
Chapter 175: Healing the Cat Emperor [Two in One]_2

Translator: 549690339

Zhu Weiran grew even more suspicious, for he sensed an instability within the Cat Emperor's aura.

Such a mighty being at the Cloud Peak level like the Cat Emperor should always maintain a concealed and stable aura, yet her aura was strong but unstable. At times it was open and at others it was retracted.

But based on the reputation and cultivation level of the Cat Emperor, such an anomaly shouldn't be present...

Unless... she was injured?

But she had returned with Kid Feng. They must have spent a significant time together, so how could Feng Yin, with his divine medical skills, not have discovered it?

Zhu Weiran's knowledge was much better than Feng Yin's. Having noticed something, he quickly made a judgment in his mind. He decided to inform Feng Yin about it later.

Winning the favor of the Cat Emperor by healing her wounds could be a huge favor to somebody as powerful as her!