

On his eighteenth birthday Haru finds a letter from his late grandparenst telling him about the secret of his family. After helping out the members of a guild, he ends up releasing an ancient familiar named Leo who tells him the truth about his family. What kind of destiny awaits him as he travels with the Azure Gem Guild to gather the Twelve Zodiacs and go to the Aerial Isles?

Red_Earl · Fantasy
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84 Chs

Chapter 11, Seirei and Maou

As I opened my eyes, a gray cloudy morning had already begun. The clothes I'm wearing aren't cutting it at all. I'll change them into something else.

As I descended from my room, the others are still asleep. I head for the outside and begin with my spell. I make my clothes to suit my preferences and after a few failed tries I get the attire I want.

A black shirt with a white horizontal white stripe on the upper body. A black jacket with blue trimmings on the side that starts from the armpits down to the base of the jacket. Smaller black trimmings half an inch long going down my shoulder to the wrist. A white trimming which goes down the zipper line of the jacket and a gray hood which has a crescent moon on both side. Black pants with golden silver trimmings on the side. black shoes made specially for running and the like. A black ring enchanted with storage magic and activates spells imbued to it and to top it off, a necklace with a silver moon attached to it. I also made a sowrd for convenience.

After making my clothes I moved to making the new humunculus that will do the cooking while I'm away. I'm thinking another male, one with black hair and brown skin with a large build and a olive eyes with a sturdy build compared to the first two.

After making the new humunculus' body, I imbued it with the strand of Takeshi's hair and a mine then activated it.

"Good day, my master." It said standing up.

"Good morning." I answered it. I named the other two Tsuki and Taiyo meaning Sun and Moon, so I'll name this one, Daichi meaning Earth. "Alright, your name is Daichi."

"Yes." He answered.

I imbued him with all the cooking knowledge I had and made sure he would make the dishes the same way I did. Good, with him here I can join Takeshi and the others in their search for a way back.

I went into the shop and it seems that Miyu-san is helping with the cleaning.

"Good morning." I greeted her.

"Good morning." She smiled.

As we were cleaning we heard some commotion outside but ignored it not long after we heard steps rushing to the door.

"Sorry, we're not open yet." I said as I was cleaning.

"Haruka!! There's trouble, we desperately need help!!" Dahlia-san came running in, she was panting and exhausted.

"What's wrong?" I asked her.

"A horde of monsters, they're charging into the city." She exclaimed. "They were spotted a distance from here, about five thousand in all. The guild is hastily gathering all who can fight and a big reward is being offered to anyone who can help."

"We'll help." Takeshi patted my shoulder and I nodded.

"Umm... this is?" She asked staring at Takeshi.

"A cousin of mine, Takeshi." I told her. "We're going."

"Okay." They answered.

I left the humuculi at the shop and headed for the southern are of the town where they saw the monsters.

"What could've caused them to attack together?" Misa asked.

"Maybe someone is controlling them?" Shizuku-san asked.

"Is that even possible?" Jason asked.

"It's the same with Familiar Magic, instead of Summoning Magic as the core of the spell it uses Subjugation or Command Magic as its core." I answered. "However, Subjugation Magic is one of the Seven Forbid Spells. Whoever the magician is, it's highly likely that they're up to no good."

I held my sword in my hand and made sure that it was charged with magical power along with my shield.

"Aren't you nervous?" Veronica asked.

"Not really. It isn't the first time we've seen this kind of thing." Ryusei-san answered.

"Remember, the battle with the wyverns and demons?" Miyu-san asked.

"Yeah. Why do you ask?" I asked them.

"You see, we were helping behind the scenes. Not like Haruki who fought in the frontline, we were more like, watching to make sure he wasn't hurt." Shizuku-san said and I laughed a bit.

"Haruki causes trouble for others a lot, doesn't he?" I laughed and stood up. "But it's because he always pokes his nose in other peoples problems that he got to meet all sorts of people."

"Yeah." The three nodded in agreement.

"Now then, I think I'll go on ahead and fend off their numbers for a bit." I said and I fixed my clothes.

"Oi!! Wait up!!" Takeshi said as my wings spread out. It's similar to Haruki's Divine Trance, I gain divinity but not like his, mine borrows the power of the angels. "Geez!!"

He got up and then his body was engulfed in a silver hue and his body was surrounded by whisps. His hair turned silver and his eyes turned into a green hue.

"Oh ho. I haven't seen magic like this before." A man, no, a drawf? Wearing armor, with black hair and brown eyes and skin stared at me.

"Ett~o? You are?" I asked.

"Master!!" Dahlia-san came running.

"Oh, Dahlia, there you are. What took so long?" He asked her.

"Master?? Does that mean you are the leader of the Hunter Organization?" I asked.

"That's right. Well, I'm the head of this branch. My name is Dres." He answered me.

"What kind of power is this? I've never felt anything like this before." Dahlia-san asked as she stared at me and Takeshi.

"It's something that belongs to our family." He answered. "I'll be rear guard."

"Thanks." I told him and turned to the skies. "In the name of the Heroes' descendant, I order you, Call forth shelter in the time of storm, grant thy blessings upon the restless, Blessings."

I eretected a barrier that should keep everyone alive, but it's better if they don't over do it. I spread my wings and fly towards the enemy and see that there is a lot of them.

It's better if I finish them off in one go than fight them one-on-one if possible. I'll fend off their numbers and the others can take care of the stragglers. Since I'm dealing with monsters I can use full power and get rid of them in one go I think.

"Dance, Azure Flames." My sword was engulfed in a blue flame, I slashed away landing at the center of the horde of monsters.

The fight started and it seems like there are a handful of them that are difficult to deal with. Namely the Orcs and Ogres. This will take a while, some of them have already charged towards the battlefield.

As the battle intensified, I decide it was better to fall back since I've already lessened out their numbers. When I flew back to the battlefield it seems everyone was doing their best but once those pgres and orcs get here, it'll be difficult.

"Takeshi, where are you?" I called out as I landed.

"Over here." He waved at me from the medic tent. He was helping with the injured huh.

"You better be ready. Orcs and ogres, they're coming." I said as I went outside. "I hope my barrier holds."

"Haruka!!" Misa was waving her hand, she and Veronica had a badly wounded Jason propped up in their arms.

"Jason!!" I immediately ran towards them. What the... so many wounds!! A cut in the stomach, left arm and left leg and his body covered in bruises. I immediately casted a healing spell on him and the two. "What caused this?!"

"The monsters, some of them were stronger than we expected." Veronica answered.

"I call upon thee, child of the Sun, shine thy ancient light and bring forth comfort from the strom, Morning Ray." A golden light engulfed the three and their wounds healed in less than a second. "As I feared, Takeshi, take care of the wounded, Dahlia-san, Master, please call back the fighters. I'll cast a spell that'll destroy the monsters in one go."

"Okay then." Dres-san said as he appeared behind me suddenly. "I'd love to see what kind of power this young one has."

"Haruka-sama?" Hime-san and the other three came back with a worried look.

"It's fine. I'm not like Haruki. I can't be killed." I told them as I cast my gaze to the monsters who can't enter the barrier.

"Oi! Master, what's the big idea?!" Voices roared.

"Yeah!! Why'd you call us back?!" Another wailed.

"It seems that the monsters can't get closer?" Dahlia-san said as she stared at mosnters who seem to be trying to break my barrier.

"A high grade barrier that prevents anything evil from entering its range. Blessings." Takeshi answered her. "I'm done treating the wounded. Anyone else who is wounded, come here and get treated."

"I've never seen anything like it before." Jason said as he stood up.

"Because it's not a spell anyone can usually use." I answered and raised my hands to the sky. "Restore."

In an instant, all the wounded were healed and they were back to being at full power.

"Master, what's the plan?" A voice asked and just then I heard a scream and they saw the ogres and orcs approaching, following them are goblins.

"Women are to fall back from the frontline, we can't risk any harm to them." Dres-san announced.

"But then we'd be at a disadvantage, though we already are." Veronica said.

"Then we just need them to freeze in place and kill them right?" I said sighing.

"Is that even possible?" Misa-asked.

"Who do you think you're talking to?" I asked her with a grin. "I can control them in one go."

"Like when you first joined the Organization?" Dahlia-san asked remembering how I made the guy who picked a fight with stop in his tracks.

"Yeah." I answered. "All you haev to do is kill all the monsters after that."

"How long will the spell last?" Master asked.

"As long as I feel like it." I answered.

"I understand. Alright!! You lots, there's your plan, while the enemy is frozen, chomp off their heads!!" Master roared. "After that the Organization will have a party!!"

"Yes!!" Voices answered.

At the front of the barrier I smiled and with a snap of my fingers the barrier fell but the monsters weren't able to move at all.

"Be sure to cut off their heads!!" Master roared as he wielded a halberd.

When we thought we had finaly gotten rid of them we heard a shriek and we turned our heads to it's direction to see a giant figure approaching.

"What is that?!" Voices exclaimed.

"No way?! A Titan?!" Others shouted.

"There's no way we can kill that!!" Another shouted.

"Calm down!!" Master's voice roared. "Take the badly injured and women back into town and activate the Grand Shield. Those who can still fight, follow me!!"

"Master. Wait a moment." I said as I stared into the dirwction of the ten meter creature approaching us. It was definitely a giant human but unlike giants, so that's a Titan. "Takeshi, can you cast Daichi no Tatte?"

"What is that spell? What kind of spell can possibly topple a Titan?!" A voice shouted.

"Yeah. I can, why?" He asked.

"I'm going to use Maou." I answered him and he grabbed my arm.

"Don't you dare!! You need Haruki to cast Yuusha or else you'll go out of control!!" He shouted.

"I just need someone to connect with me after. Someone from the same bloodline." I squeezed his hand. "You can use it right? Seirei."

"I understand." He answered and let go.

"Thanks." I answered him. "Besides, I'm not going to die that easily. After all, Haruki is waiting for me."

"You better not." He said and riased his hand and casted a barrier around the entire area. "Daichi no Tatte."

"Maou." In an instant, the Demon Lord blood in me awakened and I could feel my power go over the limit. I jumped into the air and in a single instant, cut the Titan in half. I burned it for good measure and ran back to Takeshi as quickly as possible trying to maintain my sanity.

"Seirei!!" He came running and our hands joined and my power sudsided and my body was completely drained and I collapsed right there.

Maou, the power to execute the Demon Lord's full power in an instant. It's something that only I can use. Seirei on the other hand is a spell that activates the Spirit blood in a member born to the Spirit-Hero line. It's something each successor to the sub family and main family carry. The power to execute the full power of their line, proving their a descendant of the Heroes, even if they aren't even pure bloods.

As my consciousness faded I only saw Taleshi worrying as to what to do. This cousin of mine, is really nice.