
Chapter 106: Purple Crystal’s Number One Assassin【Two in One】

Translator: 549690339

The main reason was Feng Yin's recent action of 'actively sacrificing his interests so she could advance further in the sect' which touched her deeply.

"I understand."

Feng Yin nodded.

"So this is your advantage, but if it is widely known, it will make people lose their 'precious goods to hold' mentality; it becomes available to everyone, then it won't be valuable anymore. And it will be targeted by those with ulterior motives, which is dangerous."

"Because then everyone will have the mindset : 'if I don't make a move, someone else will'. The interests at stake here become completely different."

I must say, what He Xiangming said was not false at all, she was truly speaking from the bottom of her heart.

Feng Yin nodded wisely, agreeing: "Sister He is right."

The stake that He Xiangming talked about, although different from the stake that Feng Yin himself recognized, at their root, they are still tied together as one at this stage.