
Chapter 57 Gold Rank! Gold Rank! [First Update]

Translator: 549690339

Feng Yin killed Mo Zhengdao with a single blow without hesitation. As he pulled out his sword, the light from it turned into a circle of radiance. Launching a "Night Fight Eight Directions" maneuver, he shielded his entire body.

With successive clanging sounds, over a dozen weapons were split by his single stroke. With a slight sway of his body and a forceful step off the ground, he shot straight into the sky like a cannonball, ascending tens of feet.

A sharp whoosh was heard as a blade of wind carrying a strand of ink silkworm thread swept across. As it hit Feng Yin's chest, the blade of wind dissipated, and Feng Yin grabbed hold of the trailing silkworm thread.

Outside the courtyard, Feng Ying's tiny claws moved with lightning speed, forming afterimages as he tumbled backward, exerting a high-speed pulling force...