coursing through my veins is that of the Great Qin!"

Wu Tiejun was deeply moved and gave Feng Yin's face a long look before heavily patting his shoulder. After that, he didn't say anything more.

He immediately left with his party, his hands behind his back, and a look of relief on his face.

"Such wisdom exists among the common folks", he sighed regretfully.

"Those who are reasonable are indeed easy to manipulate."

Feng Yin murmured quietly in his mind.

"But discerning and manipulating character is only a minor strategy. It may work temporarily, but it is not sustainable. In this world, the true weight is in the strength. If I had enough power that he wouldn't dare to force me into conscription. Why would I need these low-level tactics?"

"The higher the level of cultivation, the simpler the methods are, and the easier one can manage things; that's the principle..."

Feng Yin sighed inwardly.

"Actually, if I look at Captain Wu's objectives, there isn't much difference between being with this group and being somewhere else. Captain Wu may appear to have made a compromise but this is not crucial in any way and now I owe him a favor..."



Xu the Fourth began to clean up the shop.

Xu the Third was drinking medicine and changing bandages.

Feng Yin didn't care, he could only do it by himself, making continuous moans of pain.

Feng Yin was also not idle, he started making the porridge again. After all, he had to feed the kid. While feeding the little one, Feng Yin noticed the kid seemed a bit restless and unruly.

Feng Yin was puzzled: 'What's going on?'

At the last meal, the kid acted obediently, just opening its mouth to eat. Now, why...

Feng Yin held the kid in his arms. After about half a bowl of porridge, the kid struggled a bit, moved its arms and legs, then fell asleep again, resuming a state of calmness.

Over the night, Feng Yin felt his meridians had mostly adapted and started a new round of cultivation.

Just as it was yesterday, once the Spiritual Transformation Technique was running, it caused an immediate vortex of spiritual energy.

If previously Feng Yin cultivated the basic technique of Heavenly Judge and the amount of spiritual energy was one, the quality was also one, the amount of spiritual energy that Feng Yin could gather now was ten, and the quality was the same ten times better.

Considering this, it could be said his improvement was not merely tenfold, but a huge leap of more than a hundred times!

The change in both quality and quantity were significant.

Compared to high-level cultivators, these fluctuations in spiritual energy were negligible. However, for Feng Yin at his current stage, this was an incredible surprise. He felt like he had won a lottery.

"So fast! What a thrill!"

He carefully controlled the route of his practice, quietly running it for a whole cycle.

The wave of spiritual energy rushed in.

The little one suddenly started to struggle, squirming with its eyes closed, fervently looking for something. Finally, it bit onto a particular spot...

Feng Yin shivered slightly.

He allowed it to do so.

Feng, the current milk-dad, had already surrendered.

Eat up, eat up.

Not only do I get to be your milk-dad, now I can be your milk-mom as well...

While cultivating, he felt his meridians were more than capable of taking the load. Their elasticity seemed to have improved as well. He breathed a sigh of relief and continued the second cycle of cultivation.

After a whole round of continuous cultivation, only when his meridians started to feel puffed and about to burst did he stop.

The little cat in his arms had calmed down completely, remaining motionless; even its breath became a lot quieter.

Just as he ended his cultivation, the little one started to struggle again.

The little paws waved in the air urgently.

Feng Yin hurriedly lifted it up, only to find that both – big and small – had to be taken care of together.

"So stinky..."

Feng Yin made a face, with his nose crinkled.

He'd initially held onto a small hope that the offspring of the Greater Demon wouldn't have to poop, but his hopes were dashed and he had to accept his inevitable destiny of being a poop-scooping servant.

Resigned to this fate, Feng Yin carefully cleaned up and then put the little thing back, sighing softly.

"Why won't you open your eyes yet..."

Looking at the little one, which was now clothed in soft white fur, unlike yesterday when it had pink skin, Feng Yin couldn't help touching it, amazed.

Ah, it feels good...

The fur grew so quickly?

But why only fur? Not growing a bit in size?

Won't even open its eyes.

However, one thing was certain, the little one would definitely be beautiful in the future.

He couldn't help but come up with new conjectures and guesses.

"Could it be that the little thing... is quiet, its fur grows so quickly... is it related to my cultivation of the Spiritual Transformation Technique?"


[Everyone seems to have forgotten to Vote considering it has been a while since the last update. So here's a gentle reminder. Please cast your recommendation votes. Also, show some love for Feng Yin and the little one.]