
Chapter 87 What Kind of Person Plays What Bird [First Update. Please Subscribe]

Translator: 549690339

On the other side, He Xiangming was staring at her hand incredulously. Her cultivation of the Spirit Beast technique had advanced to an extremely high level, and the unique trait of this technique was the natural affinity for spiritual beasts, making them feel unconsciously and subtly drawn to her!

Unexpectedly, it not only failed to win the beast's closeness, but even her seemingly foolproof protection almost cracked under the tiny creature's touch.

This little creature had only undergone transformation for a few days, and considering her own cultivation level, although the aura shield that almost broke was just a defense formed by body spirit energy and very limited in power, He Xiangming distinctly felt that this little creature had not even exerted its full strength, or at least not its uttermost.

If it had really used all its strength, she guessed that there'd probably be a hole in her hand right now!

This realization makes He Xiangming even more shocked.