

On his eighteenth birthday Haru finds a letter from his late grandparenst telling him about the secret of his family. After helping out the members of a guild, he ends up releasing an ancient familiar named Leo who tells him the truth about his family. What kind of destiny awaits him as he travels with the Azure Gem Guild to gather the Twelve Zodiacs and go to the Aerial Isles?

Red_Earl · Fantasy
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84 Chs


A guy by the name of Zero who is from Wild Fang, with black hair, white skin and brown eyes is actually an acquaintance of Ella. She introduced me to him and as we were eating Ryuu came to to me.

"Haru, long time no see." Ryuu called out to me. "How have you been? Or do you not know who I am?"

"I'm fine, my guess you were in on their secret too?" I asked him.

"Hahaha, you found out huh? Well the whole family had to keep it from you." He answered to me. "That said, you did it huh? Those keys, you've rewritten the original spell."

"Yeah, it was a dire situation after all. But at least now I can use their power a little bit better." I answered him and just then a man from Secret Sword approached Storm.

"I'm very sorry for the way our teammate treated you!" He had black hair, cream skin and golden eyes. "He... he has an inferiority complex to your guild."

"Ah, don't mind it Alexander." Storm answered.

"Haru... um can you... let us go now?" Aria asked with red face.

"Ah, right sorry." I let go of the girls and noticed a grin on Yuri's face. "What?"

"Who knew master had a possessive side to him." She answered and Neph patted her shoulder and gave her a thumbs up.

"Tilt." I casted the spell on him and he slipped when he tried to talk to a cute girl.

"Hahaha! Nice one!" Dia said as she and Queen burst out laughing.

"Oi, Haru!" He came my direction. "Don't take your anger out on me."

"I don't know what you're talking about." I said with my poker face.

"Haru what kind of magic can you use?" A man with orange hair, brown skin and red eyes asks, he has the Happy Phantasy insignia on the back of his left hand. "I'm Spark Camellia."

"I mainly use Summoning Magic." I answered him.

"Then how'd you cast that spell just now?" A woman with curly pink hair, amber eyes and white skin asks. "Oh, I'm Aria's cousin, I'm Sky."

"Well, I use the Familiars' own magic as if it's my own by channeling their magical power into me." I answered her. "This way I can conserve magical power though I've hardly reached my limit."

"Speaking of Familiars, why do you use Keys?" Glimmer asked.

"Well, I did use Mediums but I had to rewrite the original spell on them due to an incident." I answered her.

"Rewrote the spell?" Clover asked with an excited expression.

"It might be better if I showed you." I told him and they made some space.

"Is this good?" Sky asked and I nodded.

"Medium created by the First Hero, abandon thy old form and be reborn, bring forth an era's end and awaken to the new dawn, Open, Gate of the Giant Crab, Cancer." I held the Cancer Medium in my hands as the light engulfed it and a golden key emerged, with the bow resembling a crab shell and a red jewel with the Cancer symbol on it, with the stem having a golden length and a collar right before the bit which is made to look like a crab claw. As the key which was still covered in golden light formed itself I held it out to the front and the golden light scattered from the key and Cancer emerged.

"I like these new threads." He said, he wore a leather jacket with a sweater vest and a white polo shirt, with jeans and shoes and a golden belt with the Cancer symbol on it and a gun hanging on the side, his red hair having white and black strands having a fringe. "Here, catch."

"Thanks." I said as I caught the gun he tossed to me, he took a kiss before disappearing.

"Haru, that spell was?" Sky asked.

"A spell to change and release the Familiars true power." I answered her as I held the Cancer Key. "I might as well do the others while I'm at it...!!"

"What are you standing around for?" Rogue hit my shoulder and broke the poker face I had on.

I fell on my knees as the pain of the memories surfaced, these memories, they should've surfaced later today... is it because I made three at once or because I've completed the twelve?

"Haru!!" Aria came running my way as the headaches came.

"It's the usual fit, I'll go get him the suppressants." Yue said looking for my bag.

"Here." Ella said handing her the medicine from my backpack which Tetsuya had.

"Is something wrong with him?" Sky asked.

"It's the pain of sealed memories. Haru, how many have you made a contract with?" Ryuu asked offering me the medicine he took from Yue.

"All... Twelve." I answered him.

"I see... then be prepared, it's something that you should remember ." Ryu said handing me water. "The truth about you and our past."

I nodded my and I almost blocked out, the memories came to me as everyone around me was worried and as the memories returned to me, I felt a pang in my chest, a person dear to me... my brother who was sealed in crystal in the Aerial Isles to keep him alive.

"Haru?" Aria placed her hand on my shoulder. "What's the matter?"

"It's nothing... it just, it seems Haru isn't my full name. Haruki Morganite Tsuki." I told her as I stood up. "Seems that it was sealed in head, your free to call me Haru though."

"That so, well as long as you're fine." Camellia said patting my shoulder.

"Are you sure you're fine?" Yue asked and I smiled at her and nodded my head.

I had escaped the group for a bit to recover frrom the painful memories. Haruka... the two of us were siblings, always together and always by each others' side. But on our tenth birthday, something happened to him and mom and dad sealed him in the crystal in the Aerial Isles to heal him.

As I tried to clear my head I was spooked by Tsubaki-san who delivered an unbelievable news. A demon for some reason was detected from somewhere near here. I told him to keep his eyes peeled and ears on the ground. The Demonkin had evolved beyond their violent tendencies now they seek peace and live in different countries with the highest population being in Dark Empire, the nation of Demonkins.

The demon lord of the demonkin and demon lord of demons are different being the fact that the demon lord of the demonkin moves for a future with peace with all the nations while that of the demons is total world destruction. Usually a Hero is the one who kills the demon lord so we better be careful. I'm technically the descendant of countless Heroes since our family has been taking the role of Hero through each generation. Also, a Hero can also be summoned by summoning them from another world but it requires advanced Summoning Magic and high magical power. And our family, the Tsuki Family has actually married a few summoned Heroes. Because some of my ancestors married Heroes the descendants magical power were stronger than normal, adding that with the fact that they've also married beings from different races we gain large amounts of magical power. I'm the fruit of such careful selection, a descendant who carries high magical power and partial abilities of each clan. The high healing abilities of the werewolf race, the longer lifespan of the elven race, the ability to sense magical energy with the air of the fairy race and the stubbornness of the dragonkin.

It's a peaceful era now, if demons were to attack I wonder how we would survive... Well I know I won't let anything happen to my friends and family. "Haru-kun, how are you?" Ella asked as she stood beside me.

"I'm fine Ella, where are the other girls?" I asked her.

"They're still inside... Haru-kun, I heard that demons have been seen nearby from my father." She said and I nodded my head.

"If they attack I'll have to stop them." I told her and I felt someone leaning on my back.

"Don't be reckless, you have us and we'll help you." Yue's voice answered, so she's behind me. "You have us by your side so please remember, we love you and we need you."

"Yeah, don't do something that'll make us worry." Aria said as she popped up beside me.

"Yeah, Haru-san makes us worry too much." Asami said as she joined us.

"Sorry, girls do me a favor and stop using honorifics." I told them and looked at the moon. "We're engaged, I don't want you to call me with honorifics because I feel uncomfortable and it makes you feel distant."

As I stood there with my four fiancees clinging to me, we looked at the clear blue sky.

In evening, I had a strange dream. In a place surrounded by clouds on a tatami mat, with a small coffee table and cushion a woman about my age in looks sat. She had green hair with yellow eyes and white skin, her skin was waist long, with two ribbons on her side locks that were colored blue, she had a small top hat on her hair, she wore a kimono that was violet. On the table were cookies and two cups of tea and a teapot. "Hello, where am I?" I asked as I sat down.

"I'll get straight to the point, you are in heaven. My name is Lita the Goddess of Light and the youngest of the Gods." She greeted me and I almost jumped.