
Chapter 143: Great Potential (For the Silver League Master Wise Sea Morning, add 1/2) _4

Translator: 549690339

Patting his head earnestly, he said, "I plan to take these confirmed ones back first and ask if these other two are necessary medicines. If not, I will have to make another trip. If they are, then I can confirm the assignment has been completed... Your Majesty... This... This..."

The seventh prince roared with laughter and said, "Are you wanting to report but afraid you won't find my recommendation?"

Feng Yin seemed to blush shamefully and said hesitantly: "I... I, I mean, I didn't mean that..."

"Look at you stumbling over your words. You are a grown man, not a maiden. Why are you blushing over such a little matter?"

The seventh prince laughed loudly: "Alright, I will give you a letter of recommendation now."

No sooner said than done, the Seventh Prince took out a pen and paper and wrote the recommendation letter in a swift hand, even affixing his own seal to it!

He blew on it to dry the ink, waved it around in his hand, and casually handed it over: "Take it!"