
Chapter 23 Ever-sober After Thousands of Cups【Extra additions 8.9 for the downfall of the Silver Alliance's Ashes】

Translator: 549690339

Everyone: "..."

Comfortable? We've just woken you up and you're already comfortable? How miraculous is this? If we didn't know better, we'd think you just had a great massage before sleeping...

"What exactly happened?"

Marshal Ma furrows his brows, thinking hard. Finally, he remembers, his face turns grave: "Wasn't I attacked? I remember being poisoned, how am I now... What exactly happened?"

Everyone: "..."

"Have you all gone dumb? Tongue-tied? Staring blankly with mouths wide open?"

Marshal Ma is quite pissed off. Turning around, he notices a stranger sitting by his brother's bed, snapping the latter's jaw shut with his hand.

Then follows the quick pricking of silver needles, one after another...

Followed by placing a hand on his pulse, silent and unmoving.

Ma Daocheng suddenly realises, so, a miracle doctor has arrived. Apparently, this miracle doctor just cured him, and is now treating his brother Ma Daogong.

"How is Ah Gong?"