

On his eighteenth birthday Haru finds a letter from his late grandparenst telling him about the secret of his family. After helping out the members of a guild, he ends up releasing an ancient familiar named Leo who tells him the truth about his family. What kind of destiny awaits him as he travels with the Azure Gem Guild to gather the Twelve Zodiacs and go to the Aerial Isles?

Red_Earl · Fantasy
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84 Chs

Chapter 26, Priestess of the Guardians

I turn to see Hermes Town fade away into the distance before taking to the sky once again. They'll be fine... Hermes is there, and I've altered the three Humunculi to be able to fight. They'll be fine. They should be fine, they have the charms to keep them safe as well. I'll only be a bit, just to get to Athena City and back. So until then, please be safe.

Hours turn to days and as a week passes by. I'm dumbfounded, along the cities and towns I passed through, a handful of the Guardians were absent. I've heard about it from Jason and the rest, that the West isn't very stable at the moment but rumours are spreading of a change in the first princess of the Escutcheon Empire. The whispers of war with nations, and even worse spread like wild fire. I'm worried about what is happening but continue my journey. I have to hurry.

One afternoon, as I rested myself under the shade of an oak tree in an uninhabited area I hear the small of a branch. In an instant I turn to that direction but there's no one there. That's when I see a boot on the ground and immediately change to sensing magical energy and sure enough there's someone in front of me. Just a little shorter than and seems to be a girl. The aura suggests she isn't an enemy. It's pure.

"You don't have to hide. I won't harm you." I said as I sat back down. There's a long pause then a voice answers.

"Can we trust you?" A woman's voice said.

I turn my face to that direction, my eyes immediately see the aura of a woman. No. More like, this person, she isn't human. A Guardian I suppose?

"You are?" I asked as the wavy aura of golden hue to my right started walking closer.

"I don't need to tell you who I am. Tell us, can we trust you?" She demanded and I knew who she was.

When I was studying about Guardians, there was one who had a goleen aura and often protected women. If I'm not mistaken, her shrine used to be aorund here before it was destroyed and buried in rubble by a volcanic explosion cuased by an earthquake made by Poseidon when he was drunk and got angered. Though I only heard about it from Zeus.

"You're Hera, one of the First Borns." I said as I leaned back. "I've been looking for you."

"T-this presence! And, that sword and those shoes and shield. What are you doing with Hermes, Zeus and Hestia's Anti-Titan Artifact!!" She demanded.

"They werw given to me." I smiled.

"H-Hera, can we trust him?" A young lady's voice asked.

"We can." She said and they appeared before me.

A woman, about thirty, with golden hair let down her back, white skin and golden brown eyes. Dressed in a sleeveless dress, she stood there beside another girl. A young girl, my age, with sapphire blue eyes, black hair and white skin. Dressed in black shoets with knee high socks and a white frilly blouse with her hair let down her back, a headband with a flower on it A lily.

"Hello, ny name is Haruka Morganite Tsuki." I greeted the two.

"Hermes siad you were looking for us." The odler woman who must be Hera sighed. "If your here, it emans you want my help as well but sorry to say I can't hand you my blessings, right now, they're the only thing binding this girl to this world."

I turn my head to the yiung lady and notice she seems transparent. A ghost? No, not an undead either. Not a wraith from the looks of it. Maybe a Spirit? She lacks the magical energy. That leaves only one last thing. An appariton.

"M-my name is Luna Escutcheon Zeus." The young girl said and this caught my attention. Escutcheon is the family name of the Escutcheon Empire! Does that mean she is the first princess?! "Or her soul at least."

"Soul?" I turned to Hera for an explanation and she tells me.

Apparently Luna-san's soul was driven out of her in order for them to place an artificial soul into it. They did this because they wanted to use her power. Because Luna-san is the Priestess of the Guardians. Apparently the people who want her power are the same people who want to revive the Titans. Hera learnt of her predicament and with Hades and a few others' help, she saved Luna-san before she entered Hades' domain. When Hades brought Luna-san to meet up with her they were ambushed because even though they had the body it turns out the power was in the soul so that mwans they need her. Hades fought against them with Ares and Artemis while Helios, Hephaestus and Persephone sent the two to safety. They lost contact with the others and a few weeks ago, the power Hades imbued into Luna-san to keep her from disappearing was undone, so Hera bestowed her blessings on Luna-san to keep her alive. The two are apparently now headed to Athena City to ask for Athena's help since she might know a way to save Luna-san.

"That puts everything in the clear then." I said.

Why Artemis, Ares, Persephone, Hephaestus and Helios weren't guarding their towns. Why she can't give me her Blessings and why there was said to be rumors of sudden change to the princess of the Escutcheon Empire. My thoughts turn to the Researchers of Lost Wisdom.

"Haruka, your headed for Athena City right?" Luna-san asked.

"Yes. Why?" I asked as I snapped back to the reality.

"Can we go with you?" She asked and I nodded my head. "Really?!"

"Yeah. It's safer this way." I smiled.

We make camo here for the night and as we prepare to settle in for the night, the fumblind of the ground demands our attention. I turn to see a group of Titans, no, nit Titans, Titans are human, these are, animals? Or pergaps demons? Either way, they're charging dught for us!!

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

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