
Reincarnation and Azure Dragon

Shaaaa! Suddenly a man sits up, covered in sweat "Where am I" he says while rapidly looking around. Suddenly he looks down to notice a girl lying on the side of the bed, tears covering her face as she softly says " Brother don't go! Don't leave me here alone. The man, with long red hair and a firm gaze with a frail and sickly body, recollecting himself he began to remember " I was on my way to campus after my mom kept nagging me to go before break ended when..." His memory stopped there and he couldn't remember further, suddenly he felt a pain like never before and his head started ringing. He tried to endure by biting his lip and grabbing the bed, he then started to remember another life as an influential families 17th young master who joined a top-class sect through his talent. He was a rising star until he ran into an elderly man, who's son he had killed after seeing trying to rape a woman, the man held a deep hatred for him and crippled his cultivation, he was then hit by a blue lightning strike. Over time his family stopped caring for him except his older sister who took care of him until he fell in a coma. " These.. These aren't my memories. This must be reincarnation" he then said to the former owner of this body, while his fist was clenched and he was looking toward the sky with a firm gaze" I will take revenge for your past grievances." He then remembered something and began to try and cultivate, realizing that he could cultivate, he looked into his dantian and noticed a small azure snake swimming around in it. He tried to pull the snake out with his consciousness and succeeded, the snake was a lot bigger out of his dantian, it was about arms length and continuously flew around his body. It was beautiful and slender with an azure color. It was trying to communicate with him but was too weak to talk, so it talked through it's conscious directly " I have repaired your dantian, in exchange you will collect snake and dragon blood for me to become more powerful." The man, named Fei Ling, replied "Ok, but you have to follow me around and teach me better ways of training myself" Fei Ling replied without any hesitation. He thought to himself that he was just looking for someone who could teach and train him so a master of some sort and here it was. The azure snake seemed hesitant at first because it wanted to keep it's freedom but eventually he agreed. Just then Fei Ling felt a sudden movement to his side. He saw the woman next to him, his older sister Fei Si, slowly wake up and stare at him for a few seconds before beginning to cry and hugging him so tight he could barely breathe. " brother I didn't know if you would make it." She exclaimed softly while crying. Fei Ling softly said while smiling " Silly girl who do you think this brother of yours is." Fei Ling decided to go out for a stroll, while walking through his home, people would point and whisper while looking at him. As Fei Ling saw this all he could do was to bitterly smile and continue to walk while keeping calm. In his past life he was a military genius and was taught by his father who was one of the best military soldiers. He was also extremely smart, so he had always been stared at. He walked through the familiar yet unfamiliar home before heading back to his room to cultivate.