
Chapter 174: Going Home【Three in one, 9 more for the Silver Alliance Master Wise Sea Morning】_6

Translator: 549690339

Wu Tiejun rubbed his hands, his face twisted in a painful grimace as if he had just bitten into a bitter melon.

Finally, it was all distributed.

Of the twelve bags that were taken out, exactly two thousand spirit medicines remained. The reason for this precise number was that the last bag was still sealed, containing exactly two thousand spirit medicines.

Well, each bag contained two thousand doses, all neatly divided up!

"The rest belongs to me."


Wu Tiejun's face twisted painfully as he wrung his hands.

"Having second thoughts? How about giving me half of what's in your room?" He Bibiqu slanted his eyes, waiting for Wu Tiejun's response with an intense gaze.

"...cough, cough, it's only fitting that you, sir, take these two thousand. Considering your efforts just now, they are well-deserved...please accept them with goodwill..."